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Everything posted by cobra

  1. IMHO, it's actually in one's interest to not be legally bound to another in any way. Not because of draconian and unequitable support and property law, but when two are free to separate for any reason or whim without consequence, this may actually help the relationship by keeping everyone on their best behavior.
  2. Tragic as the loss of life it is, sleep deprivation from unrelenting disturbing noise can certainly push someone over the edge. At it's core, over indulgence, affecting one's behavior can not be ignored in this sad situation.
  3. I can understand that, Unfortunately, many are stuck in a less than desirable job or occupation by necessity. But if you can find something you enjoy then it's no longer work, it's just how you spend your day. I do not plan on retiring until I can no longer perform work requirements, physically or mentally. I love what I do and I vacation often. Actually I dread the day when I'll be walking around in my bathrobe all day, looking out the window, with the mind-numbing drone of a TV in the background, rather die on the job.
  4. .. there be Dragons there, ... per ancient mariner maps, ????
  5. Though I agree with what you say, in all honesty corruption exist in most countries, third and second world more predominantly. Xenophobia, bias, racism unfortunately will always be with us, a product of the human condition. You sound like a person of means, so go explore. We'll see you back here in a few years,
  6. For many, their work defines them. They are proud of what they do or are accomplishing, giving them a sense of purpose and relevance, or to just have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Unfortunately I've seen more than one who have retired, either prematurely or on schedule. All the retirement plans they had never seemed to materialize. All they did was sit in front of the TV, still in their bathrobe at noon and already drinking. They decline quickly, both mentally and physically. In my generation and family you work until you can't, taking many vacations and doing bucket list things earlier in life while it can truly be enjoyed. If you have a plan or are miserable in your job, then yes, retire. But if you like what you do, continue to do it as long as you can, your brain and body will benefit. By the way, I have no problem dying on the job, just hope I go quickly like the gentleman the poster referred to. ????
  7. Well said, Yes, no one wants to end up the richest person in the grave yard, but there are essential things that must be maintained and med insurance unfortunately in one of them. Even a non-life threatening event as in a vehicle accident could equal the cost of a house depending on how many days they keep you in an ICU, plus the obligatory add-on's, $30 for an Aspirin, etc. And whether you survive or not makes no difference. That debt will still follow you to the grave, or on to other family members or entities and hound them in perpetuity until they're paid. In the west health care is basically a for-profit enterprise. They only control a disease, though they could probably cure it if so motivated but no money in that.
  8. ... Your papers appear not to be in order, you will kindly step out of line and accompany the guards ... Already there's a thriving business in fake vaccination records in the west, as businesses and corps start mandating employees be vaccinated.
  9. Permanently ? There wasn't much left after the 2004 Tsunami either, a lot of infrastructure wiped out, but like weeds it grows back, patience young grasshopper,
  10. I have a feeling you may be an AI bot that landed on this forum, your algorithms are surprising sophisticated ????
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