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Posts posted by hansum

  1. The US empire is in the beginning stages of collapse. Happens to all empires eventually. If it didn't we'd be using hieroglyphics for this forum. The Brits didn't like it in the 18th century when it happened to them either.

    Despite trying the US has never had an empire, being unable to win wars or befriend the locals has been their hindrance.

    Try the start of the 20th century for when the British Empire showed signs of crumbling, despite peaking in size after World War 1.

  2. "We're now partnered up with the two most successful teams in England's top-flight league,". no you're not mister singha. its second most successful and one small club that won the pools in 2004.

    You're yesterdays news if you not at the top for a season or 2, and lets face it Liverpool are needing a pools win to stop Manure becoming the most successful.

    I thought clubs arent interested in coming to banana republics as theyve cottoned on that they dont make money selling shirts as people mainly buy counterfeits, hence why they keep going to America.

  3. Something to do with President Obama and Timothy Geithner spending money like no govt has done in history so they can stay in power like all socialist govts do, and not looking like theyve any intention or a plan of getting their deficits down .... well apart from printing more money as theyre looking to do shortly!

    Im not a septic but am getting paid in dollars and i dont think its looking good until this lot are out of office and they have a govt who can negotiate more even trade agreements and deal with Chinas suppressed currency, once Obamas absolutely brilliant marketing campaign to get into power was over, he seemed to run out of ideas.

  4. This seems to be a weekly thing farang pedophiles arrested, and the farangs for such things. Close Down ptaya and stop these people coming to Thailad.

    Yes, ok...but then do what about the 1000x more Thai's than farangs that frequent brothels for 13 year old girls. Is that not more of an issue?

    Hum, two British men were wanted for murder are arrested for murder! One for sex crimes in his own country and Cambodia. Sex sells, murder I guess is boring news... There are a few more Thai's being arrested for rape, but that isn't the topic. There is an ongoing effort to arrest foreigners that are wanted by their home nations. With the immigration rules, it's much easier to arrest a foreigner as we have to report to immigration, than a Thai, who can go anywhere and not be accounted for...

    Yes but theyve their own scumbags who theyre stuck with, they dont want to import and look after them them like we do in the UK.

    Im thinking the Pandora's box that is Thai on Thai crime of this nature will be opened in the coming years ... all these kind of stories have only recently (15-20 years or so) been in the western media, for years it was hidden or a blind eye was turned to it.

  5. It is permanent and the area near klong saen saeb is a muslim quarter. Live with it, as a billion people worldwide do.

    I work on an oil rig with barely any sleep, so wish to sleep when back, so no i wont live with it.

    Just shows how disrespectful this mosque is towards those non believers in the vicinity.

    ii drowns out barking dogs, shouting neighbors, traffic sounds,

    --- noise dznt bother Thais, they could sleep thru a war

    It bothers the 1 im living with so on my straw poll it bothers 100% of Thais, but traffic noises are necessary this isnt.

    But my questions been answered that it will go on forever so i will move.

    With all the noise we now know it isnt the "Religion of Peace"

  6. There's no need for the noisy mosque loudspeakers. Perhaps they could take note of what has happened in other Muslem countries and follow suit.

    Even Saudi Arabia had enough last year and ordered a crackdown on overly loud speakers. Since then there's been a noticeable reduction in prayer call noise levels.


    I was recently working in Saudi and ironically never got woken up by such noises.

  7. You been here 2 weeks and you've already got an axe to grind.Goodluck with your stay in Thailand.

    You mean you think being woken up at 5am is tickity boo?

    Are you one of those people who have been here longer then everyone? a real life Thai expert you must surely be! ... but no ive been here a little longer then this if it makes my credentials for disliking being woken up so early by nuisance noises any better.

  8. It is permanent and the area near klong saen saeb is a muslim quarter. Live with it, as a billion people worldwide do.

    I work on an oil rig with barely any sleep, so wish to sleep when back, so no i wont live with it.

    Just shows how disrespectful this mosque is towards those non believers in the vicinity.

  9. Im staying opposite close to Siam and have been here 2 weeks, anyway their is a mosque on the Ratchetewi side of the canal that blasts out prayers every morning extremely loudly at 5am ish then at around 11am-12, then at about 5pm everyday without fail, and possibly in between these times, this mornings it went on for 45 minutes.

    Is this a permanent thing or am i just unlucky enough for there to be some religious goings on at the moment, i know Ramadam isn't until next week.

    i amazed they get away with this intolerance and arrogance to think they can wake people up so early in this area.

  10. Be another nail in the coffin of fair competition should some Chinese wealth fund buy them out.

    Ironic really that the proles of Liverpool complain about funding the Americans buyout, yet theyll be more then grateful for the poor workers of China to subsidise their football club ... hypocrisy is it not?

  11. <br>Not going to respond to troll posts here. However, about the specific Iranian case which I continue to contend is just one case, whether they boys were murdered by the Iranian regime for rape or consensual gay sex continues to be a matter of great controversy and uncertainty. If someone wants to start a thread about that case in particular, fine, but a detailed discussion of that ONE CASE does not seem to belong in a more general topic thread like this.<br>
    <div>When the original judge stated his judgement on the case views that are the same as mine was he just trolling? now please stop trying to belittle or insult in some way someone who disagrees with youre extremist far left views.


  12. Ugly pictures but some ignorant people don't realize how serious the situation is for gays in many countries even in these modern times.

    And many do realise it, but prefer to ignore uncomfortable facts.

    And many more prefer to say that "these two" were hung for being gay when Ayaz Marhoni and Mahmoud Asgari were actually hung for abducting and raping a 13 year old boy at knifepoint, as Human Rights Watch, the International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission and the lesbian and gay Muslim group the Al-Fatiha Foundation (and many others) confirmed after investigation - contrary to what Peter Tatchel and Outrage! and Doug Ireland claimed (without investigation!).

    It would seem facts are getting in the way of Jingthings agenda.

  13. hodgson could sell players for about £80m this summer and still not get a transfer budget of more than about £10m. we won't be doing any real rebuilding until we have a new owner who is prepared to pay H&G's ludicrous valuation and put some real investment into the club.

    Liverpool have got to cut their cloth accordingly, as of now this is your rebuilding.

    I could never stoop so low as to wanting an Arab or Russian to come along and pour millions of his nations oil/gas/mineral wealth into my club ... At least when Newcastle fans have paid back for Ashleys and Shepherd/Halls &lt;deleted&gt; ups in about 10 years theyll still be a club with a little bit of self respect and integrity ... something Chelsea and City no longer have.

    There is more to football then competing for 4th.

  14. Where do you mean by mid-Sukhumvit? Thonglor - Ekkamai?

    Which new condo development was sold at Bt4.5m fully furnished for a 2-bedroom of around 80+ sqm?

    Projects launched in 2007-8 and recently transferred were priced around Bt80-90k+/m2. The units would cost Bt6.8m up, unfurnished. And you are offering to rent them at Bt25k/m2 for a fully furnished unit?

    Nope not in that area ... further up there are a few developments around soi 65 and in the upper 40s, that are 60-67m2 and they are selling for 4 - 4.5 million or less ... basically a relatively large room with flimsy partition walls a couple of cheap doors, a shower and a hob.

    Im offering a fair rate of about 6.5 -7% if bought at todays advertised prices and am not trying to take the p7ss.

    I used to own an agency selling offplan property in Europe and after meeting more then my fair share of these so called property investors i shouldnt be surprised theyre not taking less then the 10% such a genius investment should obviously make.

  15. Good! And I hope a load of other big international buisnesses leave, too. I work for an international comany here, and I've seen first hand how much red tape there is and how utterly arrogant the government is. A lot of international companies know this and move to countries that welcome foreign investment. This is what we call 'developing'.

    The mentality of the goverment seems to have trickled down on to a lot of Thai peope. Like the Thai woman who asked me 'How can you work here? You're not Thai' The real paradox is a lot of Thai people wanna work for international companies and not their own, because they pay better and actually encourage and have prospects (Promotion, salary increase etc)

    But what do I know? I've only seen for myself Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai.

    Good but for different reasons.

    I have seen in the UK how Tesco (the main protagonist) has destroyed the businesses of thousands of small retailers and the same is happening here. Thailand does not need western styled super stores. Kick the lot out. Today there is a report on how some of these companies are contributing to the destruction of rainforests. What I don't like is their apparent fundamental dishonesty. Green projects, organic etc are just a smokescreen to develop their businesses. They retail in every area like some massive hoover, hoovering up anything that stands in their way. Yup. Good riddance to the lot of 'em.

    Perfect post,distribute the wealth to thais not french.We should all be able to eat less farang food and more thai food,and stop these crazy prices for imported products

    Great idea lets stop importing Thai food in the west, and distribute the wealth better back home :rolleyes:

  16. Ive been looking for 2 bed places in new build developments where the apartment costs 4.5 million to buy fully furnished in mid sukhumvit

    And to my amazement owners are asking 35000 to sometimes 40000 baht PCM and most will not negotiate and the ones that do will knock off a couple of thousand baht, whereas i'm not willing to go over 25k for such a place.

    Now do people often pay this kind of money to rent what are not very well built apartments with no bathtub or oven, Or is it a case of the owners prefer to leave the property empty for months or even years until they find some mug?

  17. I agree with the comments about Tony Roma's. Easily the tastiest burger I've had in Thailand.

    Here in Pattaya I recently had a cheeseburger at Shenanigans in the Avenue Mall. Very good indeed.

    Shenanigans was the worst burger ive ever eaten in my life let alone Thailand .... it was like theyd mixed flakey cardbboard in with the meat.avoid at all costs.

    Has anyone any new recommendations as im craving for a burger right now?

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