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Posts posted by hansum

  1. Last night's extra time goal and subsequent victory was one of the most exciting sports events I can remember, right up there with the 1980 hockey game against Russia. Given we got hosed in the Slovenia game, and even in the Algeria game (Dempsey was clearly not off-sides), it was only right that we pulled it out. Sending England off to play Germany, while we get to play Ghana is frosting on the cake.

    Now thats what i like to here, and yes it was a bit of a disappointment when you lot scored at the end meaning England have the harder route to the final. Germany then the Argies and possiblySpain in the Semi, the US route is fairly easy.

  2. Jeezzz! What professional cry babies!! I'm not allowed to have any other opinion that is contrary to your emotions?? Where's that baby sucking the dummy icon again?? :violin: :violin: couldn't find it so this'll have to do...

    Why keep coming out with this am i not allowed to have a different opinion line, no one has said this or even implied it, but some of the rubbish youre spouting is incomprehendible .. and your hatred towards the English is clear to see so why not go away and spout your genius on other topics and let the rest of us argue/debate etc without having to read your nonsense.

    PS You should go to your local bar on Sunday and come out with the stuff you have on here to some English people see what happens.

  3. But you need to make sure you copy the Dutch coaching models, lots of five asides on small pitches plus training young players in every position. Rather than the English coaching model which is lots of weights sessions in the gym and learning to kick the ball as far as possible ;)

    The size of your population is no guarantee of footballing success, look at the Solvenians pop 2 million who regularly qualify for top tournaments whereas Russia regularly miss out, also China footballs very popular but they are rubbish. I proper coaching philosophy like the dutch total football idea, which Johan Cruyff exported to Spain and is used at Barcelona, gives a much better chance of world cup success than a large population.

    What is it with you Americans in your constant need to knock the English at football are you trying to tell me you couldnt learn a thing from the English at football?

    And i am telling you as a fact Johan Cruyff did not export total football to Spain ... try Rinus Michels.

  4. What about that too? Why DOES the second place team get the extra days rest?? That's crap too...

    Theyve got to fit in 64 games in 30 days what the <deleted> do you want them to do.

    Really??? Was I referring to the first round of games you fool?? In this round it is most certainly possible to have all corresponding group games on the same day so as to have first and second place teams playing in all cases without any rest advantages given. As for the rest of your post it is just more mindless English bluster and defensiveness my dislike for Brits is based on empirical experience both in playing with and the hypocritical and contradictory responses of the lot of you just like what've you just posted...

    Guess you didnt read Jockstars warning about flaming mate. I can recommend Jack Nicolson for anger management therapy. Bring your own golf clubs.

    I dont think he has written one post without showing his hatred towards the English in, and from what ive seen most on here have said well done to the aMercins

  5. Perhaps if the English were aware that goalkeeper is an actual position on the team, you wouldn't have these recurring problems with your keepers.

    Yes English teams arent aware of how important a keeper is thanks for the advice.

    with Golden Boot contender Rooney -

    Have you seen Rooneys scoring rate for England prior to the WC ... thought not as if you did you wouldnt have come out with your Golden Boot contender line.

  6. Of course some day the USA will win the World Cup. It is inevitable, especially with our huge pool of Latino origin people. Dream final -- Brasil vs. USA.

    One thing you have in your favour is getting as good as a free pass to the world cup as the CONCACAF region gets too many places at the world cup in relation to the quality of teams in it.

    America have a chance of fluking it to the final of this World cup as theyve potentially an easy route to the final ...

    Really?? While I know they aren't in the CONCACAF what about Spain? And then there is that little pre-world cup contest known as the Confederations Cup, seems we fared pretty well in that tourney against some pretty respectable competition being runner up only to Brazil..

    JFYI that "fluking it" as you called it is due to our own good play so don't marginalize it that way..If it was England they'd have 'EARNED' their position in the ranking but in this case it's "fluking it" since it's the US? fluke off.....

    Nice backhanded compliment in your closing BTW :rolleyes: ....

    It wasnt a backhanded compliment you insular man.

    The Confederations cup is a non event.

    Read what i said about fluking it, i havent said youve fluked anything.

    And read the England thread all English are exceptionally critical of their team and more then realistic.

    Youre boring now with your hatred of the English im presuming youre one of those IRA loving Irish Americans.

  7. Good luck to the German team.

    I've always considered it both customary and sportsmanly to offer good luck to the opposing team.

    Good luck Germany.

    P.S. Much more than an England win, my wish for the game is that the final result is a fair reflection of who has played the best game.

    Not like 1990 or 1996 when England were by far the better team.

  8. What about that too? Why DOES the second place team get the extra days rest?? That's crap too...

    Theyve got to fit in 64 games in 30 days what the <deleted> do you want them to do, youre unbelievable in your hating of the English, up there with President Umbongo.

    Now at first i gave you a chance when you said you knew a bit about football but some of the drivel youve come out with shows you really havent got a clue.

    PS If English football is so bad then why is the English Premier League the most popular in the world, and please dont say its because of foreigners as the top teams have always played good on the ground football and their trophy haul in the last 50 years of European football shows this.

  9. Of course some day the USA will win the World Cup. It is inevitable, especially with our huge pool of Latino origin people. Dream final -- Brasil vs. USA.

    Arent i right in thinking the Hispanic population in the US on the whole is Mexican and historically Mexico at best have never been better then average despite a huge pool of Latinos.

    One thing you have in your favour is getting as good as a free pass to the world cup as the CONCACAF region gets too many places at the world cup in relation to the quality of teams in it.

    America have a chance of fluking it to the final of this World cup as theyve potentially an easy route to the final ... a few draws along the way and winning on penalties as Argentina done in 1990 then who knows ... but in terms of actual talent the American teams puts out theyre light years from becoming a top team, though theyve played extremely well as a team and i take my hat off to them for that.

  10. Regarding categories, please read my other post. As for me, I'd say I'm Cat 1. As for the so-called "negative effect," I beg to differ. My problem with many of the posters is how they complain. Case in point:

    Acceptable complaining:

    Somchai ripped me off. Somchai is a bad man.

    Typical TV complaining:

    Somchai ripped me off. Somchai is Thai. All Thai's are bad.

    And so on....

    Do you seriously believe the average person living here whether they speak Thai or not thinks like that?

  11. ...then 70 end of 2011 and 95 end of 2012 :)

    Rude Old man, im thinking this is rubbish, or is it your devastatingly witty humour?

    Now write something constructive or go away old man, youre boring.

    "Rude", best look in the mirror based on what I see here! There's really no need for it.

    Now look back and see who was being condescending at several people for no reason, im merely biting back... and he is old.

  12. hansum, I noticed in another post that you ask for advice on getting a bus ticket to Cambodia from Pattaya. No offense but that combination: Living Pattaya, Visa bus runs, visiting Cambodia... sounds a bit farang kee nok.

    Perhaps this is the real reason you complain so much?

    You shouldnt jump to conclusions .... My reason for being here is so i can legally avoid paying the British govt. about 55,000 pounds a year in tax for the next 3 yrs as i'll be working offshore 1 month on 1 month off.

    I'm in Jomtien as the mother of my child recently came back to Thailand to give birth, and possibly live for a few years after giving up quite a good job in England, she didnt wish to live in BKK due to the troubles last month when i was looking for an apartment.... so as some stability is needed i rented a place here for 3 months .... i was going to move to BKK yesterday and become part of high society but im too tight to lose my deposit after only 1 month of being here.

    Besides the milk is crap here for a decent cup of tea. ;)

  13. I dont speak the language or really mix with anyone apart from the mother of my kid and very occasionally with her family.

    But I have a very good job, i rarely drink, dont go whoring, go to the gym most days, am polite, raise a kid in a very good environment and live a quiet life ... and yes i do like a whine about driving standards, people not opening doors, women having no common sense (applies everywhere imho), visa runs (tomorrow)/ milk not being good enough for a decent cup of tea, price of cheese and lack of choice, that mint sauce jelly crap not being upto my impeccable standards, builders waking me up at 8am every morning .... the list is endless

    The author missed Cat 3.

    Westerners who speak the language and look down on and criticise all others, but never complain about anything, they even enjoy being bitten by mosquitos like Ned Flanders.

    • Like 1
  14. A company called "Visa Run" - call them at 085-287-4588 - cost 2000 baht, they'll pick you up between 6:00 - 7:00 am in a 7-passenger van. About 3 hrs each way and they'll feed you lunch at the casino's restaurant at the border then take you back to pattaya arriving between 2:30 - 3:30pm.

    I tried the number above, but it doesn't work. Any other numbers, or a website?

    I read online the van trip takes about 4 or 5 hours each way.

    A minivan trip to the nearest border post at Ban Pakkad does not take 4 or 5 hours. You'll leave at 7 am and be at the border at around 10am including a 15 minute toilet/coffee break along the way. You'll be back at home sometime between 2 and 3pm.

    A minivan trip is as comfortable as a bus, but of course that ultimately depends on the type of bus vs minivan.

    You could take a public bus to Trat and then a van to the Had Lek/Koh Kong crossing (1.5 hours each way), but you'll be spending 12 hours or more to achieve what you can do in about 7 - 8 hours by minivan if a bus is really important for you. You'll have to deal with corrupt border officials on your own there.

    Another option is to take a bus to Bangkok and then a casino bus to Poipet.

    My visa run is fast and efficient and costs 1800 with lunch included. I would never pay more than this for a visa run to Cambodia.

    Could you tell me which company this is with and do you a have contact number.

  15. Thanks for the replies.

    Does anyone know of a visa run company that goes to (Pong Nam Ron province Banpakkad or Bang Leam) as after a google search it seems this is only 225KM as opposed to 350-400 for Poipet or Hatlek where most companies seem to go to.

    If anyone is driving tomorrow get in touch if you want someone to chip in on the costs.

  16. Ive got to do a visa run to Cambodia on Tuesday and am going to get an evisa to save filling up my passport.

    Im wondering is there a bus direct to the border from Pattaya and where can i get it from or what would be the best way of going about this.

    Cheers in advance.

  17. In the murder capital of the world ... an Englishman is in court for going into a dressing room.

    Needless to say i will never be visiting this police state.

    World Cup: England Football Fan Pavlos Joseph Appears In Court Charged With Trespassing | World News | Sky News

    The football fan who managed to get into the England dressing room after the team's World Cup draw against Algeria has appeared in court charged with trespassing

    Pavlos Joseph, 32, was arrested after police analysed CCTV footage and traced him back to his hotel in Camps Bay, Cape Town.

    He was remanded on bail until Monday and banned from attending any World Cup matches before a ruling has been made against him.

    Twelve armed officers stood guard in the Cape Town court.

    After discussions between Fifa and South African authorities security personnel will now be deployed within stadiums in all host cities to prevent a similar incident taking place.

    Sky's David Bowden, reporting from the South African city, said the mortgage adviser's family is with him and they believe he was being made into a scapegoat.

    "He [Joseph] has tickets for the game next week and his family intends to go," Bowden said.

    "They said the police tried to take the tickets of them this morning, but they refused and they also tried to confiscate their passports.

    "It is a very big concern for the family because they don't know what is going on."

    Joseph's arrest comes after he spoke to the Sunday Mirror, claiming he had only been searching for a lavatory on Saturday night - but stumbled into the team changing room after their shock 0-0 draw ...continued.....................

  18. Who is the drama coach for Italy.

    I see by the way they play they are very good at acting out their parts.

    I was watching one Italian player actually look up to see if the ref was watching his performance; when he saw it no use got up and kept going.

    Honestly, that type of action needs a yellow card.

    Just my thoughts. :jap: B):D

    definately looked like they milked that penalty, :ph34r:

    but if the All Whites hold Italy to 1-1 I would take it B)

    anyone know who won the WC last time? :whistling:

    Id say it was a penalty though a very needless one, he did have a hold of his shirt, but was good to see NZ do so well the keeper was fantastic.

  19. We are losing jobs at an alarming rate, and its about to get worse in the public sector, but sterling has already fallen on average 30% against most currencies to help with competition.

    finally we know the real reason why Sterling has fallen :ph34r:

    Cant help being a condescending old man can you.

    Change it to, it may help .., it could help.. , it should help, its expected to help ..

  20. Sorry but I don't see it as being that easy and it should be even easier the U.S. should be at the top uncontested for the most part without being unseated no matter what the outcome of the next match. There is no justification and honestly besides the president being set, I can't see why, if FIFA agrees it was a poor job of refereeing and there is still a week to go before the next group match why they can't set a new presidence right now and declare a granted goal for a clearly deficient call.

    Let the apples fall where they may from there it only rewards the team that earned it anyway, it changes nothing else in the grand scheme of things as it would be nothing more then sour grapes if any other team should be in opposition to such an awarding and I doubt any really would quite the contrary I believe it would foster world wide credibility and respect..This is an obvious and extreme case and example which warrants more then just answering "oh well that's football, refs make mistakes!" especially when it wasn't just the refs mistake in this case it was clearly FIFA's selection and scheduling process as well...

    Every sport has adopted some form of current live or post event type of policing and make various corrections accordingly so why does FIFA feel the need to be so omnipotent in their policy stance it's time for a serious change and this is the type of incident that constitutes it..Time to man up FIFA!!

    They should have cameras on the line, thats it imho ... some you win some you lose.

  21. I can appreciate England have a shortage of decent strikers but what's Milner doing in the squad? I don't geddit can someone enlighten me please?


    Because,before the competition started, iust about everybody on this Forum had Milner in their squad.And did I hear any moans and groans when Capello put him.?....no.One bad game,where apparently he was feeling unwell,and he's become a sack of shit.If hes O.K.,I'd definitely have him in the team against Slovenia

    Who would you take out to accomodate Milner?

    Lennon .If he can't get the better of Bocanegra (he shit himself when one on one and took the easy sideways option)then he doesn't deserve to be playing professional football,let alone in the World Cup.

    Yes Lennons been dreadful its the creative players that have been the worst and he's been atrocious.

    Defoe and Rooney upfront, Milner, Cole, Barry or Carrick and Gerrard ... it needs a huge overhaul.

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