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Posts posted by hansum

  1. Im in Jomtien and have this Sophon Cable in my apartment, theyve got 2 Supersports Channels that constantly seem to change, does anyone know if theyve got the WC games on? as presumably this will be in English.

    Im sure all games will be on, on the Thai channels but when watching a game on TV English commentary is a neccesity.

  2. Im in Jomtien and have this Sophon Cable in my apartment, theyve got 2 Supersports Channels that constantly seem to change, does anyone know if theyve got the WC games on?

    Also ive looked on Supersports website and it doesnt show which channels the games will be on, does anyone have info on this.

    The taxpayer funded BBC Worldservice seems to have no interest in giving us news on the WC ie whats happening in relation to teams, players, managers etc... , theyre just peddling the usual BBC propoganda in things related to SA, much the pity as ive only FOX and AlJazeera which have no WC news.

  3. Im in BKK tomorrow and im looking to go to Marks and sparks to see if theyve got these plain T shirts that they sell in their UK branches as i struggle to get something here that is decent quality and fits well.

    But can anyone recommend one of the stores listed below that is of a large enough size to offer a choice .... im due to go to Pantip plaza area so somewhere near the BTs would be ideal.

    Thanks in advance.


  4. Why is it if you say anything against this govt or that these killing should never have taken place youre automatically thrown in to the red apologist camp ... is it not possible to think that Thaksin is not a decent person and that several red leaders werent keen to negotiate (ie give and take) aswell as thinking this govt. has no true interest in democracy and got into power one way or another via a military coup and the army/govt were exceptionally trigger happy when clamping down ... maybe seeing that guy who was walking around aimlessly waving a red flag; head melt when it was hit by a bullet in the first crackdown shows that they werent aiming for the mysterious so called terrorist blackshirts or shooting people who posed a threat .... that shooting was nothing less then state sponsored murder.

  5. Im after a good bit of amateur advice before paying a professional for a similar situation.

    Im English and am starting a contract in Kahzakstan 28 days on 28 days off.

    Ive got to work via a limited company to invoice my employer ... ive currently a UK ltd company.

    Anyway i will be living in Thailand on my time off .... ive already filled out the P85 form for leaving the UK .... but as i'll be the only employee of my company i'll be paying company National Insurance for employing myself and also NI in the salary im paying myself .... also i believe that if i return to the UK within 5 years i maybe liable to pay all that tax i avoided whilst away backdated

    So where would be my best bet to set up a company (ie offshore or in a tax haven) and what are the pitfalls i need to look out for ... advice by people in a similar situation would be more then welcome.

    Do you really need to invoice through your UK ltd company? - ask the company you work for as I know from experience that this may not be necessary or there may be a way around it. Could you not just get your earnings paid straight into a Thai bank account? I appreciate that if you think you may return to the UK at some stage then you may want to keep up your NI payments etc. I don't intend to!!

    Sorry, i can invoice from a ltd. company anywhere in the world so basically i need to know where i best to do this and how to go about it ... so that big brother UK govt dont know about it but what im doing is legal.

    You can do it with a company in Seychelles or BVI. In your case you can do it legally because you will be performing your work, presumably, on an offshore oil rig which has special arrangements with the government or your employer is doing the tax withholding and what you're getting is not taxable. You setup your offshore company and invoice the company who hires your service monthly.

    What you want to make sure is that you become a non-resident of the UK. If you will be keeping a house/car or have kids/spouse in the UK it can be tricky. You want to show that your natural abode and your residential ties are stronger in another country than the UK. A long term rent, a long-term visa and purchasing a car could go a long way to demonstrate your intent of living here and not going back to the UK. This is dealt on a case by case basis depending on the particulars of your circumstances.

    Thanks for the advice .... is it easy to set up and run a company in the Seychelles or BVI on ones own, as ive seen lots of websites offering services for this but im not overly comfortable with trusting someone who's set up a website offering these services as pretty much any chancer can do as theyre doing.

  6. You can buy excellent extra strong Cheddar cheese in Friendship Supermarket, priced at 168 Baht.

    Ive got some of this its the Mainland brand .. its ok and tastes fine with my toasted cheese sandwick maker but its a bit bitter on its own IMHO.

    As everyone knows on this forum, I have been seeking quality sausage for a long time in Pattaya.

    The best I have found is also sold at Friendship Supermarket but it rarely shows up in the fridge.

    I don't know whether someone is beating me to it by buying it early doors or if the supply is spasmodic.

    The best sausage sarny ive had is from the 18 coins of Soi Boukow certainly upto standard, i'll order some from this Western place thats been recommended and let you know.

    Worst sausages are the British pork ones from the supermarket on the left handside as you head towards Jomtien ... avoid at all costs, i ate 1/4 and threw the pack away.

  7. I was thinking -----

    Provide better transportation options in town including bus lanes etc and enforce the rules. Impound any vehicle not meeting noise and emissions standards and repair them at a fair price, then if the owner cannot pay for the repairs, sell them at auction and give the owner any profit over the sale price after deducting repairs and 10%.

    I bet you dont use buses and you use more then your fair share of fossil fuels so dont give it the i care for the environment lie.

    a few more bins in town would be nice.

    your crystal ball may be on the blink, hansum. Guesswork of this kind doesn't really help a discussion. Which reminds me, do you use public transportation ?

    Oh and regarding rubbish-bins, most removed after NewYearsEve bombs at CentralWorld some years ago. Even the 'transparent' ones seem no longer there :)

    Occasionlly i get the bus to Pattaya but like most who can afford a better mode of transport i do ... i work in the oil industry flying 1000 of miles monthly so most certainly cant claim to be environmentally friendly ... but its the hypocracy of such folk (inc. Gore) that gets to me.

    anyway more bins and decent pavements Mr Bkk for a start ... simple

  8. I was thinking -----

    Provide better transportation options in town including bus lanes etc and enforce the rules. Impound any vehicle not meeting noise and emissions standards and repair them at a fair price, then if the owner cannot pay for the repairs, sell them at auction and give the owner any profit over the sale price after deducting repairs and 10%.

    I bet you dont use buses and you use more then your fair share of fossil fuels so dont give it the i care for the environment lie.

    a few more bins in town would be nice.

  9. It might be wise to monitor some communications between Montenegro and Thailand....Just in case...

    They should monitor not just some but all the communication between Thaksin, family and friends.

    Not sure what is wrong with this government to act on the evidences they have to put stop on this terrorism acts. I am sure they can get help from US anytime they need and want

    The US LOVES people like Thaksin - he would sell his own grandmother....

    I strongly suspect that the US would like Thaksin to return to power in Thailand.

    Its nothing to do with the US, though Hilary seems to be trotting around the globe desperate to get involved in other nations business and seems intent on creating a war with either N Korea OR Iran.

  10. build decent pavements for once .... surely you so called educated Thais can organise this, or is it beyond you!

    Pavements, yes improvement needed. Even Bangkok governors have managed to fall in holes here :D

    Still the latter part of your remark a bit abusive.

    The people who plan BKK infrastructure need abusing theyre worse then useless ... and its not for lack of money.

    Actually the poorest and lowest paid people have to work the sidewalks with very little help from the guys that are supposed to be helping/managing/organising them..they pocket the dosh and give the crumbs to the workers

    if you stepped foot out of sukkhumvit you would not be suprised to see 60 year old women laying pavers and hauling wheel barrows

    whats your point? other then to let me know you cant afford to live in sukhumvit and are a Thai expert. :)

  11. build decent pavements for once .... surely you so called educated Thais can organise this, or is it beyond you!

    Pavements, yes improvement needed. Even Bangkok governors have managed to fall in holes here :)

    Still the latter part of your remark a bit abusive.

    The people who plan BKK infrastructure need abusing theyre worse then useless ... and its not for lack of money.

  12. This guy whilst obviously an idiot doesnt deserve a prison sentence for protesting about what in any civilied country would be classed as a govt that came to power in the most suspect of ways.

    I seem to remember when this law about foreigners protesting was introduced by this totalitarian govt there were mass complaints on here, why the change of heart by so many?

    Ps no yellow in similar circumstances has gone to prison. (ie him in the yellow rally a few years ago.)

    In most countries you'd have to inform the police about a planned protest and get permission.

    In the UK you mean, with its totalitarian Nuliebour laws on protest .... i take it you'd have banned the miners strike and put them all in prison as they didnt have permit ... or all the poll tax protesters? come on a permit to protest is totalitarian and nothing else.

  13. If the police were paid a reasonable wage, and at the same time an effective complaints comission and an independent corruption agency were formed, something might be accomplished. The practise of auctioning high income generating senior postings might be a good place to start. Low ranking police need to collect tea money to turn an insufficient wage into a living one. High ranking Police regard their black income as a perk of the job and frequently become so involved with protecting criminality that it's difficult to judge where the police end and the criminals begin. Drug dealing and manufacture, dodgy real estate deals, arms supply, and the endemic prostitution industry are all areas where high ranking police officers can collect many times their annual salary from a single protection deal. In some cases and localities senior police officers control these industries themselves. This is the sort of thing that must be addressed to restore credability to the police force. However the issue of political favouritism will doubtless receive the most attention initially, because the instigators of these proposed clean up campaigns are politicians.

    All solid reasons why the police essentially ignored Abhisit directions about dealing with the Reds.

    Red are for police status quo, but Abhisit has been starting at the TOP to rein in Police corruption,

    with the top man not getting the position he paid for, and they see this as a trickle down effect for all cops.

    But with their mis-application of law... towards this massive red incitement against most Thais,

    they may well have over played their hand (or underplayed by doing nothing).

    The police essentially ignored directions about dealing with the yellows 2 yrs go.

    Come on the yellows are backed by the equally corrupt army so dont try making them out to be whiter then white, and the reds to be oh so for the status quo.

  14. This guy whilst obviously an idiot doesnt deserve a prison sentence for protesting about what in any civilied country would be classed as a govt that came to power in the most suspect of ways.

    I seem to remember when this law about foreigners protesting was introduced by this totalitarian govt there were mass complaints on here, why the change of heart by so many?

    Ps no yellow in similar circumstances has gone to prison. (ie him in the yellow rally a few years ago.)

  15. Im after a good bit of amateur advice before paying a professional for a similar situation.

    Im English and am starting a contract in Kahzakstan 28 days on 28 days off.

    Ive got to work via a limited company to invoice my employer ... ive currently a UK ltd company.

    Anyway i will be living in Thailand on my time off .... ive already filled out the P85 form for leaving the UK .... but as i'll be the only employee of my company i'll be paying company National Insurance for employing myself and also NI in the salary im paying myself .... also i believe that if i return to the UK within 5 years i maybe liable to pay all that tax i avoided whilst away backdated

    So where would be my best bet to set up a company (ie offshore or in a tax haven) and what are the pitfalls i need to look out for ... advice by people in a similar situation would be more then welcome.

    Do you really need to invoice through your UK ltd company? - ask the company you work for as I know from experience that this may not be necessary or there may be a way around it. Could you not just get your earnings paid straight into a Thai bank account? I appreciate that if you think you may return to the UK at some stage then you may want to keep up your NI payments etc. I don't intend to!!

    Sorry, i can invoice from a ltd. company anywhere in the world so basically i need to know where i best to do this and how to go about it ... so that big brother UK govt dont know about it but what im doing is legal.

  16. Im after a good bit of amateur advice before paying a professional for a similar situation.

    Im English and am starting a contract in Kahzakstan 28 days on 28 days off.

    Ive got to work via a limited company to invoice my employer ... ive currently a UK ltd company.

    Anyway i will be living in Thailand on my time off .... ive already filled out the P85 form for leaving the UK .... but as i'll be the only employee of my company i'll be paying company National Insurance for employing myself and also NI in the salary im paying myself .... also i believe that if i return to the UK within 5 years i maybe liable to pay all that tax i avoided whilst away backdated

    So where would be my best bet to set up a company (ie offshore or in a tax haven) and what are the pitfalls i need to look out for ... advice by people in a similar situation would be more then welcome.

  17. I agree of course he can charge what he likes ... but if its more reasonably priced in comparison to the current monthly price lets say 2000bht then he would make more then charging 120bht a time or 3600 month more people would happily pay it ... i probably go 15 time a month (15 x 120 = 1800bht)

    California wow is 1500 for 1 month at a time, i got this price last time but its too busy (see what better pricing does)

    ps im not a tourist to LOs as such i have a kid here and the applicable visa

    pps i never knew i didnt have to pay 40bht for a towel and could bring my own thankyou for informing me .. but 40bht is expensive

    If you're not a tourist, then why are you paying monthly? You can get a whole year at all 3 facilities right now for 6000 baht.

    California Wow is very busy not because of 1500 monthlies, but because of 10,000 (or less) lifetimes.

    You live here so you can buy 100 baht towels and wash them yourself. The 40 baht towel hire is an option for tourists and not excessive.

    Im an offshore worker so will spend every other month in BKK, but am here in Pattaya for 2 months (may and july) as ive rented a place here for 3 months as a certain young lady didnt wish to take a newborn baby to BKK whilst the troubles were going on the other week.

    Most tourists are here to get drunk and run after girls and though they might have good intentions of keeping fit whislt away, i doubt too many would drop 3600 to join a gym for a month but theyd be more willing to pay 1500-2000.

    But he seems to be opening gyms left right and centre so maybe he's making money charging 3600bht to tourists and knows a lot more then myself.

    PS They ought to play some better music in there that 80s fairground music just isnt appropriate.

  18. Used to always go Tony's but he has revised his prices.

    I believe it is now £70 for a month at life fitness off walking.

    Although a 6 month or yearly membership still represents good value.

    Im here for 2 months and go to this gym and 3600 baht a month is waaay too much, considering you can pay 120bht a time ... i asked for a reasonble price but got told i can use all Tony gyms for this price (not that this is of much use to me as i only go to 1 gym a maximum of 1 time per day.)

    Dont like the 40bht for a towel lark either, it cant cost more then 2bht to clean them and theyre the scabbiest towels possible so no one will steal them as they claim.

    It makes perfect business sense for him to charge 3600 baht a month in a tourist town where most gym users are only here for a short time. He's certainly not making much money out of his yearly memberships. Perhaps he's decided to charge 3,600 baht a month to entice people to pay for daily visits in that it sounds cheap by comparison.

    Tourists like you who are only here for 2 months are the best target for making some money, afterall most business are open to make money. If these prices are excessive, you could always use one of the cheap Thai style hole-in-the-wall gyms of which there are many.

    Most gyms don't provide towels and why should they. You don't HAVE to pay 40 baht for a towel...just bring your own.

    I agree of course he can charge what he likes ... but if its more reasonably priced in comparison to the current monthly price lets say 2000bht then he would make more then charging 120bht a time or 3600 month more people would happily pay it ... i probably go 15 time a month (15 x 120 = 1800bht)

    California wow is 1500 for 1 month at a time, i got this price last time but its too busy (see what better pricing does)

    ps im not a tourist to LOs as such i have a kid here and the applicable visa

    pps i never knew i didnt have to pay 40bht for a towel and could bring my own thankyou for informing me .. but 40bht is expensive

  19. North-South cleavage

    why drag the south into this ?

    it's isaan vs. bkk isn't it ?

    (they invaded , they squatted , they killed , they burned , they retreated [in disgrace], chai mai?)

    Its widely accepted that it was mainly unarmed Red shirts that GOT killed and injured.

    Do you know where Chiang Mai is? and do you not see those uneducted dark skinned masses from rural areas in BKK, maybe some of them support the red cause.

    Widely excepted by who? I think I know where CM is,Hmmmmm where do I live,I'm old and forget. :)

    By the media who were on the ground, and by the army stating how many of their people had been killed.

    But please if you believe im making this up and im lying plese prove otherwise.

    Ps dont answer questions that werent aimed at you.

  20. Doe Thaivisa's connection to The Nation which is clearly used as a govt/establishment piece of propoganda make it unimpartial in the recent events in BKK.

    Hence does Thaivisa sway opinion without offering both sides of the story, as to me there seems to be a disproportionate number pro yellows on this forum to that of the populace.

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