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Everything posted by jvs

  1. I am located near Cha-am and you?
  2. Back from the trip already a few days,camped close to Hua-hin. Was very nice and quiet over there but i guess the same would go for every where at the moment. End of the month a week long trip,looking forward to that one.
  3. I send you a pm with the info. Yes we have a pretty big yard,driveway is 80 meters long and we have another 4 rai of garden.
  4. I blame half of those accidents at night on the dark film on the window,if your windshield is not 100% clean or it is raining just a little bit or there are no street lights ,you just can not see clearly! Combined maybe with a few drinks or not paying attention the results are often deadly. Imo the moment a driver flees the scene he/she/it is guilty! Blaming the victims seems to be a favorite past time of certain posters here,it must be nice to be a superior being.
  5. I have no power,not a lot of money but some intelligence,i think if you have confidence in yourself(not arrogance) you can come a long way and not only in relationships.
  6. Not my idea of beauty at all,plastic and silicone in at least 3 places(four) places. I like a natural beauty and they do not have to be perfect.
  7. We had a Korean made leaf blower for 3 years,it was more at the repair shop then actually working. Nearly one year ago we bought a Makita backpack 4 stroke blower,amazing what a fantastic machine!Silent,has more power then you really need and uses very little fuel compared to a 2 stroke. EB300TH is the model we have but they also have bigger models. To give some perspective,in the old days it would take all day to sweep the yard. With the Terrible Korean orange machine(handheld)it would take 3 hours,again once we got it running that is. New Makita?We can do the whole yard in about one hour and it being a back pack is a very nice option,does not make you tired at all. Bought it online in Bangkok.
  8. Longer trip scheduled in April,3 weeks Cambodia jungle trip.I am not going on that one,takes too long but anything up to a week i can go.
  9. I have camped in that area a few times already,i really like camping on the beach. You basically can pitch your tent any where you like in Thailand,nobody seems to care. We usually camp near a place where they sell food and drink and if we eat and drink there they let us use the facilities.
  10. I have camped in that area a few times already,i really like camping on the beach. You basically can pitch your tent any where you like in Thailand,nobody seems to care. We usually camp near a place where they sell food and drink and if we eat and drink there they let us use the facilities.
  11. Not my first time out,did a few longer and a few short trips.I did a few changes to the motorbike to be able to hold more stuff but you really do not need that much.This week will need to bring the sleeping bag for sure but rain gear can stay home. Later this month a nearly week long trip past Kanchanaburi to Pilok and area. Should be a nice trip.
  12. Only 333 people died?Only? Easily fixed these three major causes but that would require certain people to do their job.
  13. The worst time of day is when it is nearly dark,at the moment just after six. I asked a driver once why he did not turn on his lights when he came to pick up a parcel, The answer was simple,"i can still see"
  14. Not so easy to do,the people that make these kind of laws would have to word it in a way that this law is only for poor people. Because you never know,do you?
  15. There you go,no burning in Thailand. You see? Easy as that,the prime minister told some one to take care of it and the job is done. Why did they not do this years sooner?
  16. Might be a bit of topic but i believe every one sooner or later will become infected. what happens after that is any ones guess but i have had two vaccinations and i hope they will protect me from major illness. So i just go on with daily life and see what will happen,i am not hoping to get infected but i really believe it is just a matter of time for all of us.
  17. We are also planning to do the Kan.trip but later this month,also plan to visit Somsak mining,do you know if it is open?
  18. I was there nearly 3 weeks ago and everything was open ,including bars. You wear a mask on the street and once you enter you can take it off. I have not heard of anything closing again,so good luck. The pizza place is really good,not many tourists but a lot of locals in the bars even in the afternoon. A lot of the smaller bars that used to be there are closed(forever it seems) .I always like to go there because of the relax atmosphere and i have a few friends over there.
  19. Only when the sun is out of course,only around 12 hours per day.We have a solar system to irrigate the garden and it works just fine.Using it for five years now and zero maintenance cost,we just clean the panels when they get very dusty.
  20. I have my own rocket already! Fly me to the moon!
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