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Posts posted by than

  1. Please lock them away.

    Yes, absolutely, but for proper convictions for proper criminal charges, in a proper court of law. Not for vague charges of convenience under S44 or LM stuff at a military court. Make it clear and definite for things that will still be understood and still stand scrutiny in 5 or 10 years time. Otherwise the martyr syndrome which is inevitable, will just be all that stronger.

    The pair are under bail for terrorism charge since 2010 !

  2. Looks like they could do with some English lessons.

    and lessons in democracy and lessons in freedom of speech

    (yes the irony of them GATHERING is not lost! so lessons in fairness and equality too)

    The LM law disturb those who have somethings to reproach whistling.gif

    LM law is an Thailand internal affair

    US must adhere to UN Chart who stipulate (US sign chart the October 24th 1945) : NON-INTERFERENCE IN INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATE, THE MAIN Corollary PRINCIPLE OF EQUAL SOVEREIGN STATES

    As the principle of the sovereign equality of States, the principle of non-interference constitutes one of the fundamental principles of international relations.

  3. I know English standards in Thailand are bad but if you're going to make a banner to hold up at a protest, you should at least make sure all the words at the spelled correctly.

    Since when did <deleted> have an 'e' in it?

    Just another day in the Land of Xenophobia.

    A rhetoric from men who hate Thailand and his People !

    It's the right of Thai people to defend The Nation, The Religion, and The Revered Institution

  4. Well we all know that the Junta is certainly not going to give her permission to travel for that invitation.

    YL is indicted for crime and she is in trial, currently she must ask permission to court for leave country not junta.

    A new attempt from PTP/Red to distort fact

    The court also told Yingluck not to leave the kingdom unless she has received permission from the court.

    (source : Nation multimedia May 19 2015 http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Yingluck-pleads-innocent-to-dereliction-of-duty-ch-30260428.html)

  5. Let's see, he wasn't actually INVITED, but because other leaders of countries are going, he decided he has to also go. Like anyone would give a damn if he is there or not.

    193 head of states (presidents and prime ministers of UN countries members) have been INVITED to participated to this event,

    Thailand is menber of UN.

    In September 2015, Members of French senate come to Thailand for prepare COP 21 with Thai Government and environment NGO.


  6. Er not really.The Jacobin Terror had nothing to do with the Declaration of the Rights of Man, or only tangentially in that there was an unrealistically rapid transition between an absolute monarchy and a popular democracy.

    More important was the pressure of war and the strength of counter revolutionary forces which resulted in paranoia among the revolutionaries.

    But the lesson for Thailand rings down the centuries.

    It was at the name of the Declaration of the Rights of Man the Jacobin use the reign of Terror

    Don't forget that during this period the modo of France was Liberty Egality Brotherhood or Death


    I take your point in the sense the Declaration was constantly invoked during the Terror - but the subject matter remains a noble set of beliefs.

    Sadly it seems rare for there to be a successful assault on an old regime or moribund social order without bloodshed at any stage of history.The British upper class almost uniquely avoided revolution by a shrewd understanding of enlightened self interest - a quality that seems conspicuously lacking among Thailand's unelected elites.

    Sorry to give you a lesson of french history,

    from a french guy.....

  7. Er not really.The Jacobin Terror had nothing to do with the Declaration of the Rights of Man, or only tangentially in that there was an unrealistically rapid transition between an absolute monarchy and a popular democracy.

    More important was the pressure of war and the strength of counter revolutionary forces which resulted in paranoia among the revolutionaries.

    But the lesson for Thailand rings down the centuries.

    It was at the name of the Declaration of the Rights of Man the Jacobin use the reign of Terror

    Don't forget that during this period the modo of France was Liberty Egality Brotherhood or Death


  8. I am not sure how Prayuth is going to express his "thrust" and "intimacy" in Paris.Seems a bit like taking coals to Newcastle but perhaps The Nation's incredibly high standards of Thai - English translation have slipped momentarily.So let us move on.

    Still it's right he should attend given recent tragic events and there will be little risk of awkward questions among the heaving throng.

    But nevertheless it is France to which he must travel,every civilised person's second favourite country and surtout home of liberty.Since I may have been too negative in the past about our delightful government, it might be helpful for me to make amends and brief Our Leader on French beliefs and customs.They are people awkwardly attached to freedom.

    The Declaration Of The Rights of Man signed in 1789 summarises those ideals well.


    I was going to draw attention to some key paragraphs but on reflection it all seems quite relevant even more than two hundred years later.

    A final friendly piece of advice.Do not attempt to "explain" to the French your thoughts on how limitations should be placed on a free nation.The consequence may be a sudden upthrust of a baguette to where the sun don't shine.

    Bon Voyage.

    100 000 innocents people have been assasinated at the name of this right (see the Terror from september 1792 to July 1794 end with the fall of Robespierre)

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