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Posts posted by than

  1. Many posters stated that the PTP froze bank accounts of protest leaders, but provide no specifics. Were these 'leaders' leading protests in clear violation of the law? The ones illegally occupying government property, blocking roads, refusing legal orders to disperse, etc.?

    Chaturon Chaisang defied an order to report to the junta, where he undoubtedly would have been held incommunicado without charge for an indefinite period for 'attitude adjustment'. The only illegal act mentioned is his refusal to comply to the junta's order, which is of questionable legallity. The type of detention he would have been subjected to is a clear violation of human rights and would not be deemed legal by an international court.

    The great difference between PTP government and PRDC it's that PTP use terrorism method to silent his opponent.....

    If you forget during PRDC stage, a lot of protest has been kill but PTP supporter, 5 children lost live during PTP supporter terror attack.........

    I'm not see or hear that PRDC kill children or cheer this news... not like UDD in Pattaya meeting last year who cheer the kill of children and innocent people.......

  2. No country in the world respect the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights..... look example in western country, permission seeking for rally is in forces in country like France or Germany....

    In western country court can ban rally and law give more power to security forces to dislodge protester and arrest them......

    Thai history show that when gorvenement let protester make what they want, country turn to chaos and unrest. It's time to have law who really protect citizen against protester dictatorship

  3. These groups must ask them this question, Why all criminal cases concern Phra Dhammchayo were drop under Taksin dictatorship regime !

    TRT and Dhammakaya Temple - perfect match


    Dhammakaya was also major force in the formation of the Thaksin’s populist Thai Rak Thai party, which has banned.


    Truth illuminates the path wai2.gif

  4. One by one the police corrupt big shots are getting uncovered.

    This is why they supported Thaksin, Yingluck and the rest as they never bothered them in their mafia dealings.

    About time this police force has been investigated and dealt with.

    My worries is why don't they fire them but put them in inactive posts while they still draw their salaries.

    Hope this will change soon.

    People like you seem to have forgotten that police corruption has been common in Thailand before and even after the Shinawatras. The police were most corrupt during The Democrats under Abhisit.

    Taksin red sponsor was a police colonel, and he is the most corrupt people of all Thailand.......

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