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Posts posted by than

  1. " I’d like to condemn any political groups or parties that conspired to stage this bomb attack. They are inhuman. Nevertheless, I am still curious what would any political group gain from doing this? It doesn’t make sense.”

    Ok Mr Jatuporn, you can begin to condemn yourself for the crime of black shirt militia and other red shirt group how kill children !

  2. When I started reading this article, I wondered why would anyone take a puppy away from some poor homeless person. Well, the homeless person is a gypsy, using a puppy to get people to feel sorry for him instead of working for a living. These people rescued this puppy from a dirtbag who wants something for nothing. The gypsy's are like a plague in western Europe.

    Police begin to investigate against this association. a complaint has been filed for theft and willful injury blow. In French law this dog is considered personal property.

    Moreover French law recognizes that animals are sentient being.

    The leader of this association Mr Anthony Blanchard is a well know xenophobe and racist

    The vicitm is not a gipsy like you and Mr Blanchard claim

  3. Do that to a homeless beggar....and give millions of dollars to assist refugees that have done nothing but chase a good life, after they ruined their own country...

    The reality of the French socialist politics.......

    in 2014, 483 homeless dead in street in France, 2015, 286 french government do nothing.......

    1 Syrian child dead in Turkish beach, french government welcome 24000 immigrant, with 1000 euro per migrant for help them, and quick access to all french social aid

    a French unemployed must wait 2 years before obtain all social aid

    the words Liberty, equality and brotherhood died in France sinces two decades

  4. How did he get acquitted by the appeals court?

    Unfortunately !

    During, Yingluck's corrupted administration, all trial against red shirt suspected of crime have been dropped...

    Investigation against redshirt backed terrorism movement (the Blackshirt) have been suspended or delayed by decision of the former administration (see Chalerm comment...)

    This is the real fact about Red/Shins justice

  5. I whole-heartily agree with the1997 People's Constitution!!!clap2.gif

    Just delete Article 112!!!tongue.png

    The Art.112 is not a constitutional article, but from Penal code.... It's necessary to protect the Institution

    Who says?

    Protest the Institution from who and from what?

    No answer it is then...

    If you know the answer why you ask the question ?

    The reverend Institution is protect by Chapter II and Section 8 of the Thai constitution (Thai constitution 1997, 2006,2007, 2014)

  6. Why say a fake turkish passport ?

    Turkish is a well know terrorist state murder of opponents in foreign country....... This state play a dual game with IS since years

    When Thailand decide to deport Uyghur to China, Turkish governement was very unhappy with Thai decision

    Thai consulat in Turkish has been stormed by protester with benevolence of the Turkish state.

    I think we can put Turkey on the list of suspects

    I thought Turkey was a loyal NATO ally, buying oil from and supplying ISIS fearlessly helping to crush the Kurds ISIS.

    You understant why US is reluctant to call Bangkok attack an terrorist act whistling.gif

  7. Why say a fake turkish passport ?

    Turkish is a well know terrorist state murder of opponents in foreign country....... This state play a dual game with IS since years

    When Thailand decide to deport Uyghur to China, Turkish governement was very unhappy with Thai decision

    Thai consulat in Turkish has been stormed by protester with benevolence of the Turkish state.

    I think we can put Turkey on the list of suspects

  8. Two bombs on the same day and not connected? Yes one did not kill, because it was mis-thrown and bounced, had it landed where there were people, it would have. Is this more of piss- poor translations? I hope so.

    First one the second attack take place one day later wink.png

    Second, Some people could use the occasion to use bomber to disturb public.... but wait now result of investigation

  9. Here is the link from the reds cheering the death of five people. Proof of what kind of people they are. Scumbags!!!

    And red shirts kill innocent children......... an some of their leader cheered this coward act

    you have never edited a video before in your life, have you?

    Sorry for you but this video has been share a lot of time by thai media, Thida herself feel despointing by the reaction of this red learder

  10. Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

    few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

    The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size. I too hadn't seen any reports of a theft of 20 kg of C4 from "French military storage in the south of Thailand"; indeed I am not aware of French military facilities in Thailand. Some elucidation on this latter point would be interesting?

    Sorry, but TNT is on of the most stable explosive compounds known to man and a common ingredient in a host of both military and commercial explosives. Perhaps you are confusing it with Nitro Glycerine

    Nitro iseasy to product but many unstable too

  11. With certain accomplice in airport yes. Some of private security agent in French airport come from difficult suburb where islamit problem rise.

    Some journalist in France could board in plane with gun and hand grenade to prove security mesure are not enought in France.

    Last year French police loose a TNT in a luggague in airport during an excercice, the TNT without detonator have been recover by US autority.

    Survey of ilsamist in France are not so serious like French governement want to tell, Chalie Hebdo, Jewish supermarket in Paris and gas plant near Lyon are sad example of lack of means of French security forces.

    "Home grown" terrorists who are French citizens have carried out numerous attacks, murders and outrages over the several years. But, I can't recall where they've been involved in activities outside France. If French citizens were involved in terrorist acts outside France it's an escalation in their activities.

    But if so, then surely, the responsible organization would have claimed responsibility by now, with some glossy YouTube release?

    I agree with your comments on security competence.

    Yes I'm agree but some french citizen fight with ISIS, some of them conduct attack ouside French territory : The Jewish museum of Belguim shooting : suspect Mehdi Nemmouche, a 29-year-old french national with algerian origin

    Well if you kwonw ISIS Method, they don't claim directly attacks. In the last attack on Europ soil, terrorist lent allegiance to ISIS or ALQAIDA after the attacks. After this this cowards organisations claim to them......

    A lot of may french paper citizen commit crime in Thailand. Seen few year a lot of them constitute a real treasure of war with fraudulent withdrawal... Sometime you look some islate offense in news, but if you can link all of them you will see another thing....









  12. Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

    few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

    How many drinks did you have this morning?

    France don't have any military storage in Thailand, try to get sober next time you post more BS.

    You must to stop to drink too,.............Refer to other post......

  13. Not in Thailand but in south of France, some of people have problem with linguistic ? when I said " in south of this country , this country refer France

    You wrote:

    few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....

    Not very clear which country you are talking about?

    How easy would it be to get 20kg of C4 into Thailand from France?

    With certain accomplice in airport yes. Some of private security agent in French airport come from difficult suburb where islamit problem rise.

    Some journalist in France could board in plane with gun and hand grenade to prove security mesure are not enought in France.

    Last year French police loose a TNT in a luggague in airport during an excercice, the TNT without detonator have been recover by US autority.

    Survey of ilsamist in France are not so serious like French governement want to tell, Chalie Hebdo, Jewish supermarket in Paris and gas plant near Lyon are sad example of lack of means of French security forces.

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