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Posts posted by donna

  1. im not sure if the OP needs a contract or not. the fact that the company can confirm when he started work there should be enough, and as he has a work pemit, i believe that should be enough.

    i would seek the help of a lawyer to see where you stand. i THINK you should be owed at least 1 months salary on your last day, and 1 month in lieu of notice if they let you go on the spot.

    of course i could be wrong here, and think that there are other more experienced members who could answer if this is the case.

  2. i love the show. the thai actress and her buddy dont look like they will go too far.....shes a bit too much of a princess.

    the two models from thailand will have an advantage on some tasks as they have such long legs! haha.

    i think the hong kong boys may give everyone a good run for their money.

    and i looooove the show.

  3. the best obgyn i found in phuket was a Dr Kitti at Mission Hospital. he is young and sympathetic. worth a shot.

    Dr Kitti was actually our Dr during the pregnancy, i ws quite happy with him he seemed pretty knowledgable, so you think its worth a shot to go see him again?

    yes, i would give him a shot. you have nothing to lose, and i am sure that he would be knowledgeable on the condition.

    Wouldn't an OBS/GYN be more the person to see for pre-natal and birth stuff....

    I thought a psychiatrist would be what you wanted.. After all it is a mood disorder, not a vaginal disorder.

    that may be the case, nicholasmerwood, but dr kitti has probably encountered this situation before and if he is unable to treat it, he will be able to recommend a doctor who has experience in this area.

  4. perhaps you should all stick to the topic at hand which is, for those who have forgotten: Knife-wielding Intruder In Rawai, Terrible news

    enough debating why they are in separate beds. get over it. basically, although it has been reported in the newspaper, but its not anyones business, and nor is it the point of this thread.

  5. ok. hows this for a bit of beefcake then. when i was a tour leader, i had this gorgeous specimen of a man on a trip with me. he was an absolute gentleman and such a lovely guy. all the ladies in the market thought he was tiger woods (go figure).

    troy warwell. model for joe boxer.


  6. haha (she says with a half grin).

    my point is that it happens everywhere, not only in phuket.

    there are a couple of forums around for bali, but they consist of tourists mainly who are only interested in the cheapest place to plait your hair and the price of a bintang these days.

    i think i will hang around here a while longer.

  7. Not to stray off topic too much but my part of Phuket is definitely not safe - the house whose foundations were undermined last year by the mud slide and which has been hanging precariously off the side of the ravine near Beverly Hills, has finally had enough and yesterday it decided to take the plunge. Fortunately it didn't take any part of the complex I live in with it.

    oh wow. i am shocked that they didnt demolish the house a while ago. i hope that nobody was injured when it came down.

  8. sure. the news like to sensationalise the troubles in the deep south. i cant tell you how many visitors to the hotel i worked at in phuket would ask me about safety.

    stick to your plans. you are highly unlikely to be mixed up in any of these sorts of things.

  9. here in bali, it is common practice to not zero the pump before they start filling. they make you drive forward so that you cant see the led display, and im surprised that the staff can even see it at times. they commonly charge you for the previous customers fill too.

    i usually get out of the car and check that the pump is zero'd before they start filling it.

    little buggers they are.

  10. agree with Devil there DanBlack. you may curse yourself afterwards though, as she will want to dive every weekend after that! (i always liked the after diving car park scenes when i was diving in australia). besides, divers are always good blokes.

  11. this is terrible news. i havent seen the pictures yet, but i would not be prepared to lose my life for a political party. not ever.

    having said that, westerners are safe as long as they dont get involved in these protests. go about your daily lives and stay out of it and i would say you would be safe.

    It's not for a 'political party'. It's for taking a stand on the direction in which you wish your country to be headed.

    and who do you expect to lead the country in this new direction, tamsin? khun daeng and her husband khun wit from the noodle shop down the road?

    of course its political.

  12. this is terrible news. i havent seen the pictures yet, but i would not be prepared to lose my life for a political party. not ever.

    having said that, westerners are safe as long as they dont get involved in these protests. go about your daily lives and stay out of it and i would say you would be safe.

  13. i and my gf will be heading over to krabi on the 6TH this month , do u think its still advisable to go there ?

    songofsonaca, i would do as LivinLOS advises and monitor it on a daily basis. having said that, i do not believe that tourists are in any physical danger. once you are on phuket, you should be fine.

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