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Posts posted by hansum

  1. Sounds good,just a bit of a problem tho, my passport is full just a few small spaces left,no full page. Just how big is the visa stamp that the Cambodians put into the visa?Was going to wait until next visit to the UK to renew it.

    The Cambodian Visa is 1 whole page on its own + your entry and exit stamps.

    You can get an evisa online which you then print out and take with you, this will save you 1 page of your passport, you will still need enough space for your entry and exit stamps however.

    Evisa is NOT accepted at all boarder crossings however.

    Check here for details Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Kingdom of Cambodia

    I met a guy last year who went over the border with an evisa.

  2. As soon as the team was announced that performance could have been predicted.

    Too many right wingers in the squad, a natural left footer is whats needed ... was a case of square pegs in round holes again. (Downing or A Johnson should have gone)

    Lennon was dreadful with his deliveries last night, when he should have crossed it quickly he took his time and vice versa.

    Green was even badly placed for the save he did make that hit the post, he was very lucky not to have conceded in his near post.

    J Cole, Barry and James in, and Milner/Phillips, Heskey, Green out.

  3. BBC lie, CNN lie, The Thai Govenment lie and the Thai media lie.

    Three words; pot, kettle, black.

    Thais don't care what foreigners think. None of our business. Keep watching the Thai media because they report what the government want people to hear. Nation included.

    We now have the internet. There is a ridiculous number of sources people can use to get information. Why keep watching BBC and CNN? Ha ha, they're the only two English speaking news channels I have on my cable.

    I like Abbisit and despise Taksin. But at the end of the day, it's just a different set of old greedy wanke_rs pulling the strings.

    Like the last sentence, pity not many on here see it that way.

    Some well to do Thais that were round my place the other week would watch CNN due to their reporting.

    What i dont get is how with these people have the nerve to criticise CNN when the lack of free speech in Thailand created by their beloved present govt. before any protests started is up there with China, Cuba, Iran etc... yet they dont mention this ... asses brains their up.

    My view on it is the reporters were just reporting on which way the bullets were flying .. and pretty much all of them were heading towards the redshirts.

  4. Im sure the OP would have stopped and done what was necessary back in farangland but he can hardly be vilified for doing what he did out here, as you just dont know what the outcome will be.

    It might have only been minutes not the 40 he guessed at until the police were on the scene as he drove off he wouldnt know.

  5. Looking for some advice on how i can stay 1 month longer.

    I arrived on the 25th March on a 60 day tourist visa and extended this a further 30 days at Jomtien on approx. the 23rd May meaning my current stamp is up until the 22 June.

    Anyhow im waiting to fly out to Kahzakstan which could be in the next few days or it could be another 6-8 weeks, so i need to stay here for a little longer.

    Ive a child here and am named on the birth certificate so im wondering if this would sway the lovely people at immigration (thought i know it wont) to extend my stay here.

    Or is it possible to get some kind of visa as ive a Thai child who is reliant on me and how much does this cost and how easily is it obtained?

    Alternatively anyone know the cheapest way to fly in and out, and can i come back on the same day? Ive looked at Airasia on the 22nd and its looking to cost approx 7000bht for a return to KL.

  6. :Supersport 3 + 1 went from my sophon cable Tv here in pattaya a few days ago but they replaced those channels with astro sports which is great,English commentary :)

    And the commentator was fantastic, he just said what was necessary and didnt feel the need to try and become more important then the match itself like Motty and pretty much all commentators do in the UK.

    Pity the channel didnt work until the 2nd half though, wont be a happy boy if it happens tomorrow night.

  7. I despise the way England has turned out, but im looking to buy a house in cash there in a immigrant free area where if the local kids do get mouthy you know theyre only poncy middle class kids who havent the balls to be real bad ... this will be in 2 yrs once my current employment contract is finished.

    This way i wont be getting hassled off the govt for every penny i earn and i can live a peaceful existence, more peaceful then i currently live in LOS.

    I just couldnt see myself living in Thailand for the rest of my life (im only mid 30s) and fancy a bit a living in a civilised country for a good few yrs (ive been away best part of 10yrs) ... i think if i were to have Thailand as my base permanently then id grow to hate this place.

  8. Has anyone exported a car from Thailand to England.

    Im looking to know what the shipping cost would be ... is there a roll it on roll it off service as ive a friend who does this in the US when exporting to England to save a few quid.

    Are there any taxes when exporting from Thai customs im presuming not but this is Thailand, and what are the pitfalls i need to look out for...

    And finally does anyone know the duties id be liable with at the UK end ... though im aware i can call the taxman in England to get this info.

    Cheers in advance.

  9. U can't force a society to buy something they can make on their own in a cheaper fashion. Further, what does the west offer that the east needs, and can produce it chearper than the east can?

    I agree the west in trouble, but i do not think that a mandated equal trade is going to accomplish anything.

    Thailand is forcing its people to buy its own goods by making imported goods unaffordable.

    If the east can do things so much better and cheaper then the west then surely there isnt a need for keeping currency pegged at a weak level to the dollar (China) and they shouldnt need to impose taxes of 100% on items such as vehicles.

    This is the tarrifs Thailand imposes on western goods ,,, Thailand would go out of business tomorrow if the west done the same under the guise of a luxury goods tax.

    THAILAND · Duties 0-45%

    · VAT 7%

    · Excise Tax 25-80% (luxury goods)

    Value-Added Taxes (VAT)

    A more balanced trade agreement is the only way the west can get out of this mess imho and it'll happen in the coming years as we cant keep on exporting jobs to countries that dont wish to play the game with fairer trade.

  10. Think putting you to sleep would be more appropiate.

    Putting any animal to sleep in Thailand( OK killing it) just would not happen,Buddha and all that. Vets will not terminate pregnant dogs either.It's filthy dumb idiotic people that make these dogs what they are. Easily controlled if strerilisation was brought into practice

    Take it youve a Staffy.

    Theyve the death penalty in Thailand, a ludicrously high murder rate, most people eat meat so i dont buy that Buddhism excuse.

  11. It seems (according to several senior politicians ive recently heard speaking) that all major economies are looking at exporting more goods to narrow huge trade deficits, and in Britains case theyre looking to create a notable manufacturing base to get themselves out the current mess and to have a more balanced economy.

    My thinking is the only way to do this is for such nations to pressure/tell so called emerging economies such as Thailand China etc.. into more equal trade agreements, at the moment its pretty much a case of these nations sell to us with no or minimal tarrifs whereas everything western made imported by Asian nations is taxed to the hilt.

    So if western economies are to succeed in exporting more, and creating larger manufacting bases as their politicians are imminently about to try and implement (refering to the UK), wont this shift the balance of economic power thats shifted east,move back to the west, thus affecting jobs in a major way in Thailand, and we'll go back to the status quo.

    It seems as if this is the only way western economies can go as its now widely accepted we cant just rely on the service sector and finance alone to create jobs.

  12. If youve got until October i'd hold off and see what happens, the markets may like the austerity measures going on in Europe at the moment, whilst Obama keeps on piling up the US debt like its never gone up before ... in a few months it'll no doubt be the dollars turn to take a beating.

    Naam why do you always have to write such crap on every topic to do with exchange rates, youre overly predictable at best.

  13. Here is another good link --

    Many Thai workers, now out of poverty, are in dissent

    Thailand's income inequality is roughly the same as that of much poorer nations such as Uganda and Cambodia and slightly worse than that of China and the United States, both highly unequal in terms of income distribution, according to data in the United Nations 2009 Human Development Report.


    BTW, Is this policy of no political threads started by users in general forum OVER? If so, why does this post still exist?

    Temporary Policy In General - Thailand Forum

    The link i posted is on the whole a overview of the last 10-15 years goings on in Thailand from the infrastructure to the tourist industry but it highlights the useless education system, not sure how one can discuss the education system without discussing the politics of it .... though if its classed as political and related to recent goings on then delete my account, it seems to be the way in Thailand these days to halt public speech.

  14. blind leading the blind

    Its there way to keep the villagers in the dark

    who in the Elite wants an educated populace??/ they might be able to figure out where they getting it LOL

    Dont the recent protests and voting out the historic ruling elites show theyve finally figured it out.

    IMO it seems as if Thailand would sooner compete with Cambodia and Burma as opposed to S Korea, Taiwan etc..

  15. How interesting, this overwhelming desire to be noticed. Same as the suit. This NEED to be noticed.

    You're probably quite insecure..............and lonely.

    World needs different charactors.

    Anyway the ought to get rid off all these filthy dogs from the streets, if they city council would pay 1000 bht per dead dog in this low season theyd be gone in a matter of hours.

  16. The Torys have already stated that pensions will be linked to wage inflation as opposed to price inflation thus making it a better deal for pensioners in the long term, but the age for getting a pension is going to rise. (though its not looking like a good deal right now)

    Its the pensions of public sector workers thatll be getting hit, and rightly so, retiring at 50 and living off the private sector for 30 years on average is a unaffordable non too funny joke.

    No doubt theyll strike like the deluded trolly dolleysof BA who are the highest paid and get the best privelleges of any airline worker.

    PS See the miners union have been paying 300k rent for Scargill London flat (2nd residence) the hypocrisy of the unions and their leaders is astounding.

    Have you actualy seen any figures for the inflation, both wage and price?

    Well, for one thing, price inflation is currently running at 5.3%, while wage inflation is currently running at less than 2% (or less than 4% if you include bonuses)

    How can linking it to wage inflation be a better deal for pensioners? huh.gif

    And, dont forget, price inflation is going to rise, but there will be downward pressure on wage inflation, i should imagine


    Read what i wrote.

    The Torys have already stated that pensions will be linked to wage inflation as opposed to price inflation thus making it a better deal for pensioners in the long term, but the age for getting a pension is going to rise. (though its not looking like a good deal right now)

    You can read more here, though i was wrong theyll raise it by the higher of the 2 indexes or 2.5%

    The document said: 'We will restore the earnings link for the basic state pension from April 2011, with a 'triple guarantee' that pensions are raised by the higher of earnings, prices or 2.5%.

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