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Posts posted by mochafan

  1. Irish trash , if he want to sell drugs do it in Ireland. At least he will get a decent meal in prison there. Now his life will be like hell for a long time.

    Pot...not Heroin or meth....big difference. If you don't like pot...don't smoke it. Simple as that. Many people around the world enjoy smoking pot. More people drink and die from alcohol. Are they trash? Do you drink alcohol? If you do. YOU'RE trash, right? You want this young man to suffer, why? You don't sound like a caring person just from your statement here. He made a mistake and you are cheering for him to suffer...how sad for you. You're no better than this guy. Get off your self-righteous high-horse, please.

  2. I think the overstay fine should be increased to 1000 Baht per day with a maximum fine of Baht 100,000 (100 days) and anything over 100 days should be prison and the banning from Thailand for up to 5 years.

    why? How does it affect you so much? How would you benefit from this? Because it sounds like you're not benefiting or something right now so you are upset about things that really don't affect you...maybe you feel upset that you do everything they tell you, and some people don't...big deal...and goodie for you...that's YOUR choice. If a good person overstays, who are they hurting?...and i mean a person who is not a pedephile, or thief, or a 'real' criminal. Really...not hurting a soul.

    Because its done in Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei etc. and the laws in Thailand are just to lax. How long have the 20k max fine been in place? 30+ years and it was never updated?

    If the fines and penalty are higher a lot of peoples will not overstay their visa.

    If your neighbor 'overstayed ' their visa, how would that affect your life? Seriously.

  3. The penalties are not harsh enough ! But it is about time. Thousands of dodgy foreigners are crapping in their pants right now. GOOD!

    And what is a dodgy foreigner? And why do you think the penalties are not harsh enough? When i left THailand last year( 3 years overstay), how did that affect you in any way whatsoever? There are really much worse things going on in this world to worry about, really.

    As a foreigner, what you do in Thailand reflects on all foreigners in Thailand, even if they would rather not be associated with people like you.

    when i was in Thailand i was very polite, had many Thai Friends and students, held the door open for people, waited patiently in line, smiled at strangers and so on. Yes, i agree how a foreigner's behavior(especially in public) reflects on all foreigners. Overstaying a visa is not in that category. Some of my friends knew that i had overstayed and some didn't. We talked about it and they didn't care because they said they liked me and it didn't affect them. If you feel that someone overstaying a visa affects you, i'm sorry you feel that way, but you have a choice to leave as well if you don't like it.

  4. I think the overstay fine should be increased to 1000 Baht per day with a maximum fine of Baht 100,000 (100 days) and anything over 100 days should be prison and the banning from Thailand for up to 5 years.

    why? How does it affect you so much? How would you benefit from this? Because it sounds like you're not benefiting or something right now so you are upset about things that really don't affect you...maybe you feel upset that you do everything they tell you, and some people don't...big deal...and goodie for you...that's YOUR choice. If a good person overstays, who are they hurting?...and i mean a person who is not a pedephile, or thief, or a 'real' criminal. Really...not hurting a soul.

  5. good overstayers are nothing but trouble for the rest of us who abide by the rules, it's not hard.

    And what is a dodgy foreigner? And why do you think the penalties are not harsh enough? When i left THailand last year( 3 years overstay), how did that affect you in any way whatsoever? There are really much worse things going on in this world to worry about, really.If you want to obey all of the silly rules and not 'overstay', that's fine...doesn't affect me. And if i or someone else overstays, it doesn't affect you either...at all. You just let it affect you by letting it upset you.

  6. The penalties are not harsh enough ! But it is about time. Thousands of dodgy foreigners are crapping in their pants right now. GOOD!

    And what is a dodgy foreigner? And why do you think the penalties are not harsh enough? When i left THailand last year( 3 years overstay), how did that affect you in any way whatsoever? There are really much worse things going on in this world to worry about, really.

  7. We met in the party at the beach,

    We lived together in her room for 3 weeks ,

    Woke up every morning and went with her to the shop and etc,

    Her sister sell clothes and all the surroundings.

    I have been in Thailand 4 years ago for 30 days,

    And this time I was 47 days, met her in the last trip. And now we are more then a week each on his own country.

    I think just to try first and not rush on buying a place, if it will be a scam then I"ll lose a rent payment, I'm 26 years old , I think I can fix it if I lose a rent payment, and I can look this as a trip also (just thinking haha I am here because I don't sure yet about everything, if I was sure about the way I wouldn't post here to hear all of your advices)

    Of course if we will think to open it won't be in the 1st day I arrive, and of course I won't be the only 1 who pays. She even told me that I can work in any other thing and not open together anything,

    Just be together.

    Your call guys smile.png

    you've known her 77 days? and you believe everything she says? 'she told me this...she told me that.'I hate to say this but you do sound very naive about certain things in Thailand. All i can say is SUCKER!!!!!

    you already knew what you're going to do before asking for advice. And of course a 26 year old knows everything. THe people on here tried to help you...but you really don't want help. Maybe you think because you don't know anyone on this forum that they know nothing and are trying to scare you. Well, good luck!! That's all i can say.

  8. Is a disgrace, man made disaster - The UN for what it is worth,,,? as me ol mum used to say: All Fur Coat and no Knickers!

    The so called developed world should be laying differances aside and coming up with solutions pretty pronto, but I suppose where there is no financial gain to be made, in the final anyalasis no one really gives a $ h it?

    World leaders should hang their heads in shame, all of them.

    Me ol Mum? What the hell is that?

  9. She also got angry more because she say:

    "My sister live here 10 years , i am here for more then 1 year, i have many friends here, you can come look first and think , you are not stupid, and even if you dont trust me you can open alone and if need help i will help you get a worker, not me if you dont want"

    Making me feel so ashamed that I brang up the issue to her... What is your opinion guys?

    that feels not right. seriously.

  10. Yeah I am here, read all the answers and here is my :

    My girlfriend has already a shop in phi phi more than 1 year.

    I met her there at the beach.

    I know to speak thai language enough to understand and make myself understood by others.

    I asked her about the problems you mentioned and she first got angry and she said that she doesnt know anything about this, and that there are many nepals that own shops and etc.

    So now I think about this method:

    Going to visit her for 2 weeks and learn the field,

    If it will look like we cannot do it (of course I will Ask the other not locals people about everything, even about the payment to the police as she said) then we dont, and if it looks like we can so we will.

    What you think?

    How long have you known your GF? How long have you been together? How long have you lived in Thailand? How and where did you meet each other?

    I hate to agree with the other comments here, but sir, sincerely, you are making a very big mistake. BEWARE...do not just automatically trust your Thai GF...they can be very cunning. Many foreign men have been in the exact situation you are in now and lost everything and many of them end up committing suicide. That's why you are getting the warnings from others here....it's because they care and hate to see another guy lose everything because 'love/lust is blind' If you have to put money into this venture, don't expect to see that money again. There is a high chance you won't. If anything, take your time, don't let your GF push you or manipulate you. You may think everything is fine now between you two, but if your relationship has any problems in the future, you're screwed. Yes, of course there are guys with good, healthy relationships in Thailand, and i'm sure there are some good honest and loving Thai women, however, the fact is, there are a lot of golddiggers and parasites in Thailand( yes, and in other countries) who have no scruples.

  11. You'd rather break the law then do the right thing. You have problems.

    sometimes breaking the law is doing the right thing. What's wrong with 'overstaying?' That word 'overstay' is just a cliche. I was told by a former General that an overstay is comparable to a parking ticket....and he laughed. There are more important things in life to worry about....especially when it affects you in no way. So you don't like it...get over it and move on. GEEZ! Let's say a person buys alcohol during a time designated 'illegal'...does that affect you, too? does that person have a problem? Who knows,Maybe you're the one with the problem....ya never know.

    • Like 1
  12. If you cant do the time dont do the crime.

    Anybody dealing drugs is dealing DEATH. scum of the earth.

    interesting. Have you ever tried Ecstasy? Probably not. Have you tried any drug? Maybe not. Do you drink alcohol? I'm guessing you do. should people be put in prison for selling alcohol or cigs? You might want to look at your pict here....some people might think you are scum of the earth just by looking at your pict. Just my opinion. And you had your opinion about drug dealers...same same.

  13. But this is coming from a country which also tramples on the rights of its own citizens, invades other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, detains citizens of other countries without trial and those persons only defenders are appointed by the the US military. Some of those people have been arrested in countries other than the USA and many of them have been awaiting trial for years.

    It regularly sends drones to kill people in other countries and worries little if anything about "collateral damage" to that countries citizens.

    Civilians in the USA are regularly killed by the police forces within the USA.

    It supports freedom of speech but when it comes to Wikileaks it wants to prosecute to the nth degree those people that expose the truth.

    It supports dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world.

    When you live in a glass house it is not always a good idea to throw stones.

    I grew up in the US and i'm supposed to be proud to be an American...i don't know what to say theses days. I totally hate the US government now. They have lost credibility....so i totally agree with you.

  14. Ironic, they arrest a Thai lottery vendor for overcharging 10 baht, but taxi drivers, tuk-tuk's, jet-ski's ... who have been ripping off the public for years, go scot free. Where's the logic in that ?

    The lottery vendor is ripping off Thais.....the others are ripping off tourists.

    ..................."The lottery vendor is ripping off Thais.....the others are ripping off tourists.".........................

    Stupid comment. Piss poor effort at Thai bashing, very amateurish.

    Got news for you pal, foreigners, like me, buy lottery tickets. And I am sure I am not the only one. And it may shock and surprise you but Thai people use taxis too and they do get over charged as well. My wife and her friends complain about it all the time.

    That was a general statement....how was that Thai bashing? That 'thai bashing' phrase is just overused by over sensitive people and usually add that they have a Thai wife...it's funny, but cute now. I have Thai friends who would probably agree with the man's statement not feel threatened by it.

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