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Posts posted by seasia

  1. Just now, tlandtday said:

    I hope all are able to make a soft landing.  I know this is a bit off topic but here is a list of possible relocation areas if you do decide to stay in SE Asia.   I am excluding places like Singapore and Hong Kong due to high costs and I am also excluding spots like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh due to high pollution levels.


    Siam Reap

    Nha Trang

    Vung Tao


    Kuala Lumpur

    Da Lat



    A number of beach communities near Manila




    I think that JT, the topic starter wants this thread to be about Latin America options.


    Although I have myself crossed the line a bit, just created a thread for any that wish to discuss SE Asia options.


    Feel free to contribute.




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  2. Hi


    The number of alternative location threads seem to be increasing exponentially.


    Vietnam seems popular with some. I have visited, quite liked it but very low chance I would move there.


    Europe/Eurasia likely my choice but if anyone wants to post their experiences thoughts on SE Asia alternatives., feel free to add here.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    If you are retired US citizen and have subscribed to all parts then medical care is free.   When I was younger my employer always paid medical care insurance.  Canada you have to live there 6 months a year.  Retired US military have healthcare paid for in many other countries including Thailand some hospitals direct bill some you have to pay first.  Retired military is a large segment of the expat population. 

    Thank You for your explanation.Interesting.

    So as soon as you retire you stop making contributions and are covered for healthcare costs, is that right ?


    I suppose considering the overall size of the US military personnel, many retired would be covered.

    I had  not given that much thought but your last sentence makes logical sense to me.


    I think for UK citizens  NHS coverage one needs to be UK resident for a minimum of 6 months a year, a somewhat grey area though as some reports suggest you can lose your entitlement after merely 90 days away.


    Health care and standards/costs certainly should be a consideration in deciding where to stay.

  4. Just now, marcusarelus said:

    2004.  Have you ever been to Miami, San Antonio or Corpus Christi?  Miami is 90 miles from Cuba and Texas adjoins Mexico.  It is a different decision for an American than a European.  Many things in America are free.  For example I shop at a military PX for groceries and my health care and medicines are free and I would assume most Americans have the same kind of support system I have in Thailand and America or it is easy to establish.   

    Yes I have been to Miami.


    I do not really understand the Medicare/Medicaid system but have noticed some American posters comment as to the cost of US healthcare being a deterrent to living there. 

    I was actually talking to someone earlier about that subject.

    We were discussing Latin America, he used to spend a lot of time in various countries there.

    Brazil he seemed to rate highly but mentioned that costs had risen and that seemed to be part of the reason he spends his time in Thailand.


    I got the impression he is considering somewhere in South America again.

  5. Just now, marcusarelus said:

    I lived in South Texas within sight of Mexico.  I have hundreds of Mexican friends.  I know and helped and saw thousands of residents of Latin America escape to the United States?  Isn't that good experience?  I find it difficult to understand why anyone would voluntarily go there after my experience.  I lived in Vietnam for 2 years and find it impossible to understand why anyone would choose that place over Thailand and that's based on my experience.  I have also lived in a number of other foreign countries I have moved 27 times if my memory is correct. 


    As I look at it the decision is what country is better for a retired American than America for the same price.  In this thread it becomes what country in Latin America is a better deal than Florida, South Texas and ......?


    And I don't always praise Thailand but we are very limited in what may be said and all the real problems can't be discussed.



    Is living in Texas which is not in Latin America a good experience?

    Sorry IMO not so.


    I am well aware of economic migration.

    That has little to no bearing as to where someone who is not an economic refugee might want to spend time.


    I am not interested in that.


    When was the last time you were in Mexico or any LA country ?

    That would be interesting..

  6. 13 hours ago, marcusarelus said:

    The answers you will get are from people googling stuff.  Why not do that yourself? 



    I do use google.

    However this is a discussion forum.

    Some posters on here have experience of some ( parts of ) LA countries.


    I would rather ask questions on here and be able to make my mind up based on their posting history.


    So as an example I would place a lower weight/importance to someone who only ever praises Thailand and does not ever want to consider other options. Or cannot consider other options.


    I am interested in the views of posters who are balanced.

    There are quite a few here who are.


    We all have different desires/needs/wants.


    • Like 1
  7. Just now, pikao said:

    I have. Spent 14 years in Almeria province. Now I live in Thailand since 7 years. Andalucia (depending on where you stay) has a very bearable climate, also in winter. Lots of sun. Almeria 340 days a year. In the coldest months (Jan./Feb.) you still have an average of 18-20 degrees day and maybe 10-12 in the night. You would like to have some kind of heating device though. Or go to Thailand. The main factor for me was that even when it´s cool, the sun is shining. Very few grey days. Blue...

    To tell you more I would need to know more about your requirements

    If you like you can send me a message and I give you more information

    Hi pikao.


    Thanks for that.

    It was actually Almeria I had been thinking of.

    Climate sounds ideal.


    I will do a little bit more reading and then get back to you with some questions.


    Appreciate your offer.

  8. Just now, Jingthing said:

    Thanks to the O.P. for starting the topic. 

    Alternatives to Thailand that are in ASEAN are always covered well here already.

    I started a thread specifically about alternatives in LATIN AMERICA.

    There are some other possibilities as well that may not fit in the existing topics.


    For examples --

    South Africa (Africa)

    Georgia (Eurasia)

    Armenia (Eurasia)


    Question - would you include EURASIA as fitting in this topic, or not? 



    I know nothing of Georgia and Armenia, anyone who wishes to post about them is more than welcome to do so on here.

    So  yes, it does fit,as would say Turkey which straddles the 2 continents. Which makes it Eurasia,Interesting country.

    South Africa, did know someone who spent half their time there, other half in the UK. Probably not for me but no issue if someone wants to include it.


    As you say  other Asean countries already covered as is Latin America by your own topic so almost anywhere else OK.


    Cold countries I would not be interested in.



    • Thanks 1
  9. Just now, GinBoy2 said:

    Isn't your nationality irrelevant to the visa(s) that she needs to apply for?


    Brexit or not she's going to be applying for a visa on her own anyway


    Is Switzerland in Schengen?




    On your first line, yes should be irrelevant.


    It was not so when I attempted a Schengen visa for my GF for a visit she was questioned as to why I wanted to take her to Italy.


    I am a British national/passport holder .

    British father/Italian mother.


    I prefer Italy, have available property there.

    Provided proof.


    They asked for my Italian  passport , I do not have one.

    I can get one, just have not done so.


    Of no help to the OP but just shows what a minefield the whole tourist visa for Thai nationals is.


    This was pre Brexit.

  10. Hi


    Back on topic with a couple of questions.


    Do either of Colombia or Mexico have a  "state "  ambulance service ?


    To try to explain more, if you were unfortunate enough to have an accident or medical emergency out there, who is coming for you?


    In Thailand it appears it is either the voluntary rescue service or the big private hospitals.

    In the UK it is state service,


    How is the internet in both the mentioned countries ?

    More interested in reliability/stability than costs but answers on either welcome.



    • Thanks 1
  11. Just now, marcusarelus said:

    So far by way of keeping score there are a lot of wannabe Thailand leavers trying Latin America in their minds.  One actually went and lasted a few weeks. 

    Sorry but I think you are being unfair somewhat.


    You are I suppose referring to Captain Jack, he gave both Thailand and Mexico  a try.

    I respect that. Always polite with his posts, he changed his mind.

    Things did not work out for him.


    Many things do not work out in life.


    I do actually have friends that after spending a long time in Thailand decided it was not for them.

    They are not posting here though, hardly surprising considering the abuse some receive if they post that either they have returned "home " or sought an alternative.


    After 20 years experience here, 10 living here, 10 of visiting I have already booked my longest ever break from Thailand.


    Yeah you have of course been here longer, if you are genuinely happy here, I am glad.


    What exactly is the problem with considering other options?


    Once again, as a Brit, Latin America is probably not a natural fit for me.


    Perhaps spend some time there though, yes, that is a strong possibility.


    The thread has educated me.

    Aimed at potential expats but also of equal use to those who might want to spend time out of Asia/Europe/US.


    Some might look in to alternatives and then decide to stay in Thailand.

    Nothing wrong with a Plan B.


    Plenty of useful info.

    • Like 2
  12. Hi


    Just watched the video, not too keen on him but did like his points about interest rates on some of his preferred choices.

    That made a bit of sense to me.

    I do not agree with his view of avoiding US or Euro centric countries.

    The former is the No.1 currency in the world.


    As to buying property , agree with you rather than him.

    If young, yes, maybe but when older maybe not.


    On a personal basis, still retain my property in my birth country but it ( UK ) is not one I would really want to live in.

    Climate does not suit.


    Colombia and Mexico have nice climates( those being the 2 Latin America countries I have spent most time looking in to.}


    Plenty of other choices out there.


    As to your comments about topics on different region choices, I did actually start one, which would include Eastern Europe.


    I know you want this , your topic to stick to Latin America and early on some posters did mention European alternatives ( yep Off Topic )


    I started one, hope you do not mind me posting a link to it.







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  13. 18 hours ago, Larssonn said:

    Not a big writer but more of the reading type and must say .....


    absolutely one of the best threads ive read on theese forums .


    great job both to the op and the others informative postings .


    For thai visa issues i think sting where it hurts , before one had quite much money here now keeping nothing and own nothing except home for personal use only not to feed rentals to richer thais , no investment nothing else .


    declared unwanted = goes for my money too


    one thing i feeel missing about ph is about investment ....does ph banks give anything and are there and market for condo rentals ?


    i did read about the problems buying but are there agencys sorting all or anyway to make it abit easier and quicker buying condos ?


    also is it a safe procedure to buy ?


    keep up the good work will continue to follow 



    I have no knowledge of banks or investment in PI.


    I do follow the economies of the US, UK and some EU countries as I do some derivative/stock trading


    This website might be of interest maybe ?


    Seems generally well balanced.





  14. Hi KB


    I do not know whether it is within your preferred area  and you are probably already aware of the place but this seems popular with some, not new though.


    Prices seem keen. Not been there myself. Maybe too far out. Friend of mine considered it but decided against on location




    Siamburys still going from what I have heard.


    Not Darkside but some reasonable deals available in naklua which is where I live.

    Further back from the main naklua road the better the value.

    If of any interest could make some suggestions.



    • Thanks 1
  15. Sorry but it is incredible to me although on here not surprising that those who are looking at alternatives to Thailand seem to get attacked.


    Latin America not a  natural choice for me and doubt I would go live there however I have found it a fascinating thread.


    I am sure I could quite happily spend some time there.


    Helps that I am not a negative person.


    The countries that I have looked at in the region are generous with tourist visas, as a UK passport holder I can do up to 180 days in 3 of the countries I have looked in to.

    Costs seem OK/acceptable.

    Food styles seem OK.

    I like Latino style music, a minor point maybe.

    Flights  from Europe keenly priced.


    Already booked 4 flights heading for a 5 month stay in Europe, do not wish to change those.

    If I had not would likely book a visit to Panama City and Columbia.

    Another time.


    All advance preparation for Plan B.


    It is good to look in to options.

    • Like 2
  16. Hi


    Argentina ?


    I guess this is off most people s options list due to economic instability/inflation.

    I have never been there, actually only ever been to Mexico within the Latin America area.


    Putting economic instability aside ( not actually an issue for me ) what are the positives and negatives ?

    On reading, it seems cheap, good quality food and wine.

    Accommodation seems cheap.

    Climate, depends on area I suppose.


    Is is safe ? As they are suffering economic hardship is there a fair chance they would welcome visitors ? Seems logical.


    I am a fair way off my birth country s retirement age so no pension.

    Have property rented out and stock investments as well as doing some trading online.


    Residency is not of high priority to me.


    Climate , food, public transport ( gave up driving   and would prefer not to start again ) and a solid internet connection are some of my priorities.



    For anyone interested in economics related to Argentina a link to a fairly good quality reuters article, from late last year.

    Nothing in the article for potential expats nor visitors, it is simply business/economics.







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