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Posts posted by hansum

  1. And Laopo the English are more the critical of their team so no need to come out with some cr4p that we're in denial and just make up excuses.

    English fans are some of the harshest critics of the England team. Laopo is just looking for any reason he can as to why people are so disgusted with Robben. In his mind it can't be because the man cheated and in doing so helped Holland to win the game, it must be because these people are sore losers. Go figure...

    No, I'm not looking for any reason......; you're making this out of the conversation.

    I never said that Robben didn't cheat but I'm not the referee. I also wrote that the English supporters still feel bad about Robben's performance during his stay in England but that he improved a lot during his stay in Muenchen under Van Gaal. They didn't win the title and cup with just slides and dives Rixalex, You probably didn't follow the German league very well.

    It's your own interpretation and I think you're exaggerating that he helped Holland to win the game. Now, that's something only a bad loser would say ;)

    Sneijder made the 2 goals against Brazil, not Robben, and that one of those goals came out of a free kick situation BECAUSE of a dive of Robben....? so be it. That's football all about.

    The world cup goes on Rixalex, whether you like it or not and whether you like Robben's dives or not, he's still one of the best players in Europe, probably the world :rolleyes:


    I never knew Robben dived in England and i doubt 99.9% of English people remember or are aware as it happens so much these days ... Gerrards quite good at it for Liverpool, but i couldnt really give a shyt what goes on at the top of the league as its just a plaything for foreign billionares, i hope it ruined the season for all of them ...Anyway I will be hoping the Dutch beat Uruguay as it was a referee from this country that denied England a clear goal that would have changed the direction of the game against a German side i dont believe is as great as what people are making them out to be.

    But cheating, diving etc... does seem to be going on more and more and its ruining football lets hope they bring in 10-20 game bans for persistant offenders when TV replays start being used.

  2. Ok i confess to not being a weatherman ..... but isnt the reason clubs in many parts of Europe get a winter break more to do with the fact their winter is far colder then the relatively mild English winter, as opposed to it being for resting players.

    And Laopo the English are more the critical of their team so no need to come out with some cr4p that we're in denial and just make up excuses.

    One reason they didnt look too fit is most had either just come back from long term injuries, had niggly injuries or in Barrys case he's overweight so unable to run and is not really very good.

  3. Too many old has beens, living on past reputations for the English. Too many bloody fit, technically gifted young men for you lot................................

    And a goal being disallowed when England were well on top, Germans on an individual basis certainly arent better technically then the England players thats just cliched cr4p youve taken from the press.

    ...but we're talking the WORLD CUP here and you don't win a world cup with individual players.......but a TEAM.

    You were talking technical ability of the Germans being superior and are very wrong .... being better as a team is something different its the magic ingredient not many international teams have,but the Germans seem to find it time after time.

  4. Im taking it your some tefl teacher who cant afford such luxuries as a motorbike taxi.

    And if I were, would that make my argument any less correct? How about if I were an office worker making 10,000 baht a month. Would I then be allowed to be offended that I am being overcharged?

    You seem to think 10-40bht to go several hundred metres is too much so your earning power is influencing your view hence the presumption youre a teacher ... and your argument is totally incorrect as they are registered and governed, Its not a necessity in life to use a mototaxi ... but it is to get medical treatment so why dont you start a campaign for all doctors to earn no more then the country average as this is a far more important need.

    If youre earning 10,000 bht a month as an office worker then quit to earn the 15-30000 bht sum or whatever it is you think these people earn and work the hours they do ...... the reason they dont is because the office worker on 10k a month is earning more then they would as a motorbike taxi driver in a far safer environment covered by strong employee backed laws.

  5. Too many old has beens, living on past reputations for the English. Too many bloody fit, technically gifted young men for you lot................................

    And a goal being disallowed when England were well on top, Germans on an individual basis certainly arent better technically then the England players thats just cliched cr4p youve taken from the press.

  6. I do not think FIFA should say anything as the player ( Luis Suarez ) already got his punishment.

    He did not cheat but he commited an infraction. The player is paying for his infraction as he was sent out during the match and moreover he will miss the next 1 or 2 matches. That's enough

    Now there are things in sport that are blatant cheating and this is as extreme a case of that as you can get ... he has ruined a game of football by getting a team through that would have otherwise lost thus bringing the game into disrupute, he should get banned for far longer then 2 games to give out a warning.

    • Like 1
  7. Are you advocating some sort of socialist state price control system? Here was I thinking it was free market forces at work.

    Yes. I am strongly advocating price controls. Furthermore, I say anyone who does not advocate price controls for them is incorrect. There are thousands of struggling workers in Bangkok who have no other options except to use these shiesters or else walk, as there are no other competitive services on many of the sois they service. And walking in some cases up to 2 km is not really an option for many. You don't see 10 different motorcycle queues at every corner charging different rates and competing amongst themselves for passengers, do you? So how can you make the statement this is market forces. This is a group of guys engaged in price collusion, which is illegal and very much anti free market.

    These motorcycle taxis are a public service, and they have been given a monopoly concession. They need to be regulated like a public service that has been given a monopoly. They are currently completely out of control and need to be reigned in for the good of the entire country.

    They do not deserve our sympathy or our support until they start showing consideration for the rest of the community they are supposed to be serving.

    You been drinking, youre off youre nut you really are, with such lines that theyre totally out of control ... unfcukenbelievable!

    What you talking about theyve some monopoly over transportation ... you not aware of the never ending supply of taxis in BKK are they not cheap enough for you, baht buses, BTS /MRT ... and as for poeple have to walk through sois well it'd do them good but most are so fcuken lazy they pay the 10 - 20 bht to go several hundred metres to their destination .... what do propose escelators instead of pavements, or teach people to fcuken levitate.

    Im taking it your some tefl teacher who cant afford such luxuries as a motorbike taxi.

    Save you anti free market utter cr4p for something slightly more suitable, what utter nonsense you write.

  8. How Van Bommel didn't get booked is unbelievable there were at least 5 incidents when he should have got a card.

    Brazil completely lost the plot when Holland equalized their whole game plan and style of play went out the window, but I suppose this comes from having players like Robinho with no mental toughness, they look great when the game is going their way but once the tide turns they just disappear.

    Holland should beat Uruguay even without De Jong, given that Uruguay's captain went off injured last night and no Saurez he is a big big loss for them.

    Lets hope so they dont deserve to be there after that blatant act of cheating.

  9. not possible to open doors mid flight as they open inwards.

    Never seen a 747 passenger doors open inwards before. Perhaps you meant outwards. Won't open in flight due to pressure. Theres so many knobs on flights these days, pity they dont have an ejector seat or electrocution chamber or something.

    Heres a picture of a 747 with its door open, outwards.


    Here is an explanation why


  10. <br>Disgusting behavior, part of the 'drunk culture' many people exhibit here and in Europe as well.<br>
    <br>Potentially taking down a plane(if its possible to open these doors midflight), headbutting people at work and spitting on passengers is taking things to a new level imho.<br><br>But then again he apologised so its tickityboo.<br><br><br>
  11. This utter pr7ck needs naming and shaming, and another blot on the British so called justice system.


    James Green, 31, tried to force open the rear aircraft door after flight staff refused to serve him any more alcohol.

    He head butted, punched and kicked stewards and tore his shirt off during the Thai Air flight on November 12 last year from Bangkok to Heathrow in London.

    Green had started drinking as soon as he boarded and within three hours his blood alcohol level was five and a half times the legal driving limit.

    When staff refused to continue serving him he ran to the lavatory, emptied the bins on the floor before trying to prise open the doors at the rear of the plane

    After sitting down on a passenger who was in the row behind him he proceeded to spit on him repeatedly in the face.

    Staff said they feared he would try and gain access to the cockpit as he climbed the stairs to the business class section of the 747.

    One male steward was headbutted when he tried to restrain him.

    Eventually he was wrestled to the ground and restrained with cords before passing out.

    When police met the plane on landing Green claimed he couldn't remember the incident.

    When he was arrested he said: "But I've apologised."

    Sentencing Green to 11 months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordering him to pay £4,800 cost and compensation, Judge Andrew McDowall said: "The brutally simple fact is that you drank much more than you are capable of handling. Violent and drunken behaviour under any circumstances is unpleasant in public houses and bars.

    "People can be literally thrown out and I dare say there was a school of thought that that should be extended to aircraft as well. But as it is, when you are travelling on a long distance flight there is no escape from the kind of behaviour that you have displayed."

    Green, who lives in Thailand and has a Thai partner, pleaded guilty to being drunk on an aircraft, interfering with the performance of an aircraft crew member and two counts of common assault.

    • Like 2
  12. and whats this we hear about stevies wife having an affair with a Derby player (not the mascot )

    It'll make a good story for OK magazine, but even if it were true who other then Gerrard really gives a &lt;deleted&gt;.

  13. You don't get hot and sweaty when you exercise?

    Agreed...that's the entire point of doing a work-out...to work up a good sweat and burn off some calories. I hate gyms that blast the air-con (Cal. WOW, etc.) and if given the chance, turn off the fans and lower the air-con if possible. Love Tony's and thanks for the heads-up about the better workout conditions after 9 p.m.

    Its not nice in there after 9 you cant work have a good work out in such humidity, hence less calories burnt.

    This gym is hot enough with the aircon on, and people will get hot and sweaty if they run around in the middle of an English winter so im unsure where that comment comes from.

  14. I'm trying to reproduce this error, but have been unable to. I have tried with FF, IE, Safari and Opera...

    Please give me a clue to this one.

    I get it on every post in Firefox, this is one ive just wrote.

    view this one

    <br>This amongst many other things. <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:" src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif"><br><br>A very popular TV show in England is called Soccer AM without anyone saying a word about the name, i think its only Amercins that are mocked for using this name.<br><br>Though i do believe you ought to rename Basketball to Netball ...... and Baseball to Rounders ... these almost identical games we have in England played exclusively by little schoolgirls. <img class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":D" src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif"><br><br><br>

  15. So if someone doesnt think like you theyre delusional in their thinking?<br><br>Whereas earlier in this post you tried to deny the fact that they play the national anthem on a daily basis and that people have to stop what theyre doing, so anyone who believes this happens is deluded well thatll be everyone apart from you.<br><br>Oh yes you and what the &lt;deleted&gt; does you and your non deluded mate yapping on about us sex tourists have to do with the OP?<br><br><br><br>

    First of all, get a grip man! It's an anonymous message board, for Christ's sake. Secondly, you're not being honest. You know what I said. If Thai's are stopping what they're doing twice a day, it ain't happening in the Thailand that I live/been to. Lastly, is this the best you can do? Bring up irrelevant points with a sprinkle of profanity? Rather uncomely...

    So youre saying playing the national anthem twice daily is an irrelevant point when discussing nationalism.

    But as you say it doesnt happen where you are so that means it doesnt happen.:rolleyes:

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