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Posts posted by canardo

  1. "Thai education must stop teaching one-dimensional truth or singular truth but must teach students to search for the truth by themselves from various dimensions of truth, from various contexts where the truths are situated," he wrote.

    Straight common sense but a proverbial can of worms in LOS.

    In order to fix a problem, one must first identify that a problem exists, which is why critical thinking is so very important. A society which believes in 'mai pen rai', or the automatic wisdom of poo-yais & hero figures, therefore misses-out on chances to make things better.

    If you can't admit, that it might be broke, then nobody will even try to fix it !

    If only more Thais came home, having learned this lesson whilst working or studying abroad, this cultural-message might be spread quicker. But many seem to want to remain elsewhere, despite the faults which other countries also have, that's Thailand's loss.

    well said and so true...

  2. "Thai education must stop teaching one-dimensional truth or singular truth but must teach students to search for the truth by themselves from various dimensions of truth, from various contexts where the truths are situated," he wrote.

    Straight common sense but a proverbial can of worms in LOS.

    I don't understand, I see so many Thais reading everyday a lot, like BB's, Iphones, MSN Manager, Google Chat etc etc...


  3. Just moved and the GF is set on sitting on a bean bag to watch TV since she tried one in Koh Chang ...

    But I've really never seen any for sale in TH, anyone seen any / got any ideas?

    Check our Index Living Mall, they have a pretty good selection of bean bags.

    The only place I didn't think of .. that I really should have!. thanks.


    Check out Silom Complex / CENTRAL Silom mall, in the 3rd or 4rth floor (in the mall) is a small shop selling those in various sizes, materials, colors etc etc.

    Cheap and good quality, they used to have a shop / show room at the night market before...

  4. Need to distinguish between an ordinary mole ( = been there all/most of your life, no change in appearance or size) and suspicious moles (new or changes in appearance). The latter need to be carefully assessed and often biopsied to rule out melanoma, which is the most serious of all the skin cancers and can be fatal if not caught early. Melanoma is very rare in Thailand and most Thai dermatologists have little expertise in it.

    thx Sheryl, will give it a shot...

  5. It sounds like you have only hospitalization insurance, this is an outpatient procedure so won't be covered.

    While lasers can remove a mole, it is not a suitable method when biopsy is needed. You need surgical excision or (if it is small enough) a "punch biopsy".

    As others have noted, it is important to get a doctor who has worked i nthe west and is thus familiar with skin cancers

    I suggest one of these:

    1. Dr. Paritas at Samitivej (Yale educated, US biard certiified)

    2. Dr. Parichart at Saint Louis (trained in Edinborough, MRCP)

    The second will be less expensive.

    Thx both, guess I will try St. Louis first...

  6. Are you sure your insurance will not cover it? If done as cancer or pre cancer treatment believe they will - if cosmetic probably not. Do you need biopsy of each excision? Can simple laser removal be used? Laser is not expensive and can be done in clinics as well as hospital settings but if you suspect cancer rather than pre cancer preventive it is likely to be much more expensive. But be aware most doctors do not have a great deal of knowledge about Caucasian skin cancer issues if that is a factor.

    Thx for the comment, I did not checked the insurance yet, it is AIA for 18,000 THB per year for accidents and hospital stay things.

    However, if laser removal is safe and gets out the mole entirely and with it the potential cancer cells, I will go for it, but I have no clue and better do not ask a Thai doctor as they tell you whatever brings more money...

    Any ideas?

  7. Sorry, but English is NOT my first language as you might have noticed already...

    So, a few years ago back home a doctor cut out some of those black moles testing for skin cancer potential.

    I am looking for a skin doctor here in Bangkok, who is doing it, professionally and does NOT cost me a fortune as my health insurance wont cover this (I guess)...

    Any recos?

    Would appreciate, otherwise I would go to Bungrungrad...



  8. ...I just checked out prices and availabilities for this event and had to realize, that they sell SEATS, huh?

    Well, I am not the concert junky in general and have never been to a big concert in Thailand, but is this seriously a sitting happening?

    Anybody been to big concerts at AKTIV SQUARE already and can share some experiences, please?

    Thx in advance,


  9. ...And this election is certainly not the same song on a different record... just watch the overseas investments dry up... and this money is what has been keeping Thailands head above the water for the last few years.. corruption is killing this beautiful land. Thaksin = corruption on a Grand Scale.. Today, say goodbye to the Thailand you knew...........!

    I thought the same, when I read about 9 month ago, that PepsiCo investing about 100 USD into a new facility in Vietnam to produce RTD's for the region. Vietnam over Thailand? Wow...

    9 months ago...... Weren't the Dems in power then? Or is it that the LADY BOSS of Pepsi has a crystal ball showing PT forming the new Govt? Either way, you've shot yourself in the foot.

    PEPSI probably did not care WHO is leading this country, but more concerned about the unstableness / unconsistancy in this country. They invested 100 Mio USD in Vietnam, which is not a first world country either, but at the end more stable.

    (sorry for my poor english)

  10. ...And this election is certainly not the same song on a different record... just watch the overseas investments dry up... and this money is what has been keeping Thailands head above the water for the last few years.. corruption is killing this beautiful land. Thaksin = corruption on a Grand Scale.. Today, say goodbye to the Thailand you knew...........!

    I thought the same, when I read about 9 month ago, that PepsiCo investing about 100 USD into a new facility in Vietnam to produce RTD's for the region. Vietnam over Thailand? Wow...

  11. 1. i know this whole issue is about thailand's election. But when it comes to all politicans globally wise they all make a lot of promising campaign speeches on how there going to improve, fix or change things just so they'll get elected. The reality is while its is easy to say all of those feel good speeches the reality is that actually making those changes is a whole different issue.

    2. On the whole issue of reconcilation, how can one make a statement when in the past compromises never could happen.

    3. The real outcome will be decided tomorrow. Based on what seems to be coming out it would seem the Pheu Thai Party might win anyway but maybe not enough to be a majority government if so the reds shirts may not accept this and just decide to go ahead anyway and have their temper tantrum.

    The only thing everyone can do is pray for the best possible non violent outcome but prepare for the worst case scenario.

    I salute this!

  12. "it's us or chaos!" - sounds for me like a threat!

    (hope they are not blocking the airport again, when they might lose tomorrow)

    Hopefully Thai voters will have better grip on who's who,than yourself, when they vote.

    Again, I see the Yellow shirts raising again, in case of the victory of Yinluck & Co., but they won't raise as much or at all, if Abhisit will make it again.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I always saw the Yellow shirts as an AGAINST Taksin (party) movement, not?

  13. Many western tourist had to stay away from Thailand over month, because of the then steady curfew in BKK, which made it impossible for European tour operators to fly in their guests over BKK, becaue of the insurance sitation (holiday insurances do not cover up in countries with active curfew) and the bad headlines in western press about Thailand left a big negative impact what will last a while.

    I agree of course that Thailand has no influence of the global oil prices and the US Dollars exchange rate, but the gasoline price did not went up 30% in other countries, even here in the region. When I started to drive here about March 2010 the 91 gasoline price was about 32 THB (correct me if I am wrong) and we had 45 THB 4 weeks ago per liter!

    What steady curfew? There was a curfew for a week, and that was only in Bangkok. And maybe that was caused by a protest group shooting at the army and burning down buildings. Maybe it's the annual protests that are having an affect on tourism.

    According to http://www.oil-price.net/ oil prices have risen from about $80 to $120 per barrel in the last year, dropping back to about $110 more recently.

    Sorry, I mixed up curfew with State of Emergency - my bet, not a native speaker as you may figured out already ;o)

    Again, I did not saw the gasoline prices going up 30% anywhere else, neither in Europe, nor here in some other regional countries.

    Let's hope for the best in Thailands future, it is not in our hands, we can only sit at the fence and playing "Waldorf and Statler" a bit...


    (off for now, buying stock of food and drinks in case of the Red shirts occupying my street again for weeks - LOL)

  14. You are right, but she is NOT driving a school bus, she is the FACE of a potential leading party and if she / her party win the election, behind her will be a set up of professionals / experienced leading the country.

    Like it or not, she is popular and I assume she will win in, well TIT.

    And honestly, neither being a Yellow or a Red shirt here, but what the current government have been doing the last 18 month is quite poor, beside the Red shirt protest treatment last year, the conflict with cambodia, the ongoing trouble in the south, no wonder the tourists are staying away from Thailand...

    (not mentioning the incredible raising i.e. Gasoline prices over the last 18 month and the hard to chuckle exchange rate)

    Well, actually, the tourists AREN'T staying away from Thailand. Some western tourists are, but maybe that has something to do global economy.

    Thailand doesn't really have much control over global fuel prices or the strength of the $US.

    Many western tourist had to stay away from Thailand over month, because of the then steady curfew in BKK, which made it impossible for European tour operators to fly in their guests over BKK, becaue of the insurance sitation (holiday insurances do not cover up in countries with active curfew) and the bad headlines in western press about Thailand left a big negative impact what will last a while.

    I agree of course that Thailand has no influence of the global oil prices and the US Dollars exchange rate, but the gasoline price did not went up 30% in other countries, even here in the region. When I started to drive here about March 2010 the 91 gasoline price was about 32 THB (correct me if I am wrong) and we had 45 THB 4 weeks ago per liter!

  15. It is time to stop all the bickering and just let the chips fall where they will. PTP or Dems, it's just the same song on a different record. My only reservation about Yingluck is this. To use an analogy: You wouldn't give a man the job of driving a school bus if he had never driven before. Yet here we stand on the cusp of an election and the prospect of a women, who has never been in parliament, with no political experience about to take the reins of the country. If fear she will be torn to shreds in the lions dens and a crash maybe imminent. It's all well and good on the election trail with prepared notes and choreograph routines, i feel she will be in for a harsh and brutal shock and she may rue the day she was chosen for this.

    But on a more positive note its great for women to actually have a high profile public figure to aspire to.

    You are right, but she is NOT driving a school bus, she is the FACE of a potential leading party and if she / her party win the election, behind her will be a set up of professionals / experienced leading the country.

    Like it or not, she is popular and I assume she will win in, well TIT.

    And honestly, neither being a Yellow or a Red shirt here, but what the current government have been doing the last 18 month is quite poor, beside the Red shirt protest treatment last year, the conflict with cambodia, the ongoing trouble in the south, no wonder the tourists are staying away from Thailand...

    (not mentioning the incredible raising i.e. Gasoline prices over the last 18 month and the hard to chuckle exchange rate)

    Doesn't really fill you with confidence though if you are a passenger on the bus and a man in a suit is telling the bus driver;

    "Stop, stop the lights red" or No, you're not allowed to get on the pavement." or Well done, you didn't crash"

    I honestly wish her well, but this country needs a leader all people can unit behind. A leader directs the country, she will be (visibly) directed by others.

    Yeah, you are right, but we are still talking about Thailand here, right?

    I am not saying the current government is better or worse compared what we could expect from a Yinluck driven government, I just wanted to state how rather disappointed I am with the current one and that the FACE Yinluck will have a professional team around her, like Georg W. had around him, leading the country.

    (I do NOT compare George W. directly with Yinluck, dear fellow Republicans, just compare leaders of a party and the professional team around them to lead, because one man / woman alone can not, whoever they are and whatever political movement they belong to)

  16. It is time to stop all the bickering and just let the chips fall where they will. PTP or Dems, it's just the same song on a different record. My only reservation about Yingluck is this. To use an analogy: You wouldn't give a man the job of driving a school bus if he had never driven before. Yet here we stand on the cusp of an election and the prospect of a women, who has never been in parliament, with no political experience about to take the reins of the country. If fear she will be torn to shreds in the lions dens and a crash maybe imminent. It's all well and good on the election trail with prepared notes and choreograph routines, i feel she will be in for a harsh and brutal shock and she may rue the day she was chosen for this.

    But on a more positive note its great for women to actually have a high profile public figure to aspire to.

    You are right, but she is NOT driving a school bus, she is the FACE of a potential leading party and if she / her party win the election, behind her will be a set up of professionals / experienced leading the country.

    Like it or not, she is popular and I assume she will win in, well TIT.

    And honestly, neither being a Yellow or a Red shirt here, but what the current government have been doing the last 18 month is quite poor, beside the Red shirt protest treatment last year, the conflict with cambodia, the ongoing trouble in the south, no wonder the tourists are staying away from Thailand...

    (not mentioning the incredible raising i.e. Gasoline prices over the last 18 month and the hard to chuckle exchange rate)

  17. Here you go:


    For more information please contact

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Hotline: 08-13728799

    Tel: 0-25112681,0-25114187

    Fax: 0-25130891

    Office Hours: 10:00-20:00 Mon-Sat, 12:00-20:00 Sunday

    MRT Phahonyothin:


  18. Hi,

    I am looking for a reliable bike garage in BKK center (Rama 4 area), any recos?

    Anyone experienced BIG BIKES at Rama 4?

    I have a japanese soft chopper what needs a little make up work to be done as well as some minor electric work and a general service.

    Decent work, fair pricing and quick service would be a dream!




  19. Hi,

    I am looking for a reliable bike garage in BKK center (Rama 4 area), any recos?

    I have a japanese soft chopper what needs a little make up work to be done as well as some minor electric work and a general service.

    Decent work, fair pricing and quick service would be a dream!




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