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Posts posted by mochafan

  1. I always thought marriage was to procreate and provide a stable environment for children. In western society , these days, civil partnerships provide as much security for 'partners' and children as marriage does. So, marriage has really become symbolic as far as partnership rights are concerned.Who gives a sh*t, except religious followers. Those that follow a specific set of personal beliefs have to adhere to the laws of society that they live in, if they do not wish to, they are democratically allowed to leave and live in a society with different laws. If they do not they are allowed to use their right of free speech to criticise who or what they dislike, as long as they do not encourage law breaking. Similarly, those of gay persusion should not try and impose their views upon a society opposed to those views.


    "I always thought marriage was to procreate and provide a stable environment for children."

    So you think that infertile persons, like women past menopause, and veterans with war injuries that render them unable to have children should be forbidden to marry? Wow! What you always though was wrong.

    "In western society , these days, civil partnerships provide as much security for 'partners' and children as marriage does."

    Wow! There are no "civil partnerships" in Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, or Tennessee. Nor in the 32 other states with marriage equality. Nor in the 16 states that don't have marriage equality. Nor in any Federal district or territory. So "civil partnerships" don't provide anything. Who told you this nonsense? Was is Fox News? It was Fox News, wasn't it?

    "So, marriage has really become symbolic as far as partnership rights are concerned."

    Wow! According to the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO), there are 1,138 statutory provisions in which marital status is a factor in determining benefits, rights, and privileges. You think health insurance, the right to reside with your family, and military housing are "symbolic"? Why do you hate soldiers and sailors so much? Did a woman in uniform peg you? Why do you want to take mothers away from their babies? Why do you want sick children to be denied healthcare? Wow!

    "Who gives a sh*t,"

    Tens of millions of gay people, and the people who respect them.

    "Those that follow a specific set of personal beliefs have to adhere to the laws of society that they live in,"

    Cool, because the laws of society allow marriage equality in 36 states. And the law allows all other states to adopt marriage equality. So you're a supporter of gay marriage. Thanks. You're doing the right thing. The thing your masters at Fox News didn't tell you is that the law isn't clear. So we don't know yet how to adhere to them. That was made clear in the article, but I guess the big words confused you.

    "if they do not wish to, they are democratically allowed to leave and live in a society with different laws."

    And if you don't like it, you are democratically allowed to f/u/c/k right off.

    "If they do not they are allowed to use their right of free speech to criticise who or what they dislike,"

    You know what else they are allowed to do? Seek judicial review. And that's what's happening. So I guess you're very happy about this litigation.

    "as long as they do not encourage law breaking."

    I'll bet you said that when women were not allowed to vote. And when black people were not allowed to attend Ole Miss. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE LAW, LEAVE THE COUNTRY! MLK BELONGS IN JAIL FOR ENCOURAGING PEACEFUL PROTEST!

    "Similarly, those of gay persusion should not try and impose their views upon a society opposed to those views."

    THOSE OF THE FEMALE PERSUASION AND THOSE OF THE NIGGER PERSUASION SHOULD NOT TRY AND IMPOSE EQUALITY UPON A SOCIETY OPPOSED TO IT! Guess what, Grandpa, a decisive majority of Americans support marriage equality! So you should not try and impose your bigotry upon a society opposed to second class status for gay people. How does it feel to lose? Are you crying?

    Well said

  2. The law is the law. I just got back from a visa run this morning 1am, long, hot and tired uninspiring journey but I did it. He is just lazy, you cant mistake your visa by 3 weeks...maybe 3 days

    i overstayed my visa 3 years...no problem. I didn't hurt anyone. so what's the problem? 'The law is the law' is just a cliche. Some laws are just plain silly.

    In my youth I used to drink and drive... no problem. I didn't hurt anyone. so what's the problem?

    "The law is the law" is just a cliche. Some laws are just plain silly.

    drinking and driving...hmmm. How does that even compare to overstaying a visa?

  3. The law is the law. I just got back from a visa run this morning 1am, long, hot and tired uninspiring journey but I did it. He is just lazy, you cant mistake your visa by 3 weeks...maybe 3 days

    i overstayed my visa 3 years...no problem. I didn't hurt anyone. so what's the problem? 'The law is the law' is just a cliche. Some laws are just plain silly.

  4. There are rules in this world, and they get even more strictly and more in the future. If you not can follow the rules, then stay home where you come from.

    Why? How do they affect you? If you want to obey stupid immigration rules....by all means, do it. Nobody is forcing you to. you choose that. That's your business.... and if somebody doesn't want to...that's his or her business. As long as he/she understand the risk, and it's not hurting anyone i see no problem.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    If I ever get Alzheimer’s or any other fatal disease, I would prefer my family to take me to a euthanasia clinic and not to a tattoo artist.

    As long as no one would miss you, i suppose that would be fine!

    either way is fine whether somebody misses you or not...it's a personal decision. A person will most likely be missed no matter how they die. We all will die someday. To force someone to be a zombie just because you'd miss them is simply cruel.

    • Like 1
  6. They are not ladyboys. They are men.

    Correct, They are MEN, who have had their bodies chopped to bits to look like women. And its all in the chase for Money.

    They wait like predators, not surfacing until after midnight to take advantage of the drunken Farangs.

    Not All ladyboys are bad. Yes it's easy to stereotype when you read so many negative stories about ladyboys...Usually in Pattaya or other tourist hotspots. There are many good, polite, friendly, kind, intelligent ladyboys, also. i've met a few and got to know them. They worked at a cafe in Bkk that i like. Very friendly and pleasant to talk to. Not once did they act like thieving bitches. Your comment here, well, You just sound ignorant or maybe you're attracted to ladyboys and you're angry or frustrated that they aren't 'real' women. And BTW, if your weren't aware, many people have cosmetic/plastic surgery these days.



    What can you do? A forum search would be a good start so that overstay implications aren't discussed again!
    How does somebody overstay at all, let alone 3 years, without taking some positive action?
    I'm more interested in that
    OP you didn't answer the question asked twice. Why did you overstay that long? Being uncomfortable on buses is not an answer. That could mean no more than your jox were too tight.
    Why did you overstay so long?

    Very rude question none of your business why he is on overstay



    Apparently he thought so too, because he hasn't responded.


    I have difficulty understanding how someone's life can be so disorganized that he can't comply with the law of the land in which he is living/staying.  It doesn't seem difficult to me, but I guess the fact that there is a whole range of intellects and organizational skills among those with whom we share the planet, spells it out.


    Do as the Romans do , right?  Why not? You sound a bit jealous of people whose decision to overstay does not affect you or your life in any way. To each his own.

  8. They shouldn't have committed crimes......no prison anywhere is meant to be like the Hilton!

    Thank-you. I thought I was pretty anal as a uniformed cop years ago when on occasion getting caught up in the us against them mob mentality. It's good to know that I'm not completely alone with the hole attitude about which side of the bars and law we might find the bigger criminals on.

    Keep the faith and keep them all chained and shackled on road gangs to learn that nothing in the world comes without a cost. clap2.gifbeatdeadhorse.gifsorry.gif

    you sound like a pathetic person.....really!

  9. What rehabilitation?

    Send them to jail, so they can pray hard, when the inmates ask them to bend over.

    Why make such a vulgar comment?

    Do you really think they, or anyone, should go to jail for taking drugs?

    Do you really wish such suffering on other humans?

    why not? Guys like that (pretending to be monks) should be taught a hard lesson. Mai pen rai just doesn't cut it.

  10. US expresses concern over Thai political situation and power seizure

    BANGKOK, 9 April 2014 (NNT) – The United States has handed a letter to the Thai government expressing grave concern over the political situation and the possibility of a power grab.

    US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Daniel R. Russel and US Ambassador to Thailand Kristie Kenney attended a meeting with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday.

    Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said after attending the meeting that the US delegation handed a letter from US Secretary of State John Kerry, which expressed concern over the political situation in Thailand, to Ms. Yingluck.

    Mr. Surapong added that the US was especially against a military coup or seizure of power. The US was also worried over the effects the problems in Thailand would have on ASEAN as a whole, as Thailand was unable to initiate any new policies in the multilateral arena due to the caretaker status of the government.


    -- NNT 2014-04-09 footer_n.gif

    Given situations in Asia, Thailand is of strategic interest. Stability is important, and the tough part for the US and allies is siding with the winning side. China sits idly by watching.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    The US hasn't had a very good record of siding with any side, in the World...It supported dictators like Marcos (Phillipines) and ruthless ones in South America in the past, along with the murderous (several) leaders in South Vietnam, during the Vietnam war. Who cares what the US thinks. It's an Empire that is on the verge of collapsing wai2.gif

    I was born American, but i agree with you on who cares what they think. Which empire would you prefer to take it's place?...Chinese, British, Russian or another one? Because if the US 'empire' collapses another will take it's place.



    Why did you overstay for so long?

    Why not?


    Simple,If you get caught you end up in the monkey house


    i've met people who have overstayed years....they have never had a problem....and don't care about an overstay. I was told by a police officer that an overstay is like a parking ticket or speeding ticket. People overstay in countries all over the world ...big deal! it doesn't affect anyone except immi officials. Most overstayers don't end up in the monkeyhouse. That's just trying to scare people. 

    • Like 2
  12. They should just set a bar say 25k baht a month spent in country for continued stay then enforce the work laws. This is mostly directed at teachers abusing the visa system. I am a professional vacationer and have spent loads of money in the almost 4 years I have been here why should I suffer for people working on tourist visas when I can show that I spend above the average middle class Thai family a month?

    Nobody is requiring you to 'suffer'..if you are 'suffering'..it's because you choose to, or just think you are 'suffering'.

  13. Why do you think visa runs are horrible? I do regular runs to Mai Sai from Chiang Mai. OK it's a long bus trip but I usually overnight there or in Chiang Rai to break the journey and enjoy the evenings. Visa runs can be fun, at least the one I do. What is it that make visa runs horrible from other locations? I'm interested because I think sometimes of relocating and would 'factor in' areas which have the horriblest runs. Which are the worst? Is it more than just a question of distance?

    Sorry, but visa runs are sometimes not affordable for people living on a small budget.

    If you cannot afford to do visa runs you should not be here in the first place.

    why not? Everyone has the right to choose where they want to live and if they want to obey immigration or not. Immigration is just a legalized Mafia. If you want to do visa runs...go for it. That's your choice.

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