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Everything posted by Bangel72

  1. And they were also selling coffee at shops yesterday and full fat sugar drinks at roadside stalls, what's the world coming too. How can coffee, sugar and cannabis be okay but alcohol not. Okay its a fairly absurd law, but lets get the comparisons correct.
  2. 1) Not criminal, could impact divorce settlements positively though so I'm sure you could slip the guy a few quid. 2) Nope, marriage does not give you ownership of your wife here in Thailand so legally he's not really messing with your property.
  3. I doubt immigration has much interest. Interested though in what happens. Not hijacking this but maybe some crossover. Seeing a situation where a person cannot pay the rent and no money coming soon so they leave in the first week of the month not paying that months rent. The apartment though has a clause with daily cost for late payments after the 4th of the month. Those daily costs in effect double the months rent if you are a month late. Given they have left without notice so apartment wants them to pay current month and next month with extra daily costs for both as they cannot pay, that's like 4 months rent they feel they are due. Here its two month deposit despite the legal change to one month so accepted that they lose that. The person leaving feels its okay and they accept they lose out but the apartment see breach in contract and want more. Is their any civil case there for the apartment? The relevance to the posters two month bond could also be a factor as original contract may be in breach of current law, could that make it void?
  4. Religion might have some nonsense core around a revered being but it still can be useful and helpful to some people. Whether its done more harm than good is of course debatable. Science does seem to lean heavily towards the idea they its incredibly unlikely that the majority of the current batches of religion have any real substance, the same arguments can usually be made about fairies and elves and other incredibly unlikely fantasy figures. Scientifically is there any more likelihood of one of our religious entity existing than fairies? This is where some of the thinking struggles, how can one be absurd but the other not? As science advances though there may be more belief in something else, the potential for virtual worlds is growing, where will it be in 1000 years time, will we be able to determine the difference between real and virtual at that point. If that has the potential to happen then we need to question has it happened already. Is there a potential god in this scenario, are we the gods? Whilst I don't know and I don't believe any of the petty threats of damnation, Beardalorian sort of works for now. This is the way.
  5. Tough to find clear guidelines for those with credit card debts they cannot pay. Others mention the fact that banks seem to give people without jobs credit cards, so they get maxed quickly then forgotten about. Bank sends warnings, court notifications, sells the debt to potentially their own subsidiary collection agencies, these steps are perhaps to avoid the limitations act. Now I could not find much on actual court decisions in these cases? If you have high value items they are likely fair game but what about other household items, fridges, beds tv's. What about houses can they lose their house over a credit card bill? Can they take their partners belongings or is it named ownership items only like cars. Some of the findings seem to indicate some of its fairly amicable, perhaps they can write it off and the banks get tax rebates but there's a lot of stress and worry for people for a civil court action and not a criminal one. The idea of more borrowing to pay credit cards is horrendous so hopefully it is actually a civil process that takes fairly into account means to pay that they did not consider in the first place. Does anyone have experience of going to court or their partners in thailand over credit card debts that could provide some insight?
  6. Curious, have you thought about just telling them the truth? Though that does risk them loving you more, on second thoughts just make some <deleted> up like everyone else. Note that the threesome card you need to be prepared to follow through on that if they don't run a mile.
  7. Is your agreement legal? Were you charging interest, anything above 15%? Why did you lend them, what was your motivation? Now if your a kind soul just helping someone out a lawyer can drop them a letter indicating action, not sure what action is possible or whether you can legally now report them for theft if they are in breach of contract but it can go with a lot of loss of face for the person. I doubt police would act depending on the amount. Could them being publicly dishonest and in effect stealing money damage their business or relationships that they value, loss of face and a compromise payment agreement might work. The reputation angle is likely the only one without going a bit darker. I've been that kind soul recently knowing its a pretty good chance I was just being a mug but they also have business reputation to protect that would cost more than repayment. Different story if it turns out they cannot afford to pay, in thailand so called friends hounding friends to pay back money they know they cannot afford is pretty nasty, often better to just walk away or lower yourself and sell that kind soul of yours.
  8. "wifes mother died and left the kids with a load of debt", curious about this one as I understand it inherited debt max's at the estates value so if no estate left then no inherited debt. It still feels like an inherited debt of course. Now I'm wondering if life insurance of ex going to the kid is considered part of the estate? Loan shark debt though a very different matter.
  9. One side thought, could she be lending to the others that she plays cards with? Within the card groups there can often be one or two that always lose, that the others are inadvertently feeding on their addiction. Enabling others like this to destroy their lives whilst less damaging for your family is also a destructive behavior, worse if she is charging them interest. She may be able to talk about this as likely she will see no harm in this even if the there are illegal interest rates she will believe she is helping them despite it being a criminal offence that could come back and impact your family in the future, in addition to contributing to destroying someone else's.
  10. I've been through this and it has not ended well so far and I am fully expecting the ticking time bomb to explode so much so that I am looking to buy her life insurance with my sons name on it. This may sound extreme but I assure you its not. First starting point, its fairly clear she has an addiction and not just a desire to play cards. Treat this addiction as you would a crack cocaine addict because its at the same level, it needs mental and emotional treatment or it will get worse. Like any addictions its a waste of energy helping someone who will not admit they have a problem but there are some numbers available online to get her at least talking to someone she may listen to. Some of these pass them on to line help groups, the number of people on these help groups in no doubt staggering. She will not get better on her own, her brain no longer thinks logically or sensibly in relation to this so it is almost futile to try and have a sensible discussion. At one point she will likely hit rock bottom and agree to get help, its a lie, you'll bail her out and within a few weeks she will be going a bit deeper, this will be rinse and repeat behavior if you allow it. Your case could be lucky if there is no loss of money involved so maybe it is not entirely family and life losing impact yet but signs are maybe there so you need to act now. Get all house, bank account and other things into a safe place she cannot easily access without a co-signature. My case went from cards, to football, to lotto to online casinos to stealing from friends, giving away land paper, loan sharks, threats, violence, greedy friends lending for high interest feeding her habit, threats, separation and me trying to get my son safe. Without my son it would have been an easy gtf out of their, that the tough part. Even having lost everything she will still gamble given half a chance. Leaving a bank card on a table or safely in a drawer is the same as leaving a bag of coke out for a drug addict, they have zero control or logic and lie to themselves so much they have zero chance of telling anyone else the truth. Let me know if you find a good source for help, rehabs still seem a luxury here and still only designed at those who want to change.
  11. For me its just a body early indication I should pee, like then in dreams or nightmares I need to pee too so end up rather than fighting dragons and saving the world just finding a place to pee endlessly in the dream till it gets so annoying I wake myself up and go for a pee. I don't actually physically pee in bed, so smoking a bit dumbs down that sensation a bit and we skip the early indication part, the really need to pee element is still there.
  12. Melatonin is over the counter these days, for me had mild contribution to better sleep. CBD oil, I found it helps take the edge off things a bit and did sleep better. Start low dosage then follow instructions to find your level. No, word is its not physically addictive. Its still a bit pricey and does not seem to have come down in price from the original stores selling, bloom was where I got mine but others available but if first time maybe pay the extra. Flower, I tend to smoke it which you mentioned was not a preference. This got the best results I've had, problem is I have not labeled all my flower and some flower has the opposite effect, you'd need to research and experiment to see which works for you. Someone else mentioned the pain relief some flower also offers, again its a strain choice thing but I have experienced this. As the physical senses dull a bit this can also dull the need to go pee during the night which in turn can also contribute to a better nights sleep. I've not tried edibles, need an experienced buddy looking after me before I do. Addressing any anxiety in life can perhaps work better for sleep than the consumables, but not always possible.
  13. My layman's view. Depends if you are legally married to her mother or have been given legal guardianship in Thailand through court, if not it likely needs the mothers consent, I believe this can be an informal letter with copy of her ID if she is Thai. I think UK also has differing laws regarding legal guardianship if not married. Scotland you are legal guardian if you are on the birth certificate, in England I don't think its as straight forward as that. Not sure about case if she is travelling alone, that might need something different.
  14. Title really should have been "I'm wasting my money giving it to someone I have no trust in", that's your starting point, once you get that you can reconsider how to address that. Putting the blame on her for wasting money should not be your starting point.
  15. Would be good if the did step up a crackdown on these loan sharks and provided people with a contact agency, most are are afraid of police involvement when they run into problems.
  16. Think its their lucky day, you lucky lucky, did they slip you a few shekels. A smile aye, next you'll be saying "Well hello there", bloody favoritism. Smiling at people, what's the world coming to, must think the sun shines out of your <deleted>. always look on the bright side doodoo doodoo doodoodoodoodoodoo
  17. Bit of a roller coaster week. My take on things. Great football domestically over the last two years, great to watch most games, solid results and direct entry to champions league with the bounty that goes with it. Team is also fairly solid, young players with opportunity to get better so team is also in a much much better situation. CCV player of year for me and key going forward. I felt Ange had a 3 year plan for Euro impact and I'm sorry to see that is not being followed through on though I do get why a move to spurs is an offer he could not refuse, chance are it would not come up again unless he did actually achieve that euro impact. The impact on Europe is the dream, is it achievable? I hope it is but its going to take some manager, perhaps with someone with their own new player pools to tap into, South america perhaps? The show must go, hh.
  18. No this is worse, you now have two desperate people borrowing money together. Consider the stupidity of borrowing money at 2% a day so borrow 10000 and wee old lady comes and collects 200 baht a day interest only and then pair with someone equally desperate to do this. Runners are fairly common so they mitigate this by tying in someone else into the deal, what happens is the upwardly mobile person can do a runner and its usually the person with family or shop to take care of that is not in the position to run who gets hit doubly so. Had a lot of runners within two blocks of my old place during covid then collectors came often seemingly with police backing to harass whoever remained. The harassments can get severe that they feel they need to borrow more to pay the debt or gamble what little they have as only micro chance to get enough to clear debt and there are loads of willing lenders "note she had over 10", even so called friends will lend if they can get a promise of 10% a month. Profits are so high that runners are expected but it comes with fear of corrupt officials providing tracking of them to lenders and online harassments and threats when they run.
  19. Interesting that the loan sharks are doing this too, often they require two people to borrow on the same loan agreement so when one does a runner the other is left to pay.
  20. It will be interesting to see how it plays out, its not clear why the relisting is favoured to regulation as I'm not sure there is a comparable listed equivalent. Aside from the business and tourist impact I've not seen anything on how proposed changes could affect individuals. I am like many others registered to grow and use it for minor ailments in the same way someone picking up otc sleeping pills or buying a can of redbull might do but this is natural grown at home. If something makes you happy its medicinal imo and if they need to then classify the difference will that go down the prescription path. I asked one dispensary if they could give me a prescription, 500 baht for a month but only for their expensive 2k plus cbd oils. Putting this group of apparently a million registered growers for personal use to being criminals seems highly risky, even opening up the vape type bribes opportunity is a huge step backwards. There's an argument due diligence was not to applied in unlisting, so surely they would not make the same mistake with a lack due diligence when it comes to the consideration of relisting, either way this is going to take some time to put the genie back in its bottle if that's the step backwards on the cards.
  21. Very common to see the lending without collateral with rates that they have zero chance of paying back. Mix of desperation and stupidity verging on mental illness to borrow in those situations and tends to go hand in hand with gambling, borrow to pay interest, not enough so gamble what you have. A lot of people in this situation really need professional help and loan sharking and gambling should be high on new governments agenda but do not appear to be there.
  22. Best to do it with an experienced friend and take it easy with a low impact strain. It can elevate your thinking igniting brain connectors that you may not have used before, that can be alarming the first time. Dont panic, have some water beside you and a place that you can lie down for 10 mins if needed, any initial anxiety if any will likely pass.
  23. For the most part I find Thailand one of the safest places I've visited or lived. My ex had some issues with Mafia and that changed that view a lot as they would come threatingly to the town house in Bangkok. We had one break in before that but apart from that no problems. Whilst that is in the past I still have a bit of anxiety on that so prefer condo's with security these days. Also have an unfenced village house where I'm used to the cows, dogs, people crossing the land but never had any issues there apart from avoiding walking around too much at night due to the dogs. The dogs though also keep strangers away so you might consider getting your own dog if really worried. I will build a wall at some point though. If you get problems here its usually because something or someone has done something to attract those problems so make sure anyone you live with you know and trust well.
  24. Pretty much as brewster states, fairly straight forward, I think its an online application and book an appointment via email. I never legally married so it had to be the mother who applied for the passport in our case.
  25. I think there is a website registration also, google translate works fine on that so you can then either register on the website or use the translation to fill in the app. You need a Thai ID number, I have a pink card and that works fine. If you do not have a pink card I was wondering if the thai ID you get when you registered on the COVID App would work just the same? That's a bit of a stretch but you never know, I think its similar format. Registered 6 plants for medicinal use and got acknowledgement within a day. There is as far as I know no need to wait for acknowledgement, it seems to be just a tracker and there are no permissions to grow attached. What is medicinal use is a separate topic, would you take aspirin or herbal tea for recreational use for example and you do not need a prescription for that. Is Cannabis the same, happiness is the best medicine so its all sort of medicinal, Over The Counter aches, pains, anxiety, help with sleeping or building appetite etc. I have not seen anywhere stating you need a prescription to classify it as medicinal, the government gave away 1 million plants I think and no way did they give prescriptions with those. As for your plant, its pot luck whether it will flower ever or if its a dude, better to start with some auto seeds, some of those are ready for crop in about 8 weeks compared to some Thai strains still not flowering after 6 months.
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