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Everything posted by Bangel72

  1. Seems to be covered by the existing smoking laws currently and not cannabis specific. Some people prefer to smoke their medicine, it often a cheaper way as the oils can be quite expensive. Hard to see the argument for blanket ban on medicine so likely the smoke rules make sense. Many condo's do have a general no smoking policy others don't, its best to check upon renting or buying what the policy is as I can see people get a bit annoyed when rules change. The group gathering element is a bit different and I can see how that might upset a few people. If a group was gathering regularly and eating squid near entrance I'd likely be a bit bothered too as its a trigger for me, if they could move it a bit further away I'd be fine. I accept it would be hard to get them to ban fish and squid in the condo or balconies though and in some ways if I pushed this I may be taking away some basic rights from others but we could have a chat and find a compromise I guess. Some people also seem to be triggered by the lovely smell of smoked cannabis even more so that the generally smoke aspect in the same way as squid triggers me, compromise is usually best.
  2. Surely stopping sugar, coffee and fatty food would be of higher priority if health was the real argument.
  3. It will be interesting, a million plants given out so people can grow their own medicine but you may be correct with the thc element either way it will be hard to police. There are different ailment lists out currently, "cannabis for thailand" seems also to be government linked and maybe its pushing in the way of cbd oil but their list of ailments is very long, including pain, hemorrhoid's, menstrual cramp, inflammation, high blood pressure and even migraines make their list of approved medical condition. Guess we'll just need to enjoy self prescribing while it lasts
  4. At the moment its fairly easy to get a prescription, some of the online shops have inhouse doctor though they tend to prescribe the high cost oils, 10 min chat over the phone and pay your money and get a prescription. There are likely other doctors who will give out prescriptions just as easy as it is to get a medical certificate for your driving license. As the saying goes, happiness is the best medicine, cannabis makes you happy therefore all general usage is medicinal. So there's your locals and expats no change, it could with a bit of tweaking also filter out kids and maybe a few cases that really should not have access and that fits some of the concerns. The general tourist market might then be the main one impacted, they are the ones paying high prices currently so prices could come down.
  5. Is it the binary angle you are worried about, guess you could point out what you identify as but most people don't care to be fair. As a kid I'd get letters from my gran with the master pronoun, only get that one in special locations these days. Mister is a bit better than "You" though for me which is also fairly common and it does not worry about how people identify, maybe that could work for "you"
  6. I've hired a lot of Thai's into international environment over the years. Two areas stood out. Those with a western parent spending time with them as they were growing up tended to be better equipped for humor, discussion, banter, negotiation and critical thinking - that is of course a bias interpretation as I'm western but definitely noticeable. The second group that really stood out were those Thai's who had studied abroad for a couple of years, the thinking and understanding was very different and very useful in a business and international world. That's likely the balance I'd aim for, spend time with them when they are younger could be much more valuable than sending them away but when they get to 18 to 20 a year or two abroad could also do wonders.
  7. So you have four or five good friends and the rest of the world are somewhat losers, seems fair enough. C'mon your creating a post on TV, that automatically for most puts you in that loser category and I'm replying to it along with all the other losers here so were there too. You won't get any winners on here to give a different view and to be fair I dont really meet many winners. How about you, what would make them a winner compared to the rest? I do think their is a higher percentage of off people here, what I'm not sure though is whether that's always been the case or is just 80/90 percent of people gone off since covid.
  8. Scams, loan sharks, gambling and other addictions is something they could offer much more help on. They get into a hole and they cannot see a way out, the hole is painful every day and seems to get deeper. Even banks and credit card companies who gave out loans too easily need to take more responsibility. I sense for many of these its not that they want to die its more they just don't want to live in that hole anymore and cant get out. Providing real help to get out of the hole is something that could be addressed. A lot of the charity groups are helping with the counselling side of things, they are rarely doctors or in positions to actually help people get out of a life hole that needs more than counselling. Consider a gambling addict, gambling treatment here seems to consist of an expensive holiday with life coaches and healthy luxury food. The target market should in reality cater for people who have lost everything, they have no money for treatment. Accessible rehab options could help here.
  9. Fantastic result at the weekend. Solid play given the circumstances but could easily have gone the other way, the opposition was a bit shoddy though. Gives the team and manager a bit of a breather to settle in new players. Scales stood out for me.
  10. Fairly sure there is a notice period on my contract that I'd have to pay if I left early, I think its one month. Likely best to have a chat with them and hope they are reasonable. Most landlords wont accept keeping the deposit as cover for that notice period. Had a situation an apartment was charging daily late payment costs even though the person had moved out so if they ever got it to a court then the costs would have been double, again they would not accept keeping the deposit as cover. In this case they ended up paying the six month contract in full even though they left in 5th month. It likely happens a lot and I suspect they real answer is fairly grey.
  11. A lot of so called drugs were made illegal under false premises or political motivations at the time. The bs propaganda against them still prevents many people looking at the situation with an open, logical mind. Sugar, caffeine, cannabis are about the same level, though the later is rightly argued to offer the most health and other benefits. The motivated prevention has limited the exploration and common usage of those health benefits whilst at the same time contributed to a deluge of synthetic pharmaceutical profit making alternatives that's likely been very harmful. Legalization of cannabis can be seen as more of a correction on past abuses and a good first step to explore those benefits. The war on drugs is generally viewed to have failed miserably and massive cost, imagine going to jail for a bag of sugar or a cup of coffee, sounds fairly absurd. There are so called harder drugs with alcohol probably a mid level drug and whilst addictive traits in some cases its nowhere near the levels of addiction that some other drugs were specifically tailored to be. With these harder drugs addicts need help, not jail. I am not for full legalisation of all drugs, partially because people are idiots and many will abuse and self harm and then drag families and society with them but it may allow for more control on content of drugs to remove some of the poisons. This then comes back to education, full legalisation needs to come with suitable education and support options for those who may lose their way..
  12. facing government action over a court judgement I wonder what this was, if get into debt due to a scam you'd hope the courts might be a way to provide help in some way rather than further harm by chasing the debts through court. Horrific and sad either way.
  13. I often feel its the sense of right and wrong in some that is a problem. The feeling that its okay and expected rather than an act of kindness and support that will be removed if abused or gratitude is not shown. They believe its all okay and wont listen to why or even attempt to understand why it bothers you, no matter how many times its explained. The boy that cried wolf is also something that should be taught here, the lying to get money even if small lie some seem to think is perfectly okay and then the lies bother you more than the money and you stop, they get a real problem and then go mental that you did not help and that your a very bad person. It is what it is though, I've come to realise its wasted effort to get some to understand and better to cut them out of your life. Sad thing is I've also started seeing some of this attitude in my local away from center bar, what was a quiet family sports type bar, the hustle with drinks for new visitors, then they tell me they were good customers but wonder why they didn't come back, I try and explain and 5 mins later its a new customer getting the treatment for drinks. The thinking and sense of right and wrong are so different. Now that's not representative of general thainess far from it but within some drinking and beer circles I see it a lot.
  14. I noticed it very quickly when I arrived in Thailand, older Thai lady standing in the rain waiting for Taxi, multiple taxi's drive past her to pick me up instead, even when I redirected the taxi back to her instead of me they refused. The tipping expectation can have a negative impact on everyday locals particularly outside tourist areas. Tourists getting milked in prime spots is one thing but taking that to local culture your act of kindness can end up being the opposite. Find a balance with awareness of local culture.
  15. How old is your wife, is there a decent age gap? Some cultures don't get that or perhaps her own partner ran off with a younger quieter girl and she then carries a lot of baggage that she feels the need to push on to you perhaps. I think the suggestion from someone of you and the mrs having a chat with village leader seems the most sensible option, logic and reason goes out the window when the base thinking about norms is so different. Dog on your land, you can probably sort that non lethally multiple ways, befriending it would be a wee bit devious though, sound is a bit harder but perhaps some trees could benefit you both. Nobody really likes people overlooking their garden so accept that as a point but the accusations though, they verge into criminal and harmful, not acceptable, she may have just had a bad wine day but she could also need benefit from some counselling as perhaps could you.
  16. Haha, tend to find that the people who look older than they are actually had wonderful lives, perhaps a bit too many vices and parties took their toll physically but yep wonderful lives. I get asked a lot if I had a hard life, nope wahhaha, just overdid the wonderful bits.
  17. Food and drink on the snooker table, that's the crime here.
  18. Huge amount of prejudice and stereotypes within the opening statement, curious as to why you need to create a massive negative stereotype to then ask as question, do you feel the need to feel superior in some way? Do you feel superior? Is that what's bothering you, your way of thinking is the right way and you cant grasp that others would look at things differently without the baggage of of a prejudice complex? What about a burger girl, a teacher girl or maid girl, perhaps a bar boy? Are there other types of jobs that unnerve you or is it just your put in a box catch all reference of what you think a bar girl is? What about the really handsome guys that marry girl outside your love norms, are they even harder for you to get your head around. We all have our prejudices, I don't really get why people get married at all for example and whilst I could speculate looking for some confirmation of weakness for those who do if I felt the need to convince myself my own prejudice was right. If I was actually curious, I don't think the starting point would be to burden those who get married with massive negative stereotypes and then ask the question for others to speculate, I'd just openly ask those who are married and get balanced informed varied view. My own view may even change as a result, it has not to date but at least I would not pre-bias any responses.
  19. It used to happen a lot in the UK, bouncers beating up customers on a regular basis, thugs in uniforms. Over time that changed somewhat, jail sentences, fines for bars, threats of bar licences revoked and it moved to a lot more training and education for bouncers. I believe they now encourage licencing of bouncers with a focus on de-ecalation, control and safety of customers. That said you still aint gonna slap a bouncer without the expectation of repercussions. The threat of getting a beating is still there but bouncers are generally more in control of the situation as a result of the changes. Drunk people are generally idiot's, if you work in the bar industry particularly in a tourist area you know this but they bring in money, idiots are the the income stream, you need to be able to deal with idiots on a regular basis and in a controlled fashion. I'd even add most expats here also know this, were also idiots at times but the tourist idiot is a next level thing. Here many of the bars still have that thugs in uniform mentality and worry about their own saving face, other bars have educated their team members and you do see controlled de-escalation, whether that's about recognising the idiots bring money and pay there bills or just being a bit more educated and reasonable is debatable. For me if you start kicking an old drunk dude when he's already down you've lost control, your job is control and if you cant keep yourself in control you shouldn't be in the job and you'll end up bringing harm to your business. It then becomes a business argument.
  20. Very similar take on the weekends game. County started off very well, good attacking football with Celtic almost reverting back to the tippy tappy possession with no shots in the early part. Hart blunder really could have been a penalty and that would have been a very different game had that happened. Still a solid shot stopper but needs backup this season Reo I'd take every time over turnbill but had to eat my words at the weekend, he wants a new contract and I'm skeptical he can keep that level up. Lets hope none of the reading to much into things is there and Reo is in for the season. Good result though and that's what matters. Hoping some of the new boys gel quickly, CL is going to be tough.
  21. Its likely just awareness and media but for me definitely a lot more mental instability and disorders these days and it seems to be growing by the day, just look around and fairly sure that within 10 mins you'll spot some oddity that is a bit off, unless of course your the off one. Didn't notice it as much back then.
  22. For me its when two documents are needed to be used at the same time but are different. Using each on its on for one thing is likely fine, I had Thai versions of my middle name different on multiple documents and each are fine on their own. When I went to register parenthood of my son though the spelling on his birth certificate was one letter out in the middle name from my Thai ID so they refused to process things. I had to go to another office prepared with a translation of my passport that specifically matched that on my Thai ID to get the birth certificate changed. I don't know about your specific context but the Thai translations of names tends to be important and often worth getting an official translation and using the same translation for every new document you need with your Thai name.
  23. Bangel72

    Grab tips

    At one point I had to message the taxi driver tip info just so they wouldn't cancel. Horrible practice but when you have 3 cancel in a row, telling tip in advance not to cancel worked, no cancels after that. Not to be encouraged though. Otherwise, I usually tip 20 baht for delivery and taxi.
  24. Certain cannabis strains can work fairly well but we are not at the stage yet where enough doctors or pharmacies have the experience and knowledge to prescribe the right ones yet. I've had some success with CBD oils though over priced and some of my home grown also seems to help with anxiety, pain relief and sleeping well. Just be careful though as different strains have different strengths and impacts and some whilst they may reduce anxiety they might also get you up dancing when you want to be sleeping. The maturity level of the market means you likely have to self experiment a bit till you find a good match for you and your needs.
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