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Posts posted by mochafan

  1. Why do you think visa runs are horrible? I do regular runs to Mai Sai from Chiang Mai. OK it's a long bus trip but I usually overnight there or in Chiang Rai to break the journey and enjoy the evenings. Visa runs can be fun, at least the one I do. What is it that make visa runs horrible from other locations? I'm interested because I think sometimes of relocating and would 'factor in' areas which have the horriblest runs. Which are the worst? Is it more than just a question of distance?

    Sorry, but visa runs are sometimes not affordable for people living on a small budget.

    If you cannot afford to do visa runs you should not be here in the first place.

    why not? Everyone has the right to choose where they want to live and if they want to obey immigration or not. Immigration is just a legalized Mafia. If you want to do visa runs...go for it. That's your choice.

  2. Why not arrest all the Thais selling them in the first place

    Doh! Hello: Because they don't claim it's the real thing, and sell them for a couple hundred baht! Hence no scam. Just copyright violation (on both sides) but no scam.

    This on the other hand is a scam.

    And the guy is toast; good. One less in Pattaya.. quite a few to go. wink.png

    copyright violation is a scam too, just because you accept it does not make it alright

    doesn't make it wrong just because someone says it's wrong either.
  3. What is going on with spate of suicides of late? I know clinical depression is a killer though it seems to be on a daily basis. So sad for the codger and his family. If you're feeling down anybody, let someone know. In fact all your friends or even on TV. Their is a severe lack of help in Thailand for the I'll. Please reach out you will be surprised how many out here care.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    64 maybe he was just ready to go... No need to reach out for help. 64..too old for me. No need to live forever...especially in the f**ked up world we live in now. It's NOT getting any better.

  4. What is going on with spate of suicides of late? I know clinical depression is a killer though it seems to be on a daily basis. So sad for the codger and his family. If you're feeling down anybody, let someone know. In fact all your friends or even on TV. Their is a severe lack of help in Thailand for the I'll. Please reach out you will be surprised how many out here care.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    64 maybe he was just ready to go... No need to reach out for help. 64..too old for me. No need to live forever...especially in the f**ked up world we live in now. It's NOT getting any better.

  5. Why does it bother you so much what she thinks or how she reacts ? whatever her opinion or attitude is, does not need justifying to you does it ?

    You have to remember that western morals and ideals etc have no place here and are often confusing and even irritating to other cultures etc and are viewed as equally crazy or whatever to them as they are to us.

    I have to share space with Thais every day. And I'm happier understanding my hosts reactions, behavoir, customs, etc. than I am thinking they're insensitive <deleted>.

    Good for you. But it doesn't work for everyone. Not everyone wears rose tinted glasses.

  6. I find it interesting/amusing the number of people who can't seem to remember the date when their visa/extension expires. I thought that would have been on of the more important items to commit to memory.

    I find it interesting/amusing the number of people who post on here with their holier than thou attitude. How does it feel to be perfect in life and never make mistakes?

    I find it interesting/amusing the number of people who post on here to gloat and boast about their overstay "mistakes".

    overstaying isn't a big deal.

  7. These incidents reflect badly on all foreigners visiting Thailand, even though it is an individual committing the crime, on a subconscious level in the Thai public mind these crimes tarnish the image of all visitors. We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.



    "We are honoured guests, and as guests should behave properly and maintain high personal standards regardless of how the local corruption situation may be.


    You have got to be kidding!!

  8. Next time you are in the states, take a trip to one of the nursing homes.

    Lots of people staring off into space, slobbering without knowing it, eating tiny amounts of food, and getting skinny-er by the day.

    Many of them are in their 80s and 90s.

    It doesn't look like much fun and they don't smile or laugh much.

    So, whether technology advances, robots take care of us or not, no nuclear wars or radiation getting out of hand, I don't know if I will want to live past 85 or 90.

    Like others said, just do all you can now and don't worry too much about who is going to take care of you when you're too old to take care of yourself.

    Seriously, why would anyone want to live that old? Even 75 or 80. What the hell kind of life can a person lead at that age? I see many old people barely able to walk , can't hear or see very well, Probably need help using the toilet...probably can't wipe their own ass. A burden on their family. NO Way! how selfish.

  9. I can't see that you are being blackmailed, drrobert. The lady in question has requested you settle compensation for killing her dog.

    There's half a dozen soi dogs here and nobody advertises ownership, but if I killed one then I would expect to be informed pretty sharpish.

    Why don't you settle and have done with it.

    He's being blackmailed. Right now someone wants 200,000 from me for a watch he said i broke( i was acting in self-defense and the watch story was made up)...He and his GF also were asking for 1,000,000 baht for mental and physical damage...until the police laughed at them. I'm not sure if it's a scam or just 2 spoiled rich kids taking advantage of a situation and me. Good luck to DrRobert.

  10. The restraint shown thus far is commendable. Well done team red, the better people without doubt.

    Is this to be entered for the joke of the year, or are you just kidding?

    Sore losers illegally storm and take control of government offices. Civilian leader refuses his own arrest....

    The restraint is commendable.

    Well done team red, far better than these uppity idiots. wai2.gif

    Haha...you're funny.

  11. At least one side is showing some maturity and common sense and wants an end to the violence. Now if only the yellow shirts would grow up and follow the lead and put an end to this Kaos.

    you really think they made this decision out of maturity and common sense? HA HA...that's funny! sorry, but from what i've seen here in thailand, maturity and common sense are two qualities most people don't possess.

  12. Meanwhile Deputy Prime Minister Phongthep Thepkanjana said, "We understand that the protest leaders are trying hard to force the government to use violence in order to increase their support fortheir own benefit.

    Absolutely! It's a tactic straight out of the UDD copy book.

    And fortunately the current governemment is showing more restraint. So far.

    Agreed. PM Yingluck is handling the situation extremely well. The police must begin to protect government buildings - that is what they are supposed to do. The protesters don't have any right to repeatedly occupy government buildings. Right on, YL...you go, girl!!

    Same thing the government did during the Redshirt protest in 2010...did nothing(restraint) for awhile and then ...'BAM!'

  13. I've been rich and I've been poor. I've had it all and lost it a couple of times. Never, ever, have I considered suicide as an solution to my problems. As miserable as it was to be destitute, even living in my car for a time in the dead of winter, I still had my most valuable possession......my life! At least if you're alive, you've got a chance to change things, you've got potential. Now, sitting here in LOS, with a beautiful wife and a comfortable life, I can look back on the bad times and be thankful I didn't decide to throw it all away in a moment of desperation.

    Good for you. I'm sorry there is no medal to hand out.

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