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Posts posted by than

  1. Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

    few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

    The bomb maker clearly had expertise. TNT is dangerous to work with and C4 is considerably more powerful and versatile, so my guess is that C4 is more likely. The bomb squad reckons 3-5 lbs of explosive, so 20 kg would be enough to make 10 bombs of that size. I too hadn't seen any reports of a theft of 20 kg of C4 from "French military storage in the south of Thailand"; indeed I am not aware of French military facilities in Thailand. Some elucidation on this latter point would be interesting?
    in case of c4 I reckon use not more than 500g for blast of that size.

    Btw there is not any record of French MBS in Thailand ,I think someone is trolling..

    Not in Thailand but in south of France, some of people have problem with linguistic ? when I said " in south of this country , this country refer France

  2. Very amizing, a french citizen has been arrested at BKK, Police think explosive could be TNT or C4,

    few weeks ago 20 kg of C4 desapear from a french military storage in south of this country....whistling.gif

    Can you please post link to c4 French mil.storage?

    and the arrest

    No arrest


    07/04/2015-Miramas: theft of detonators, explosives and grenades on a military site

    Some 200 detonators and explosives were stolen from a military depot in the night from Sunday to Monday. Justice and the army each have opened an investigation. The Ministry of Defence has requested an assessment of the internal protection of all the military sites ammunition storage.According to a source close to the investigation, and the perpetrators entered the compound after cutting the fence. Reportedly, they took at least 160 detonators, igniters 70 caps, 40 grenades, 10 explosive loaves of 250 grams.
  3. Unfortunately there is not a clear case for it being any of these groups.

    Al Quada/Isis: They would have claimed it by now. And they would not done something as amateurish as the second pier bomb yesterday.

    Southern insurgents: No history of similar attacks. Apparently bomb type doesn't match.

    Redshirts: Political suicide for their cause.

    Uighar: No history of such attacks.

    I really don't know, but none of the above are convincing culprits to me.

    Could it be a lone lunatic ? It would explain the poor execution (15 minute timer on first bomb, and second bomb falling into water).

    I'm agree with some points IS would have attacked high-value targets in their eyes as entertainment venues Western tourristes (their main target) and the attack would have been very spectacular for strong lasting impression

    Southern insurgent why not, but like you say not probable;

    Redshirts perhaps a fanatic group desperate by move of their leaders. some people from the northeast appeared to be aware of this attack

    Prediction or accomplice

    Uighar : not them but perhaps the hand of a foreign government who support them whistling.gif There is a country when their people vandalized a Thai consular

  4. Wow Suthep told the truth for once and now is being prosecuted for it. These guys were seen on stage inciting the redshirts to burn BKK down.

    Just a part of red/Thaksin justice system, file complain when peole tell the true about them

    Actually, it's part of Thainess and if you knew anything about the defamation laws in Thailand you would know that the veracity of the claims have little bearing on the outcome of any defamation trial. They might very well be guilty of a lot more than Uncle Too's favourite monk has claimed but might still win the case.

    But hey, don't let that get in the way of a good rant!

    Defamation law the favorite tools of Thaksin he brought massive defamation suits against critical journalists when he was in power


  5. Early into the pm's statement, many doubt what he is saying. Even the press conference an hour earlier by the experts did not state, emphatically, that it is from the plane. Let's wait a bit longer to hear from the experts.coffee1.gif

    I think we not need to be expert to like this flaperon to MH370,

    How many B777 has crashed in the past ?

    4 B777 have been crashed in the world

    and only one in Indian Ocean

  6. During Yingluck regime, her government didn't make any move for the true, despite fact evidence and report and criticism from HRW(1/The Human Rights Watch report that covered the April and May deaths also concluded that men in black were active and very much among the Red Shirts; 2/ At the same time, the status of investigations into alleged crimes by UDD-linked “Black Shirt” militants remains unclear. A number of those accused of violence against soldiers, police officers, and anti-UDD groups were released on bail with the expectation they would not be prosecuted. The UDD leadership and their supporters, including those holding positions in the government and the parliament, dismissed the TRCT findings and asserted that there were no armed elements within the UDD during the events of 2010. HRW WORLD REPORT THAILAND YEARS 2012,2013,2014), her government didn't investigate on the real cause of this tragedy : the presence Armed terrorist element in red shirts rankings.....

    Seh Daeng recognize during an BBC interview that he train "ronin" for harass security forces and have a military wing for red movement (3/ In one recent interview he openly declared that he had 300 armed men trained for "close encounter" and armed with M79 grenade launchers. In other interviews he denied he was the leader of the military wing of the UDD. When a senior military officer was killed by sniper fire on 10 April, he told the media that it was the work of a shadowy unit supporting Thaksin inside the military, dubbed the Ronin Warriors (a reference to the era of Samurai warriors in Japan). He strongly denied he was the leader of this death squad, but confirmed government claims that it existed. THE GUARDIAN )...... after this revelation many red leaders distanced themselves from him ......

  7. Thai Laws are in serious need of reform, these libel and defamation cases are a joke.

    Taksin like libel law, during his regime he brought massive defamation suits against critical journalists


    The juvenile tit for tat is the reason many see Thailand's laws as nothing more than a joke, where those with money get what they want, there is no such thing as proportional justice in Thailand, the past 12 months have been testimony to that. Money talks, the rich walk.. it really is that simple.

    The same thing during the last 20 years. No political groups do something for change that, they wallow with these laws.....

    Look, only poor protesters of all sides are convict and jail, their leaders walk free and have good health, Taksin is one of them, he always use his money to try to avoid jail or justice (remenber buiscit box with baht for judge....)

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