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Posts posted by eddie61

  1. I would consider selling the condo.... I know its a dramatic step, but it will be messy.


    Keep an eye on your member when you are asleep, and make sure sharp knives are out of reach during bye-bye row. I would definitely want witnesses present when the showdown comes, preferably police if you can organise it. Condominium manager might help.........


    I would change the key immediately after eviction. I think its very much a matter of planning your moves.

  2. 3 hours ago, Pinot said:


    That's what they said about Surin Beach. Local officials can't be trusted to stop these things because they profit from them. The PM will have this taken care of. He's the trustworthy one.  


    You gotta hand it to the hotel for having the cajones to build an obviously illegal structure but it's days are numbered. 

    you would have to take down virtually every building on the seaward side of pattaya's walking street. I believe every single one is encroaching on the  beach beyond high tide mark, which is crown property

  3. Its a real pity that this service (like hi speed rail), aims too high for the development level of the market.


    1/2 the speed, twice the time and 60% of the price would work I believe.. A lot of time is wasted waiting for and loading a ferry, whether it travels at the speed of sound or of a fishing boat. 


    3 hours from drive in to drive out of Terminal would be a commercial success I believe, but if the specs of the Ferry and the resulting prices are  Startrek stuff, it will be a commercial failure, for sure.



  4. 9 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Indeed the "Thai roads" headline is suggestive.

    It's the driver.

    Bad weather, rain, too fast, super broad tires, push the pedal and off you go.

    Laws of physics are widely unknown in SEA.


    I remember this Thai "traveling businessman" always in a rush.

    He smashed his 38 mio Lamborghini into pieces alone on a straight upcountry road.

    Magically he escaped little harmed.




  5. 1 hour ago, Dunky said:

    These incompetents won't be happy until they put everyone in the poor house. Apart from themselves of course, they will be enjoying chartered aircraft at the expense of the public purse! Their buffoonery is starting to wear very thin.


    I would like to like, "like" this, but "liking" is like, not liked by the likes of them.

  6. 13 hours ago, daveAustin said:

    Cheaper to live/more poverty/gangs in parts of Chicago than other cities? Overall, just the nature of the beast... the States was born by the gun and is still a very young country. Not having a dig, but most of its big cities are violent -- I've been to more US cities than probably most Americans. Although populations are much lower, look how relatively peaceful Canada and Australia are. Get rid of your guns, guys.


    Would cotton grow in Chicago?

  7. 9 hours ago, simple1 said:


    Already under way, plus some additional legislation enacted regards foreign ownership of residential property. Don't know if it applies to the London market, but a lot of foreign property ownership is due to parents buying property for their student children. Doubt whether foreigners buying property effects the "Aussie battler" or indeed the low income segment of the London property market.


    I wish the right to buy UK property were reciprocal. If A brit can own property in Thailand, a thai can own property in Britain.

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