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Posts posted by than

  1. If NATO had stayed out of Syria this wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have had hundreds of thousands of Syrians fleeing to Europe. Thanks a lot NATO.

    Not only Syria....the madness started back when NATO trained Islamists to fight Soviets in Afghanistan.......Removing Saddam, Gaddafi and supporting Saudi Arabia are just some more stupid ideas.

    everything is because of Bush Cheney only that

    Gaddafi was a personal crusade of Sarkozy

  2. This is typical Thai thinking make a decision right off the bat, show me the money. Their logic would be that many airlines will most lkely suspend flights so they will put extra bumbs in seats. Would never cross their mind that they would probably be flying near empty planes for awhile.

    A Thai bashing comment.

    Name all the airlines who have cancelled/delayed/suspended flights to France .

    Only American Airlines (AITA code AA) are suspend flight waiting for more information from French official.

    CDG remain open only border control has been enforce.....

    State of Emergency declare on whole french territory...

  3. 15 days and a 1000bht fine? bet he is shi@@ing himeself!

    I'm not sure that pay 1000 Bht fine for a thai was good.

    1000 bht is nothing for a farang, but for a thai is different.....

    So what if it is different for a Thai? make it 10,000 or 20,000baht. If he didn't do wrong he would not pay 1 baht! Let the buggers learn the hard way!

    Average monthly salary in Thailand is between 4,863 bahts for a construction worker to 48.036 baths for Airlines pilots

    A bus driver is 7.654 baths I think a taxi driver is under 10 000 baths/ month.

    In Thailand taxi driver prefers short trip than longer trip


    we don't know for sure but the facts are they refused until the guys with the guns took over then did an about turn - go figure!

    Reread 2007 Constitution about caretaker government.

    They were not allow to borrow money.

    The problem of no payment of farmers was not begin at the moment of the dissolution of house, but largely before.............. during the YL office farmers not receive their money since September 2013( for remember house was dissolve the 9 December 2013). During two months (September 2013 to December 2013) YL do nothing for curb the situation and give farmer money.

    Having destroyed its own agriculture by attempting to substitute the State in a complex and very connected dynamics market , Thailand has lost one of its core strengths in its regional environment.

    YL government has destroyed Thai agriculture

  5. Any reds still want to try and claim they didn't burn down CentralWorld as well with their million liters of petrol ?.

    Or do you still try to claim someone else did it ?.

    Or have you really always known just like the rest of us who did it - but lying and blaming others just comes so easy ?..

    It's good to know some more low-life are behind bars where they belong.

    Yes, Red shirt has just less memory, they forget all beautiful video of their leaders, like Nattawut Saikua, call for violent protest and ordered to burn Bangkok

  6. Thank you for having ethics and courage wai.gif

    What has that got to do with Yingluck ?? He didn't mention any reason why she didn't attend any meetings of the Committee

    Well said, right on the point!

    I see you guys have never held positions.... at all? maybe in your jobs you were pretty junior? you think all PMs attend all meetings under their command? why would she? she was PRIME MINISTER you *****s

    why don't you and Wombat go try DO something with your miserable lives than just be keyboards warriors? "well said"? God I despair! go and and have another Chang! this is a SET-UP you ******s

    The insult is the last resort of those who have no more argument wai2.gif

  7. Maybe but not you, but there are plenty in here screaming periodically that the accusation is that 500bn was stolen.

    There isn't even an accusation that it ended up in the wrong pockets. Some went to farmers, some went to trucks, warehousing, fumigation, shipping etc etc.

    It was, as well you know, touted as a self financing scheme and deliberately kept off budget, so avoiding parliamentary scrutiny.

    The World Bank estimated 4% actually went to farmers. All she or her minions need to do is produce actual audited certified accounts that show where the other 96% went. Simple. Oh, and perhaps she should explain how not attending the meetings she was supposed to chair, and ignoring all warnings, was not negligent.

    Then she's home free - if she can do it of course.

    Another tentative (but failed) disinformation. smile.png

    The World Bank never wrote that only 4% actually went to farmers. It wrote only 4% went to the specific category of "poor farmers".

    The main reason given is that the poor farmers mainly grow rice for their own consumption and seldom sell it.

    Source The Nation (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Farmers-to-sue-govt-for-rice-money-30226654.html) :

    "World Bank says pledging scheme poorly implemented, tainted by corruption"

    "Now there are some 1.2 million farmers who have not yet been paid their money due under the rice-pledging scheme."

    "The World Bank said the rice subsidy scheme was a good idea to help stabilise farmers' income, but added that it had been badly implemented and that corruption was another big problem."

    Source IMF (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/11/12/uk-imf-thailand-idUKBRE9AB02B20131112) :

    "The International Monetary Fund called on Thailand to scrap its pricy scheme to support rice farmers and scale back some other fiscal stimulus measures in order to balance the budget and contain rising public debt.

    The rice policy has been a disaster, however, with losses of 136 billion baht ($4.3 billion) in the 2011-2012 crop year. After that, the government ceased reporting the losses, although former central bank governor and finance minister Pridiyathorn Devakula recently estimated the total at 425 billion baht.

    The IMF said the government's agreement to pay about 40 percent above market prices for rice would make losses "inevitable," and a 410 billion fund to pay for the rice scheme was unlikely to contain all the losses."

    So what? I never wrote that there was no loss in the rice scheme and that it was a very good scheme. Don't pretend you are not able to read what I post.

    All I wrote is that there is no evidence of massive amounts of money diverted to corruption, as alledged by several posters in this forum. Initially in response to Baerboxer pretending that only 4% of the money actually went to farmers, quite erronously citing the World Bank for this figure.

    World bank and IMf claim there was massive corruption in scheme, They aware YL government since 2012

  8. Maybe but not you, but there are plenty in here screaming periodically that the accusation is that 500bn was stolen.

    There isn't even an accusation that it ended up in the wrong pockets. Some went to farmers, some went to trucks, warehousing, fumigation, shipping etc etc.

    It was, as well you know, touted as a self financing scheme and deliberately kept off budget, so avoiding parliamentary scrutiny.

    The World Bank estimated 4% actually went to farmers. All she or her minions need to do is produce actual audited certified accounts that show where the other 96% went. Simple. Oh, and perhaps she should explain how not attending the meetings she was supposed to chair, and ignoring all warnings, was not negligent.

    Then she's home free - if she can do it of course.

    Another tentative (but failed) disinformation. smile.png

    The World Bank never wrote that only 4% actually went to farmers. It wrote only 4% went to the specific category of "poor farmers".

    The main reason given is that the poor farmers mainly grow rice for their own consumption and seldom sell it.

    Source The Nation (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Farmers-to-sue-govt-for-rice-money-30226654.html) :

    "World Bank says pledging scheme poorly implemented, tainted by corruption"

    "Now there are some 1.2 million farmers who have not yet been paid their money due under the rice-pledging scheme."

    "The World Bank said the rice subsidy scheme was a good idea to help stabilise farmers' income, but added that it had been badly implemented and that corruption was another big problem."

    Source IMF (http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/11/12/uk-imf-thailand-idUKBRE9AB02B20131112) :

    "The International Monetary Fund called on Thailand to scrap its pricy scheme to support rice farmers and scale back some other fiscal stimulus measures in order to balance the budget and contain rising public debt.

    The rice policy has been a disaster, however, with losses of 136 billion baht ($4.3 billion) in the 2011-2012 crop year. After that, the government ceased reporting the losses, although former central bank governor and finance minister Pridiyathorn Devakula recently estimated the total at 425 billion baht.

    The IMF said the government's agreement to pay about 40 percent above market prices for rice would make losses "inevitable," and a 410 billion fund to pay for the rice scheme was unlikely to contain all the losses."

  9. And the 'explosive decompression' caused by structural failure of a poorly maintained aircraft will look the same on the flight recorder data which is all they have at the moment.

    The aircraft made a tail strike in 2001 when it was leased by MEA

    A bad reparation could be drive to this crash. Remember flight CI 611 and flight JL 123 same cause, same crash.

    Now for the "fireball" detected just remind that after 30 min of fly, the aircraft was always full of kerosene

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