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Posts posted by hansum

  1. IM not too bothered about the half/full time analysis as i can make my own judgements about what happened but the article is right in that these people should have done a bit of research, but the BBC is so lavish with money its unbelievable and like all govt. departments no one will ever be fired for not doing there job ... the BEEB have taken twice as many people to the WC then ITV so someone must be able to do some research. 460 i believe. Sky are light years ahead of Beeb and ITV who if anyone can remember back in the 80s should remember these 2 companies done there best to ruin football as for 2 years they refused to buy the TV rights thus showing no highlights football. (you didnt get live games back then)

    Its the commentators on the actual match that get my goat .... more and more they seem to talk absolute <deleted> not at all related to the game, and go off on a truly boring tangent .... the other day one moron on astro started going on about a golf course near to the ground. Im of the opinion they should just speak when neccesary, they seem to forget we're watching the game so dont need to be informed on every minute incident, most are worse then a cokehead for not being able to shut the fcukup.

    Most commentators i'd be willing to bet never went to a football match until they got a job as a journalist, and have always got in the ground for free hence they dont have that inner knowledge about football that you cant acquire as an adult.

  2. Please answer the question does being formally educated until 16 count as being educated? you must be aware that until recently it was only the minority in the UK who went to University, are you saying the people who didnt arent suitably educated to give an opinion.

    And why are you afraid to clearly state your level of education, and current employment ... im taking youre not the high flyer you claim to be.

    Where as my paypacket clearly shows i am in the top 1% of wage earners in the UK, so im obviously skilled in certain areas.

    Now please ATFQ it shouldnt be too hard for someone of you undoubted genius.

    Furthermore ive also clearly replied to my OP that you changed to suit your vile rant i see youve not replied to this, you're a silly little man who is only brave calling names behind a computer.

    Neither earnings nor education are what i measure a man/woman by, most especially on an internet forum where everyone is simply whomever they claim to be.

    But the point is, after i wrote my comments about Thai's should be more concerned with free speech/press here, this fool starts name calling and coming out with his you must be uneducated line.

    So im challenging him to answer whether someone who is educated until 16 (ive not stated my level he's just arrogantly presumed) is educated enough to challenge his superior in his own mind views, plus if he is so intelligent he must surely have reached the peak in his chosen profession, though he has clearly avoided answering these statements aswell as answering the statements that he agreed with inferering i somehow defend red shirt actions.

  3. Its good to see a team like Blackpool have a bit of success.

    But i went to Blackpool V Newcastle last season, and in 28 years of going to away games ive never seen policing and stewarding like it.

    They took tickets off literally a couple of hundred of people entering the ground for absolutely no reason. (most notably some fire safety officer)

    If people had the slightest smell of beer on them they were taking away their tickets, and its a football game not the opera so most will have had a drink, People who were walking down the street and lets say were weaving in and out of people would get their tickets taken off as the fascists presumed they were drunk... a 60 yo man walked under a police horse was refused entry, people singing football songs if they didnt quieten down were stopped going in, the list was endless, hence there were hundreds of fans drinking in the bars outside the ground absolutely livid ... i left straight after the match so am not aware of any trouble, but If they do this week in week out i can see their being lots of trouble from irate punters who have spent a fortune on a day out .. and it'll be fully caused by the stewarding and policing.

  4. What i dont get is how with these people have the nerve to criticise CNN when the lack of free speech in Thailand created by their beloved present govt.

    Some well to do Thais that were round my place the other week would watch CNN due to their reporting.

    What i dont get is how with these people have the nerve to criticise CNN when the lack of free speech in Thailand created by their beloved present govt. before any protests started is up there with China, Cuba, Iran etc... yet they dont mention this ... asses brains their up.

    My view on it is the reporters were just reporting on which way the bullets were flying .. and pretty much all of them were heading towards the redshirts.

    Posts like this drive me up the wall, trying to defend the red shirt action, declare that

    the lies and deceptions strewn by an array of PR and Media crews of the red clowns army

    and their puppet master are the truth, and nothing but the truth today even it is so obvious!

    twisted brains = twisted thruth's = deceptive lies and mind boggling constructions which only have one aim = bring back the master and let the game begin!

    Censored are the lies, deceptions and constructions which aim to destroy this Nation, it's legal and rightful government and anyone who is not in favor of the Master...!

    This is the "TRUTH TODAY"!

    I can access

    any media I wish to.... the last stand off in Bangkok, with the Grenade Attacks, random shootings, the looting and setting numerous places in the very center of Bangkok ablaze, carries it's very own signature.....

    It is nothing but a load of BS and aimed to deceit the people, make them believe that there is "something wrong".... and in turn white wash the Master's grand coups and those committed by his his followers - it's simply evil!

    This person is clearly in hysterical mode so perhaps one shouldn't take his barely literate ranting seriously.One telling phrase is at the end when he appears appalled that anyone should think there's "something wrong", presumably with the status quo and is clearly angry that any news outlet should give the impression there's "something wrong" with the Good Ship Siam.Perhaps we can just ignore his ignorant tripe and move on to a more considered assessment of the press coverage.But here's a parting word for this genius.Yes, there is something "very wrong" indeed with Thailand, chum.

    Clearly however there has been bias in both CNN and BBC coverage, as well as the rest of the foreign and local press.Khun Somtow has some interesting thoughts particularly on the foreign press briefly that some may be seeing the events here through a Western prism, perceiving the Reds simplistically as the poor downtrodden struggling against the privileged elite.He has a point.This is a very complex set of events and it's important not to draw simple minded conclusions.But overall I think it has been possible to be informed, while accepting there has been some crass and stupid reporting from both foreign and local press.I'm not sure this is really that different from any other international crisis.I certainly don't buy the argument that the mysteries of Thai language and culture make rational analysis by a foreign reporter almost impossible.I think what gives the amart and some sections of the Bangkok middle class such annoyance is the fact that the unquestioning social deference of the past is crumbling, and is all open to international scrutiny.But all journalism is biased and one's reaction to a particular piece of journalism reflects one own biases.

    Firstly Samuian where have i tried to defend the actions of the redshirts, what actions have i defended? come on you can explain ... clearly youve invented that then try to come across as intelligent ... go on mouthy internet man please explain.

    Secondly ... im not a red shirt, yellow shirt or any other coloured shirt supporter i dont support any political party in Thailand as im English and dont wish to be Thai like yourselves ... quite clearly youve shown you back a certain party blindly, no matter what they do

    Thirdly .. as ive now shown my original post was not coming from a political bias, i wish to add that i am 100% certain that supporters of all political parties in Thailand should be ashamed of the way the country is currently at in terms of free speech and open press aswell as blocking of internet sites ... and that they should spend their time doing something about this national disgrace ... as opposed to going on about bias of foreign media which from what i saw was and is far more impartial then any Thai media reporting in English.

    On a sidenote Jayboy ... I see you wish to call everyone who doesnt agree with you uneducated .. (most in the west have gone to school until at least 16, does this not count? must one have a degree in some social science which most universities specialise in these days )

  5. Why do these ex pros talk so much crap, when asked about Englands centre half dilemma, Martin Keown comments that Matthew upsom was the second quickest at Arsenal behind Terry Henry but failed to mention that this was 8 years ago, does he not realize that players get slower as they get older :D.

    and not just in relation to running speed. Keown has obviously headed to many balls over the years. :)

    He's kept his good looks though. :D.

  6. Agreed, but maybe give Milner a run out on the right as he can hold the ball up and pass it a bit better then Lennon.

    Strange no one wishes to give Defoe a run out at least we'd have to play the ball on the ground if he were on the pitch instead of hoofing it upto the bigman, he's a far better player then Crouch or Heskey could ever be, and for a time when Owen (similar player to Defoe) was still good, he and Rooney were fantastic together.

    The thinking may well be to bring on Defoe and Lennon second half. To my mind that would work better.

    Thinking more about it, its Algeria <deleted> they were beaten by a nation of 2 million id stick Milner and Defoe in if for no other reason we may pass the ball about a little more and not rely on players running like headless chickens on the wing and a bigman who can do nothing more then occasionally trap a long ball and hold it up for a 30 yard shot from Lampard. This way Rooney can come deeper and get more involved as he does at ManUre.

    Beckenbaur is on the mark with what he said about England of late ... there is too much kick and rush football and not much else.

    PS id be good to have A Johnson there.

  7. is is true that FIFA's Mr Blatter is not elected and it seems he can't be replaced unless he quits?

    yeah sepp is elected. he makes absolutely damned sure that he is elected each time around. man's a political genius for all his glaring human faults.

    This seems appropriate then

    Was vile at the start or the WC when this corrupt fool and his rapist mate Jacub Zuma thought the opening ceromony and the WC was about them.

    Europe which funds FIFA should do something about people like him and Jack Warner ... you can guarantee they take huge bribes to get the WC to go to wherever.

  8. Agreed, but maybe give Milner a run out on the right as he can hold the ball up and pass it a bit better then Lennon.

    Strange no one wishes to give Defoe a run out at least we'd have to play the ball on the ground if he were on the pitch instead of hoofing it upto the bigman, he's a far better player then Crouch or Heskey could ever be, and for a time when Owen (similar player to Defoe) was still good, he and Rooney were fantastic together.

  9. Haven't looked at the schedule that closely but I think they are keeping the last match of the game late for European Audiences, perhaps? Lots of empty seats. Can't really give them away cause it would piss off the people who paid top dollar / Euro / Baht.

    Its only an hour time difference to the UK from SA or the same time as the rest of Europe so the last game would have always been good for Euro TV, i just dont know why they play the other games so early it'd be better for everyone including all the Americas TV if it were a little later.

    Maybe i'll Twatter about it or make a facebook page thats what the kids do these days for change.

  10. Ive been lazy and workshy all my life, but have a contract that gets me away from LOS soon (got a kid here so got to stay until then) and ive never looked forward to going to work so much in all my life so i can get a break from the place.

    It does seem to have gone backwards in the 10yrs ive been coming, and the hatred from a significant section of Thais towards foreigners in tourist areas is astounding IMHO.

    I always wonder why Thais who come to tourist areas to work dont <deleted> off back to where they come from if they cant send the sight of us.wink.gif

  11. Im in need of a rant about 2 things in this WC.

    1 There is empty seats like ive never seen before at a WC, give the tickets to kids, go round factories, give them to these striking workers just do whatever to fill the ground, empty seats are a sign a country shouldnt have got the WC IMO.

    2. The gap between the first and second match is 45 minutes or so just enough time to get a bite to eat, make love to ones self etc etc.... , but the gap until the last game is 2 hours 45 minutes which feels like an eternity especially when struggling to stay awake for the bigger games have been on at this time (italy, England, Germany, Brazil, Argentina).

    And id agree the games have been crap so far but its usually the same at this stage, its not until the last group games that it gets better.

  12. Without any experience of working offshore your chances of getting this type of work here are about zero. Roustabout and roughneck are the the labourers of the offshore game and as such here they are taken by local, cheap labour. There are plenty of experienced offshore guys trying to get a kick in around the Gulf.The only way you will get a kick in is to know an OIM or similar. Thats the way it works. its not what you know but rather who you know in the oil and gas game. Good luck

    Youre right about the rousty work, but i disagree with you with regards to its who you know ... I done a few courses 18-24 months ago spent about 12 grand sterling, and now have a 18 month contract in Kazahkstan on money that most guys with 10yrs experience would be happy with. Im employed for what i know as opposed to whom i know.

  13. Agree with the general sentiments expressed but do understand it's low season (after years of low high-seasons) so money it tight. It's just such bad form for the TT drivers to all converge in a scrum like this and attempt to gouge visitors like this. (I assume the deep-water port in on the east-coast side mid-island the it's maybe a 20-30 minute ride over the mountain to Patong, so B2000 per person is ridiculous.) Now, having been to Phuket many times, I know these drivers (and their "masters" are pond scum) but even scumbags have to eat (unfortunately). So why not organize something reasonable like maybe 200 baht per person and stick 2 sailors in each TT...generating a cool 400 baht a trip (and of course, they could arrange time and place for a return trip for the same price as well. That would be a nice bit of work for most drivers no?

    If i were them i'd prefer the free lift to town, you could guarantee if they done as you said theyd get ripped off on the way back.

  14. Football or soccer as some prefer to call it has expanded to become the most popular game around. This is due to its simplicity ...

    Yet the Sweaties find it so difficult. whistling.gif

    Its the complicated stuff like passing accurately and defending corners we seem to have most trouble with. At least we have solved our goalkeeping problems in recent years. :D

    This won't be popular with JS but if Rangers had left us our manager we might be enjoying a few beers in Cape Town right now. :)

    The Sweaties often seem to manage to get their players to play above their level ... now if only England could to that for a string of games who knows what could happen.

  15. They arent part of South African football from what South Africans have said about them, there is usually singing at SA league matches .. and you cant compare then to the drums those idiots Glenn Hoddle got to follow England as they dont drown out the entire atmosphere.

    Ban them and also ban that w4nker comentator that was on for the England game the other night, he goes of on a tandem like no one else.

  16. If we had a couple of decent forwards itd be an idea to put Rooney in central midfield as there is no creativity or urgency and he could definitely play there.

    But in the last WC Italy were worse then dreadful in the early stages and pretty much throughout and they done on in the end.

  17. Actually, as an American myself, I prefer to watch rugby and Australian football over those other sports. Many of the retorts, however, were inane comments from people with narrow minds that likely never played any sports in their lives -at least any sports where they got their clothes ripped and their noses bloodied.

    Ive boxed as a boy and i train here.

    But ive also played football and i can guarantee getting your legs taken away from you when your sprinting and not expecting it, is far worse then getting punched in the face when you know its coming.

    Besides footballers used to play on with bloody noses, mouth, lips etc... its just they arent allowed anymore.

    To judge a sport on how beaten up you get isnt really an argument is it.

    PS Rugby players are generally poncy middle class boys who'd be too scared to walk around the areas many footballers come from.

  18. Its always American Football fans that need to come out with such lines about football, soccer or whatever they wish to call it.

    Youd never get a football fan going on about American football in such a way as its an insignificant sport played by steroid freaks who'll die prematurely so they can compete.

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