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Everything posted by cobra

  1. Dogs in Thailand can be difficult to read, From the lethargic, barkless beach dogs, to growling soi dogs protecting a doorway, I give them all a wide berth,
  2. Well said, A good start would be India, communal eating and sharing, usually with a single hand, seasoned travelers would know why,
  3. Like the old saying goes, .. Eat anything you like, just not a lot of anything, ... Many studies continue to show calorie restriction can extend life but at a cost to quality of life. Daily fasting where you eat only during a certain window can be very effective for weight control, but at the end of the day it's just thermal dynamics, more energy in as opposed to energy out and you're going to gain weight.
  4. A bonus is cheese is generally keto friendly and a good source of protein,
  5. Another BS post, just a cursory review of some of your recents is clear you are in fact cheap, No one gets insulted if you try to thank them in their native tongue, she most likely deemed you an undesirably customer on many levels, did the math and decided the place was better off with out you.
  6. This, Of course there’s no money in the above so Pharma / Med industry can’t sell you drugs, supplements or fad diets.
  7. Elon has been characterizing the global population decline as the number one threat to civilization right behind AI for years. Though on the surface it would appear no shortage of people 😕
  8. One of Elon Musk's dire warnings besides out of control AI is global population decline, He mentions flat and negative birth rates around the world and of the consequences that may entail.
  9. My handle "Cobra" should have tipped you off, My daily ensemble always starts with a pair of Cobra Boots or similar, lol
  10. Agree, Sofitel is usually a good choice abd very accessible,
  11. Ah yes, the regret problem on one's death bed, I just rationalize I made the proper decisions with the information or circumstances at hand, and would most likely do the same again. Does anything matter ?, Some physicists speculate we may just be a simulation, entertainment for a higher AI, or maybe it's just "42", (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), lol
  12. It is unfortunate but the reality is homelessness may be the new norm. Blame it on urban decay, economic inequality, generous progressive policies, whatever, and of course it is not confined to California by any means. Portland, Seattle and many other cities are paralyzed by the problem. Declining property values, retail businesses that can do nothing about flagrant shoplifting, on and on. We know how to fix the problem but it will be expensive and that appears to be an even harder pill to swallow.
  13. Nowhere is this issue more pronounced than in Japan, where there are towns and neighborhoods literally abandoned, as there are no heirs to inherit or maintain dwellings when seniors pass on.
  14. A cautionary tale indeed, Most hope they'll go out Hollywood style, with a last cigarette or joke, Unfortunately the reality could be far different. In a progressive society you would think you could just ask your physician to unplug you or provide a means to OD. Hospitals at the end of the day remain a business, and whether you believe they're out to keep you alive at any cost to maximize profits or that they have the patient’s best interest at heart is a matter of debate. Physicians themselves usual stay true to their Hippocratic Oath, do no harm and preserve life. Having a trusted health advocate that knows your wishes and can make decisions on your behalf if incapacitated is something we may want to put in-place before we end up in that lonely room.
  15. For a little extra we can book you with the premium package, which also includes: 1. Scottish Bigfoot of the Highlands, 2. The lesser urban Chupacabra, 3. Nomadic Leprechauns,
  16. That is a great perspective, yes, sometimes we need to reflect on just how fortunate we are and most importantly not to take it for granted.
  17. I fully agree, personally I've seldom seen a tip go unappreciated or to whatever extent was not of some benefit. Cheap Charlies will always decry that westerners are spoiling the locals by over-tipping, they'll rationalize any and every reason to under tip, or not tip at all and that's fair, each to their own. I even tip the contracted Burmese beggar with her dirty faced baby or the crawling armless though I know they'll probably never receive much or anything I give them. I've done well in this life, yes, I'm that westerner who tips heavy and makes the rest of you look cheap, not to mention the spit-free coffee I'll enjoy, lol
  18. Yes, many avocations involving data, collation, coding, analysis, are at risk, AI is very good at this. What AI cannot do is harvest rice, unclog a toilet, set a broken leg, IMHO most of us will be just fine, albeit I am concerned that it's just an eventuality AI will be used to control, respond, initiate weapons systems, including nuclear.
  19. Agree, You can set a higher amount through compensatory damages than a set fine amount.
  20. At first glance I could see how this may look tragic, but at some point in one's long life you should be able to let one's self go, and damn the torpedos, When you're closer to the grave than away from it, being happy and comfortable would be the order of the day in my wheel house.
  21. I don't even go out on the deck when I haven"t been drinking, those ridiculously short rails may improve the view but are still a safety hazard.
  22. Agreed, though exceptions can exist this is usually the norm IMHO. Water finds it's level, equal levels of attractiveness, education, status, etc, is the top of the bell curve, rags and riches, beauty and the beast, rarely succeeds ????
  23. Didn't see where it said he was or was not wearing a helmet, or I missed it, but sounds like he wasn't and that possible could have saved his life if he was wearing one. On a bike you are only allowed to come into contact with air, there is no metal shell around you, nor passive or active restraints to keep you in place, that is both the appeal and bane to bikers and responsible one's know the benefit of leathers, boots, gloves and most of all, a helmet.
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