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Posts posted by hansum

  1. The Doom mongers are out in force as usual,

    Those that are retired and living on their state UK Pension,

    should not worry about having their Pensions cancelled,

    You have worked and earned it all your working life,

    it will never happen in a million years.

    Relax! its just a wind up.

    I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting state pensions will be cut, but don't go looking for any rises for a few years or so, and I woudn't be so quick as to rule out any effect on expats, eg, no tax emption, and more rigorously enforced NHS rules.

    That they earned it is one matter, that it's already all been spent is another.

    The doom mongers! by that do you mean all prople that aren't ridiculously optimistic?

    The Torys have already stated that pensions will be linked to wage inflation as opposed to price inflation thus making it a better deal for pensioners in the long term, but the age for getting a pension is going to rise. (though its not looking like a good deal right now)

    Its the pensions of public sector workers thatll be getting hit, and rightly so, retiring at 50 and living off the private sector for 30 years on average is a unaffordable non too funny joke.

    No doubt theyll strike like the deluded trolly dolleysof BA who are the highest paid and get the best privelleges of any airline worker.

    PS See the miners union have been paying 300k rent for Scargill London flat (2nd residence) the hypocrisy of the unions and their leaders is astounding.

    And no doubt you are a wonderful net contributor who deserves to escape any cuts. The problem is not many of us truly pay our way and we've all been living well beyond means.

    But I certainly agree about public sector pensions. The point is we've all been hit badly why not them too! This is going to effect everybody.

    Ive been a saver for many years so no ive not been living beyond my means .... ive been saving waiting for the property market to fall so i can get a simple place to live nothing more, i bided my time, then the filthy pigs in govt changed the rules of the game by dropping interest rates to an unsustainable 0.5%, and bailing out failed banks in a lovely socialism for the rich kind of way .... thus meaning i am now bailing out those who have been living beyond their means and have priced me out the property market.

    Im now officially a tax exile and am setting up a company meaning in the Caribbean meaning i will never pay 1 penny of tax or NI to the corrupt regime in place in the UK.

    Ironically its relatively young people like me that make very good money, arent on the scrounge and are looking to bring up families and buy a house to live in that the UK needs, unfortunatley they decided to replace me with East Europeans willing to work for less then i always got paid. a wage that is no where near enough to afford a wife/kids/house etc .... the things that my fathers generation took for granted.

  2. For those saying they will go for expats and their tax exemption ... i cant see this as this would mean the Tories going after those that fund their existance, us proles just fall into this category by default.

    If this were to happen id quit working, get a bad back, get diagnosed with depresion, knock out a few kids with a young lady then kick her out leaving the kids with me and live off the state for years to come .... Im willing to bet the people that live like this will continue playing the system in the way they have for the last 30 odd years... it'll be the genuine unemployed/sick thatll get hit.

  3. The Doom mongers are out in force as usual,

    Those that are retired and living on their state UK Pension,

    should not worry about having their Pensions cancelled,

    You have worked and earned it all your working life,

    it will never happen in a million years.

    Relax! its just a wind up.

    I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting state pensions will be cut, but don't go looking for any rises for a few years or so, and I woudn't be so quick as to rule out any effect on expats, eg, no tax emption, and more rigorously enforced NHS rules.

    That they earned it is one matter, that it's already all been spent is another.

    The doom mongers! by that do you mean all prople that aren't ridiculously optimistic?

    The Torys have already stated that pensions will be linked to wage inflation as opposed to price inflation thus making it a better deal for pensioners in the long term, but the age for getting a pension is going to rise. (though its not looking like a good deal right now)

    Its the pensions of public sector workers thatll be getting hit, and rightly so, retiring at 50 and living off the private sector for 30 years on average is a unaffordable non too funny joke.

    No doubt theyll strike like the deluded trolly dolleysof BA who are the highest paid and get the best privelleges of any airline worker.

    PS See the miners union have been paying 300k rent for Scargill London flat (2nd residence) the hypocrisy of the unions and their leaders is astounding.

  4. quote me right eh please rott? that i don't consider myself really english is due mainly to me being half-irish. the emergence of three lions-wearing bellends in pubs every world cup is annoying yes, but there are idiots in every country on earth, england doesn't have a monopoly on them.

    that said, tubthumping god harry and saint george posts like your opening one are the sort of thing that gets on my tits when it comes to football. i don't imagine chaucer and shakespeare were particularly big football fans and there isn't an empire these days old bean


    I seem to remember the Irish being far worse then any nation with their shamrock wearing and drunkenness during football tournaments, and according to Dubliners i know Southern Irish are the most racist people they know.

    Id love to know if you travel on your Irish passport or still use your British one, im willing to bet the latter.

  5. Nothing wrong with the poll. Of those who are aligned, the government is WAY ahead. No surprise at all that MOST Thais are non-aligned, and more or less apolitical.

    And you figured that out from speaking to whom?

    Youre a deluded legend on your own keyboard?

    The poll results reflect my assertion.

    So if the poll sided with your views, theyd politically aware.

    Youve almost 18000 posts so mustnt get out too much, you live in Pattaya, many of your topics are about complaining about restaurants/ service/ baht buses/ being charged a few baht too much .... what im trying to get at is that you dont ever have much contact with Thais on anything more then a superficial basis so you dont actually know how political they are, you just like to make these things up just for the sake of it without anything substantial to base it on ... but stay in your bubble your wisdom is 2nd to none in there.

  6. Using the theory/fact that highly taxed nations are highly controlled by government ....

    My prediction is that as tax will rise substantially, the UK will be nation states with huge a controlling government for many decades to come, i dont believe this coalition will break the big brother society that the devious, vile socialist hypocrites have created over the last 13 years, or that Maggie and John had a hand in prior to this.

    Thus making England a less desireable place to return to.

  7. Are you a Spurs fan? as i cant see any reason to drop Terry for Dawson on the basis Terry is far better,

    He might be far better but he is a complete <deleted> knob and the thought of him being immortalised in England's sporting history makes me shudder... not that of course i have too many fears about our lads making history....

    Geoff Hurst winds me up though and he most certainly is immortalised for his goals in 66, he thinks the world owes him a living because of it, he constantly whines on about having to sell medals, not getting paid like todays players and if there is ever anything to do with cashing in on the WC he will be there, he just seems thicks as pigs muck to me, but im glad he played for England even though i wasnt born then.

    Come on you'll be applauding every tackle Terry makes, no matter that he's not your cup of tea.

  8. JAMES




    COLE A




    COLE J



    Are you a Spurs fan? as i cant see any reason to drop Terry for Dawson on the basis Terry is far better, if all Spurs centre backs were fit and on form wouldnt he be 4th choice as i believe he was rumoured to be up for sale at the start of last season.

    Id agree with you on the rest of the team.

  9. blimey anyone reading this , has no choice but to believe you have some god given right to success. ,

    fark me, how unimaginable that you may even pan off into

    "mid table obscurity"

    why not just pretend that youre still the best team ever and call the team ,


    its not our fault ,

    its your turn ,deal with it and stop whingin, forest,? leeds,,? shit happens fellas,

    i aint anti liverpool but there more to life in footballl than serving you lot a load of taken for granted success, try following the hammmers , youve had it too good and you cant comprehend the flip side,


    Fantastic response judging by Liverpools following last season it didnt take long for them to show theyve no staying power, 10 years of midtable obscurity theyll be averaging crowds of 30,000.

    God bless Americans and their leveraged buyouts. :)


    Australian Man accused of abandoning his child at Pattaya Hospital

    3rd June 2010

    Just after 3am on Thursday, Police Major Supagrit from Pattaya Police Station was called to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital after medical staff reported the discovery of a baby that had been apparently left there by a foreign man. Staff mentioned that they had earlier spoken with the man, thought to be from Australia and known only as "Ron" aged 60. He had taken the 8 month old girl to the Hospital as she would not stop crying. Moments later the baby was found abandoned. The mother of the child is Khun Orasar aged 26, who is currently incarcerated at Pattaya Police Station after failing a drugs test. She claimed she was searching for a child minder when she was stopped by Police and later urine tested. The child was left in the care of its father who was later contacted to organize bail for his wife and to collect the child. He refused to do so and told Police to send the child to the mother's family home in Roiet Province in the North-East of Thailand. A cousin of the incarcerated mother came to the Police Station later on Thursday Morning to collect the child. Police would now like to speak with Mr. Ron to find out why he no longer wishes to care for his child or bail his wife from Prison.

    So it is clear

    1. He is the FATHER


    2. He has a LEGAL responsibility

    3. He has a moral responsibility.

    So why all the flamers.....oh an innocent tourist etc.... more attacks on Farang etc etc...

    If you are so UNHAPPY with Thailand then WHY stay here.

    When I read thaivisa forums I see time and time again many people using ANY excuse to attack Thailand, the Thai authorities, the Thai people.

    If they bother you so much......GO HOME

    I am a guest in this country and I am happy here. I also RESPECT the Thai Authorities and the Thai people.

    Youre not all that bright are you! How can anyway attach an article from one of these Pattaya papers and stand by it as gospel ..... I bet you used to get so excited at the fantastic stories in the Daily Sport.

  11. If you are so UNHAPPY with Thailand then WHY stay here.

    When I read thaivisa forums I see time and time again many people using ANY excuse to attack Thailand, the Thai authorities, the Thai people.

    If they bother you so much......GO HOME

    I am a guest in this country and I am happy here. I also RESPECT the Thai Authorities and the Thai people.

    You dont come across as that happy. :)

    Ive no respect for the Thai Police or Army, but as i now know my staying here makes you angry i think i'll extend my stay.

  12. Don't sweat it too much boys.

    "You'll Never Walk Alone"

    What's this I read about Stevie G needing to do a runner because of some 16yr old he knocked up? :)

    Reminds me of the Scouse Fairy Liquid Joke

    'Mummy mummy why are your hands so soft?'

    'sweatheart, its because I'm only fifteen'

  13. Lads, Was it that he had four of his five year contract to go and was entitled to a severence payment of 16 million pound yet came to an agreement,by mutual consent, to take 6million? I know it was a lot of money but I can guess at a few other managers in the Premier League who wouldn't have been so benevolent and would have held out for every brass farthing.

    I think it either shows the character of the man,he's got another job lined up already or he was so utterly sick of the lies and backstabbing at the club,he just wanted to get out of the place.

    These contracts dont ensure the manager is paid for the entirity of the remaining contract should the club wish to get rid of them, that'd be the most one sided contract ever signed and plain stupid as managers on average only last a couple of seasons.

  14. People come people go.

    15 years ago allmost everyone(in Europe) went for a summer holiday to Spain, now they go to Turkey,Egypt etc.

    The big Thailand hype is over. And this has nothing to do with the political crisis or currency rate.

    If the PIGS leave the Euro which is a distinct possibility it could lead to another mini boom going to such places .. IMHO Muslim nations arent western women friendly for repeat business .. just going from what im told.

  15. Supersport 3 will be showing the world cup matches,supersport 3 has been on sophon for the last few days,so hopefully it will stay on which would be great because we can then have english commentary. :D

    But it would just be like sophon to tease us and make us get our hopes up to then turn around and switch it of when the tournament starts :)

    Jobs a good'n. They do seem to be running some world cup show on this channel daily, are all the games soley on this channel and how do you know this?

  16. If no success at M & S try Giordano, bought some T's last year-good quality.

    Agreed... I buy all my basic Tshirts there.

    Not too often actually, because they stay ok for ages.

    If you buy boxers from M & S in UK they're £5. In Bangkok they're £10.....

    I found the M & S in Chidlom and bought just 2 t-shirts, theyre the Blue Harbour ones should anyone need to get a decent quality tshirt.

    In the UK theyre 2 for 8gbp, over here it is 1 for 650bht (13.60gbp), but there was a 30% discount meaning they cost 455bht.

    I spend a fortune on clothes sometimes a couple of 1000 pounds a year in the UK, in Thailand i pretty much spend nothing unless its essential like this, i can never understand why Thailands got so many shopping malls that they must tax and charge so much for quality clothing .. only people who get rich from taxing is the govt.

    PS thanks for the tip about giordina will look out for one of these shops and give my opinion on which tshirts are better.

  17. Who do Liverpool fans realistically expect to come along and change things? as only another leverage buyer is likely to come along imho.

    Or do football fans expect someone to raid a foreign nations mineral wealth and plough it into building a stadium and buying overpriced players for them as surely all the people in the Socialist Republic of Liverpool would thing this wrong would they not.

  18. One of the things I like about Thailand is that it is not so rules and laws oriented. People keep a more relaxed attitude and don't but into other people's business. I would hate Thailand to become a nanny state like EU and - increasingly - USA. I think public relations campaigns are good, but heavy enforcement is not. If someone takes extra risks, what is it to you?

    I had a chat about 5 years with an old boy in the UK one of the things he said was that although he knew his life was to end soon, he'd was glad when he was born when he was as back then people had far more freedoms ... on example he gave was that although its stupid to do he could ride his big mtorbikes without a helmet whereas now the govt makes us do so.

    But imo there has to be some rules and wearing a helmet is one that should be strictly enforced.

    IN Pattaya by the traffic lights near walking street the police have been stopping people for 1 week no everynight and day, yet plenty still seem to not care as it'll mess up there hair whilst on the way to work.

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