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Everything posted by jvs

  1. KSR was already changing before the pandemic, They "improved "it so much it nearly collapsed onto itself. It worked well,there was no need to fix it. Bangkok will never be Singapore.
  2. I read the news his morning,rip Graeme Edge. I had to go to town and this song came on the radio,
  3. There is a SNL page on You tube,did you check there?
  4. I see it almost the same as some older Europeans still hating the Germans,time to let go and move on.
  5. You are pretty close to how a lot of Thais see them,and what is taught in schools. Myanmar has been an enemy for many years in the past and the Thais have a hard time forgetting that.
  6. AS far as i know your passport number is not on your pink ID card. The number of the yellow book is on there?
  7. Yes i found out it was the Wave X,there are some around in Thailand. Also found out it is not difficult to install the disc brake on the rear wheel. Lots of kits available for different prices.
  8. Only for the rich people,the poor or whom have lost their jobs will have no money to travel or spend.
  9. Thank you,yes maybe the one i saw was an import.
  10. It was a new Honda wave sold by the Honda dealer,i even had a brochure.
  11. A few years ago(could be ten years or so)there was a Honda wave for sale with a disc brake both in front and in the back. I tried to find it on the net but all i get is the after market disc brake information I looked at this bike in the shop but i did not buy it because it did not have electric start. Does any one know what year this bike was and maybe have a link?
  12. Thailand is not really known in the world for the forests and trees. What do people think of when they hear the word Thailand? Yes, temples and food.
  13. Simple answer,depends on what you are running. Thailand is 220 volts if you have electrical equipment from the US then Yes you need one.
  14. No more burning?That could be fixed within a year,If they want it to stop. .
  15. Close ,i think we both know what kind of bees we talk about.Is this picture PC? Some one may be offended because hers are smaller and she only has to taps. Not easy these days.
  16. Not much of a joke,i would be more interested if you post a picture of a boo-bee,you know the kind that gives milk.
  17. Really?How many tourists they think will be coming? Dust of and check the oil on 10% of the taxis will be more then enough. Oh,and please check the brakes and tires. On the other hand,just get a few of your buddies to give you a push start and you will be good to go.
  18. Looking for a few milk goats,Saanen if possible. Does any one know? Thanks.
  19. Not good to give this to little kids but i doubt very much it acts like poison. A very long sleep and they will be fine again. @ Justanotherhun,fine piece of sarcasm.
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