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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. 40 minutes ago, Sid Celery said:

    No real surprises here, corruption is a way of life in Thailand, they've been taught well how it's done and it isn't going to change.


    Prayuth may make noises off but many people believe that he's been a big-time beneficiary or corruption and illegal activity, as has his family, as have his friends and colleagues, so nothing will happen to stop either one.


    The absence of any sanction has been clearly signalled by the fact that those police suspected (and presumably found culpable) have been transferred rather than sacked and prosecuted. The problem the police have is that those near the top who would have to do the sacking and prosecutions, are the same people to whom the money from corruption flowed upwards.


    Nothing will change and we'll be back talking about this nonsense in 10 years time. Nobody at the trough is going to deny access to the trough of other people to whom they owe money or favours. 


    Thais are just dishonest in my opinion, with very few exceptions, and I don't personally know any of those.

    I don't think all Thais are dishonest. Absolutely, the majority, but not all, and social class /personal wealth does not seem to be a factor. However, in general, I would say that Thais have a tendency to be dishonest.


    An archaic education system, lack of a functioning judicial system, and a lack of role models in society are all to blame, as well as a primitive addiction to "Face" and the trappings of wealth.....

  2. 2 hours ago, idman said:

    Can't have the average or below average Thai get deeper and deeper into debt.  With household debt at an alltime high and no end in site this is the best they can come with?  Non performing loans AKA bad loans are in a similar situation.  But the Government wants the Thai people to go out and shop till they drop and dam the consequences???  Oh please oh please Mr. Businessperson lower your prices, it will be good for the Thai economy and save us a loss of face by being able to tout how much the people have spent.

     I think it is good for Thai people to be in debt. They need it as a stimulus to industry, otherwise they would not get up in the morning


  3. Maybe investigate had sai Kaew on the navy base.

    I think it is pretty quiet after the crowds go home, and I imagine it is possible, but investigate before you go. It is on a navy base, so take some ID

  4. Yippee, another hub.


    Thais should be proud of their world leading position in the hub industry: always great entertainment value.


    Personally, I think  of Thailand as a potential hub for hydroponic Alaskan Pollock. Polar bear farms, fur seal breeding and as a centre of excellence in public administration also spring to mind... nothing is impossible when Thailand’s visionary leaders get a hub-on, at least for a week or so.




  5. 27 minutes ago, impulse said:


     I'll be the first to admit I don't see 'em spending money.  I just see the end result when we're checking in to fly out.  They generally come with a list of crap their friends have asked them for, and they leave with most everything on the list.  If hotels are willing to get creative, speak to their guests, and stock some of the more sought after items, they can participate in the bonanza.  If they treat the Chinese as if their spending patterns are the same as western tourists, they'll suffer.  Make no mistake, the Chinese on tour spend money.  But not on the same things as the western tourists (who come from countries with very low luxury and import taxes).


    Seems like they could set up one of their idle rooms (or a corner of the lobby) with a selection of the crap that's on a lot of their guests' shopping lists and skin the cat slightly differently...  Or they can lament the loss of the western tourists who they learned how to deal with 20 years ago.


    Edit:  And here's a freebie for anyone who has Chinese guests.  10 years ago, they all rode bicycles.  Nobody owned a car.  So having a dozen (or more) bicycles for rent to Chinese guests who want to get around the neighborhood could be a cash cow- for the hotel renting the bicycles and the local community where they'll be shopping.  I'm sure they'd love to scrounge around the local area for the goodies on their lists, but not on foot...  And the tour bus only serves them as a group.


    Full disclosure:  I'm typing this from my apartment in China where I lived for a decade before I took a job in BKK.


    Please, please, please do not allow Chinese on bicycles in Pattaya. Selfie sticks do not help in navigation and traffic safety. Riding 5 abreast while having a loud conversation would not ease traffic flow.


    I prefer a blue flag as a warning signal that a gaggle of Chinese are behind on foot.


    Why not combat zero dollar tours by mandating a compulsory purchase of a 10,000 baht bag of crappy souvenirs at correct prices handed out under government supervision (!) as a visa requirement? These could be handed out on arrival, and nicely packaged in red and gold. 







  6. My recent experience of Daikin was very negative. IN April 2017 the 10 year old Daikin air on packed up. IT took until September 13 to finally fix the air con in my sitting room!! Daikin were on the case since may, but spare parts arrived in September. I would definitely not buy Daikin again. They charge premium prices, but do not deliver on service. I live 200 m from the sea. I felt that the left hand did not know if the right hand was pxxxxxg or wxxxxng.

  7. 20 hours ago, wanderluster said:

    there is no fee at this park. ok i have been there for at least 2 yrs now but prior to that it was free to all


    and no foreigners are not charged multiples at other parks. thai nationals are given discounts.  which is the same as most countries in the world.


    it is all in how you interperate things.

    I was there 2 weeks ago, as I live quite close, and they wanted to charge me the farang price. Needless to say, I left. I have paid taxes here for the last 26 years BTW. I don't object to tourists paying a multiple, but I do object purely as a taxpayer.


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