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Posts posted by donna

  1. if you dont want to take the 100 (yes, i counted them) stairs up, you can actually drive up to the very top level and walk on over.

    i remember that the owner (forget his name sorry, but i can picture him) told me that his food WASNT fusion, as he thought that was CONFUSION. haha. in fact, when i went there, (i remember his name now) Jay ordered for us and the food was delicious. it wasnt what i would call fusion, but it was a different slant on thai food for sure.

    besides, huggybear, taking the stairs justifies dessert.

  2. i drove for a couple of years in phuket and thought that they were pretty bad there. going over that bloody mountain every day from kathu to patong was very taxing on the nerves, and even worse when it rained, causing the mountain to turn into a white water rafting experience.

    then i came to bali to live. i find the drivers here to be MUCH worse than in phuket, and this is mostly due to the fact that the motorbikes just dont know their place on the road. thailand has it right with motorcyclists generally sticking to the left hand lane and this works well. but in bali, they are all over the place. trucks go at either full speed, or slower than walking pace, and insist on hogging the right lane.

    a traffic light intersection that would usually have two lanes turns into three with a bottle neck effect when they have to merge suddenly on the other side of the intersection.

    a lot of the problem here in bali is the state of the roads. 'bloody awful' to 'perhaps acceptable if nothing else is available' in most cases.

    on some days, road rage is still alive in my car im afraid.

  3. Herbal "health" drinks that are thick with SUGAR

    Toilet paper dispensers for dining tables

    toilet paper: always on the table. NEVER in the toilet

    i would have to say those cheap 'heavy' plastic shoes that the thai girls cant seem to pick up off the ground when walking. PICK UP YOUR FEET

  4. jackyseymour, i believe that he recommended chris1299 contact me was not because of my moderator status, but as a result of reading previous threads of mine where i have some understanding of relationships etc. i have personally been to a counselor in phuket and this has been mentioned on the forum before.

    i have made a recommendation to the OP, via PM, to the therapist i saw.

    nothing more to it.

  5. the pre test counselling isnt a 'lie on the couch' job, but more finding out the reasons you feel you may have been exposed, what you can do to prevent it, how the results (either way) work, and just general talking you through the process to make it less nerve wracking for the patient.

  6. personally i would rather pay a higher price for an accurate result and compassionate doctor than to pay a bargain basement rate for a potentially dodgy result given by a doctor who looks at me like i am a piece of crap.

    Well said Donna :o

    Never had that kind of problem at Mission Hospital in Phuket City. And often been the only farang in sight. Do you guys really think every Thai hates you? That's the impression I get. It's kinda sad, and far from the truth. Test results both times were given by female doctors speaking excellent English, with compassion.

    i can vouch for Mission. they are a wonderful facility, and i did find a great OB GYN there who was the best doctor i found in phuket. i have had many tests done at mission and was more than happy with their service. i would not go to Bangkok Phuket again, i think. each time i went there, the experience was not so good.

    without getting in to unnecessary details, i had a, lets say 'female problem', and one doctor told me that she needed to operate immediately as she thought i had cancer (i dont), and another one (male this time) told me that i was ridiculous for asking for secondary tests to confirm his diagnosis.

    do i think that every thai hates me? of course not.

    have i had some crap doctors in thailand? absolutely.

    Well, I think it will not be the doctor, but the person in the lab who does the actual test.

    If you go for a test, do you care in what way the doc looks at you, or shows compassion? Compassion for what??

    if you knew about how HIV tests were done in the west, you would understand that the doctor has to counsel you before the test, and after, no matter what the results are. my doctor in australia has a particularly good bedside manner and i would not think of going to another doctor when i am back there.

    do i care what way the doctor looks at me? absolutely! part of a doctors job is to be caring towards his/her patients, and if they cannot show this when taking a simple blood test, then what hope do you have if the diagnosis happens to be positive? would you prefer a doctor who says 'you dumb shit, you went and got HIV and now youre gonna die', or the one who says 'this isnt good news but its not necessarily a death sentence. there are many treatments available which can prolong your life'.

    i know which one i would choose.

  7. i have had that happen to me too. mainly with black soles (if that makes any sense at all). its only happened on shoes that i have not worn for some time. first time it happened ot me, i put the shoes on and they left a trail of black crumbs behind me before the entire sole fell off.

    this happens from expensive colorado shoes to cheapies.

  8. The american governmet funded a study to see why the head of a mans penis was larger than the shaft. After 1 year and $180,000, they concluded that the reason that the head was larger than the shaft was to give the man more pleasure during sex.

    After the US published the study, the French decided that they would conduct their own study. After $250,000 and three years of research, they concluded that the reason the head was bigger than the shaft was to give the woman more pleasure during sex.

    Australia, not happy with these findings, decided to do their own study. After two weeks, a cost of around $75.46 and two slabs of beer, they concluded that it was to keep a mans hand from flying off and hitting himself in the forehead.

  9. what a sad story. i think any relationship has the potential to be put to the test in thailand. and when things get tough, you really find out who your friends are. i really liked those two fellas. they are funny, so so camp, but very genuine caring gentlemen. i can only wish them both the best of luck for their futures.

  10. many hotels offer their staff a basic salary with a minimum guaranteed service charge. there was a hotel last year who opened up at the start of high season. they were offering basic wages with 10,000 guaranteed service charge every month.

    when hiring staff in phuket, the common question is 'how much is service charge and do you guarantee it?'. they often have the minimum salary but with the service charge on top they do ok.

    of course not all hotels do this, but it is always a very hot topic.

  11. I bet he regrets the moments of sending it now; cause the date and the note(I am proud to marry this ....beauty :o ) beside that (wife)'s picture ; showed a period of time when he supposed to be divorced from a hateful person since 2 years :D

    zaza, are you saying that this person was showing off their wife, but they were telling you that they were divorced from that 'hateful' person at the same time? what a horrid person. if so, one can only hope that the wife realised what a devious man he is.

    the thing to keep in mind is that we DO make our own beds, and we DO have to lay in them. i would say his is possibly made of barbed wire and thorns at the moment!

  12. as mentioned earlier, folks, i fought my old employer in court and won. the chef from my old workplace also recently sued and won. the old manager (who fired me, but we are still friends funnily enough) is in the process of sueing them and it looks like he will also win.

    we are ALL foreigners.

    we ALL used the same female thai lawyer.

    we were ALL in the right.

    the thai labour law bats for the one in the right. they are not, in my opinion, discriminatory against westerners.

    in fact, the judge in my case actually told me that there was an attempt to bribe him by my old employer, but he did not accept it, and would not consider it. he told me 'we are not corrupt in this court, and we will fight for the rights of those who are innocent'.

    dont let the fact that you are western turn you against taking action. if you are clearly in the right, you should go for it. i have faith in the thai labour laws and would not hesitate to do it again if i was wrong done by.

  13. apologies people, but forum rules state:

    7) Spam, flooding, commercial or for-profit advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and similar solicitations are also inappropriate and not allowed on thaivisa.com. Any member who might violate this prohibition will be banned from these forums and this site. Membership is at the will of thaivisa.com. Our contracts with our advertisers prohibit comments with regard to advertisements which appear on our forums. Such comments should not be posted and will be removed. Please don't drop promotional urls, signature files, or specifics that would lead people to your site.

    i have removed commercial website links.

    misterman, i have also removed the email address in yoru original post and asked posters to contact you for more information.

    and, everyone, this is not a commercial advertisement, as has already been confirmed by the moderation team.

  14. cant say i have seen the show you are talking about, but i did used to watch 'destination thailand' when i was there. i found it to be interesting at times, even though the producers, capital tv, did operate on a very low budget.

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