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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. If it were my choice he would have bullet hole between his eyes and a big mess behind him, with the shit in his brains for all to see.


    But fortunately there is a system of justice in the UK, a country that probably welcomed him, educated him, and gave him the freedom to express his opinion and practice his religion.


    I really just wish he would have had the same freedoms in Raqqa, or maybe I secretly don't wish it, and wish he were in Raqqa.


  2. In actual fact, I think this subject is far to close to the bone for both people to be discussed on TV by pissheads, would be prime ministers and inventors of the next facebook (I include myself in all categories).


    Which particular bone is really up to them alone: I suppose she took great care of his bone and she will take care of them in future.


    I don't think he went into the deal without a good deal of thought.


  3. 17 hours ago, lostinisaan said:


       It's truly amazing how often you'll get Amoxicillin 500 mg capsules for all sorts of illnesses.


              The big problem is that you'll need an experienced Micro Biologist to find the right antibiotics for you if you really caught something serious.


           But if you think that you only take antibiotics when you go to see a doctor, you're wrong. It';s in milk and many other meat products. Scary shitt.



    my wife got prescribed amoxycillin for stage 3 cervical cancer by the local witchdoctor

  4. One has to ask why she was driving if she had chronic epilepsy ? No thought for others, or no idea what could happen if she had a fit whilst driving.

    As with drunk drivers everywhere for example, " I am ok to drive ".

    I'll bet that not for a single minute did this lady think she was a danger behind the wheel, did her family ever try to stop her ?

    What will officialdom do now about her, if anything ?

    That depends entirily on the contents of her wallet and her connections

  5. The fact that the gulf of Thailand is too shallow should not stand in the way of this purchase. The entire gulf could be dredged to a depth of 100 meters to allow submarines to operate effectively.

    The dredged silt could be dumped in Bangkok to stop the city from being inundated in the next 50 years.

    The governor of BKK would agree, as then, instead of Bangkokians moving to the mountain, the mountain would move to Bangkok.

    The Chinese could manage the project, ensuring the future of their territorial ambitions.

    An all round perfect solution!

  6. Great story. Good job the moto taxi guy wasn't from England or the Swiss guy would never have got his money back.


    Pretty terrible statement there, substitute (your choice of places or peoples) and it would insult the whole world.

    I am English and I have found 2 wallets in my time and returned them intact. I have lost one unknowingly , an old lady found it, in England, returned it to my bank who contacted

    me, (me still not knowing that I had dropped it).

    I got her details and gave her the cash that was in the wallet as a reward, and it was £160.00.

    So keep your ignorant prejudices and projections to yourself, there are many decent good people in Britain, not just England.

    Yes, I deserved that last comment. I had just had a beer and thought Id be a smart ass. I liked your story to.

    Honourable apology! You are not the only one who has pressed the fatal send button after a beer..... I speak from experience

  7. I love this: I have always had an active imagination, and I suppose that immigration will enjoy researching the websites I visit.

    Keep them busy, and advertise places only worthy of an immigration policeman's visit.

    This will be FUNNY! but very enjoyable.....

    I am so happy to have paid taxes here for 25 years..... employed 100's of Thais, sent my kids to private schools, rather than government funded education sink funds, private medical insurance, rather than government funded medical sink funds.

    This dildo up the jacksy feels good, baby, sooo good. Come to Thailand, be happy!

    Make sure that you know why you are here: like Chinese tour groups, is it because it's cheap?

    Keep up the good work and it can only get cheaper.

    Go for it!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Soros is short GBP.USD and has been for a long time.

    Personally, I think the UK will vote with its heart rather than wallet.

    I predict Brexit, and am also short GBP.USD, a losing position so far.

    I think most Brits want their democracy back.

    As an old geyser, I would vote Brexit, because I don't want Eurocrats dictating issues for which at least 4 million British lives were lost in 2 or (3?) world wars.

    Short term pain for long term gain: the 100 years war in the 14th century, the 7 years war from 1751 (the year of victories) the 1st World War and the 2nd World War, prove that we will gird unto the task.

    I hate making this post, but I believe that the UK is an independent nation, and the EU has undermined our sovereignty. We need accountable politics,

    I am Swiss and British dual citizen.

    I am not allowed to vote, but on this issue I feel I have to pin my colours to the flag!

  9. I think the guys that make the real money wear brown uniforms and frequent massage parlours in the course of duty.

    You can ask the same 'Thammai" question about every aspect of Thailand's "justice?" "system?".

    I think the answer is clear to everyone with a beating heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ' ... every aspect of Thailand's "justice?" "system?".'

    Just as a point of reference why not tell us all about the justice system & the police in your country. I'm sure we could all learn from studying perfection and the absence of corruption. My heart is beating in anticipation of a good laugh.

    Switzerland. My dear friend go there and try to bribe a cop. You will learn a great deal about the swift course of our Justice System. If you hope to succeed, take a great deal of money....but I would still bet against you.

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