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Posts posted by taninthai

  1. Loserlazer, some real poor statements from you man. You, who often said that we are all the same, with the passion to ride bikes.

    I thank everyone who posts some information about his "cheap" bike. Like this we get information. From me someone riding 50k km on a Platinum gets more respect than a guy doing the same on a japs bike.

    Don't really get the 2nd paragraph wanton are you saying that guy gets more respect from you for having the balls to cover that much mileage on what is generally seen as a crap brand bike, if so then you are also agreeing that it's not a great brand of motorcycle please explain or maybe your just trying to wind people up(trolling)

  2. ^

    get out off bed the wring side this morning did we

    Someone commented that the officer was boasting to their wife how rich he was and I made a comment about a nice car in the car park, what's your problem.

    I don't pay extra for my visa I pay nothing my wife pays for my visa ,they have never asked me for extra only the wife ,if they did ask me for extra I would point out the actual cost and offer a small tip it's not worth getting on the wrong side of immigration officers for a petty amount of money you may well need their help one day OK with that are you.

    • Like 1
  3. which are you celebrating?

    1...The story of the birth of some obscure guy 2000 years ago that somehow got twisted making him the son of the invisible man in the sky in addition to the other myth about a man in a red and white suit who arrives on a sleigh pulled by reindeer to shimmy down the chimney and leave presents for children?

    2...the celebration of avarice and greed where people go into massive debt to buy things they dont really want or need for themselves and others closely followed by stuffing themselves with rich fatty unhealthy food washed down by a lake of booze

    the only people that deserve a mention at Xmas are the people that give up their holiday to cook and serve food to the homeless or go visit some old folks who feel even more alone than usual

    Bah Humbug.hope you all have a miserable time and dont get the things you wished for

    This gets my vote for post of the day I'm not religious or a little child and am living in a mainly Buddhist country it's just a normal day for me.

  4. ^

    2 completely different styles of bikes and obviously 2 completely different riding styles and if you add me onto it , it then becomes 3 completely different bikes and 3 different riding styles.

    I hadnt looked at the pictures before but since seeing what bike dutchram has it's pretty understandable how he achieves what he quoted in his post.

  5. ^

    these bikes are only for sale in one shop in Bangkok and one shop in Chang mai the pricing is fixed no dealer Mark up as only 1 dealer sells them visit the shop they will have all the info you need , as for colour choice up to you as they say

    Sold at one dealer in Bangkok, and what about service? Will Honda have only one service location in Bangkok, with a population of around 12 million? Also the Honda BigWing dealer is not exactly next door, so for service you need to take the afternoon off to get the bike serviced and with one service center it will probably correct to say that they will not fix it in a few hours....

    Yep it's a strange descision by Honda to only have 1 shop selling them ,I live down south in krabi so even if I wanted one I couldn't really buy it there supposed to be opening big wing in Phuket which still wouldn't be great as I mentioned before by the time I rode it back to krabi it would be time to ride it back to Phuket for it's first service.

  6. I guess I'm just doing alot of heavy braking,just checked the crf pads there not as worn as I thought probably about 3mm left after covering 4000km ,don't think I'd get too 13,000km with them obviously everyones wear rate will be difffetent depending on how you ride ,13000 and 27000 is pretty good wear rates.

    I also wore out the rear tyre at around 3000km I guess I just abuse my bike more than some on here.

  7. Lol

    When we was there a couple of months ago he said to my misses you can pay a bit more if you want,she gave him 500 bht extra I told the wife you should have just replied can I pay a bit less,

    They only started asking us for money after the time we visited them with a ferang friend of ours who I know has given them presents and 5,000 bht extra for a certain service and yes one of the staff there has a brand new ford truck so they are doing well in there.

  8. Pretty pointless really wanton ,people are entitled to their opinions especially when they have owned and had experience with these bikes,

    What do you want everyone to say oh yes they are geat bikes!

    These bikes make me laugh owners come on here and boast that they have got to 1000 km with nO problems is that supposed to be some sort of achievement ,others have had problems in early ownership brakes , wheel bearings and carbs and still seem to think the bikes ok.

    You are never gonna get real feedback because who wants to admit they bought a lemon it's only after people sell them on you may get some honest opinions.

    There was some one who got 25,000 km from his lifan before the engine finally died which I think is good for a lifan but once it died do you think he bought another one ....no he bought a Honda.

    And my last words are why does everyone want to compare their cheap bikes to other bikes that and cost three times the price there obviously no where near the same quality so why try to compare them ,if you want /have one of these bikes fine but to compare and some people seem to think they are equal or even better the the jap offerings is simply ridiculous.

    No more from me on this subject really bored with it now.

    • Like 1
  9. This forum is about the platenum 250 or any new platinum bike, if you jap critics want to troll this forum ?then why???

    stay on your own forums instead of wasting typing space on this forum,

    have you nothing better to do???,

    being its almost based on the old air cooled honda then your halfway to slagging off your old honda's

    this bike of mine is getting the crap thrashed out of it and its loving it as did the older air cooled honda's

    i drive it litteraly everywhere where some of you would not tread on your cbr's and would your cbr's take the pounding this bike is getting??i think not

    thanks to those who post polite posts

    It's the Chinese habit of building things to the lowest possible standard that will continue to plague their reputation. Sure there are some products out of China that are world standard, but you will find lots of input from Western companies like Panasonic, GM, Apple et al behind the scenes....or in front.

    Get back to us when you have 10k on the speedo......or in 6 months if the speedo stops working.....and give us an honest report on how your bike is going....or not going.

    This makes sober reading



    Lmfao. So they changed his name to chris for the story .......that could be our Richard ......lol

  10. Guys if your buying a brand new model bike you can pick any number you like at no extra cost,I got the first crf in my Provence and picked number 7 no extra charge.

    I will say though when i was gonna buy a klx they wanted 2500 bht to pick number and another 2000 bht to get the bike delivered to the shop I was ready to buy the klx that day but ,I just laughed at them they lost a sale and I held out till the crf was released

    I am sure you are right. In my case since the bike is financed I am sure they will not let me do the registration myself.

    I have decided on 777 .... It would have been nice if they had 4 digits then of course 1000

    The dealer did it all for me., I did nothing.

  11. Guys if your buying a brand new model bike you can pick any number you like at no extra cost,I got the first crf in my Provence and picked number 7 no extra charge.

    I will say though when i was gonna buy a klx they wanted 2500 bht to pick number and another 2000 bht to get the bike delivered to the shop I was ready to buy the klx that day but ,I just laughed at them they lost a sale and I held out till the crf was released

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