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Posts posted by sirchai

  1. Correct me if i am wrong, but previous reports mentioned 4 men and all being Middle Eastern. since when Serbian start to look Middle Eastern? or was it a different robbery?

    What about the officials who earlier let the same scumbags out the prison back door - after a several month stint for stealing over 4 million baht? Will there be any investigation of the officials who got bribed? Oh, silly me, for a moment I forgot this is Thailand. Officials getting busted for taking bribes is about as likely as Thaksin getting elected Pope.

    Oh yes.Thaksin the new pope. Unbelievable that they let them out. Money makes the world go around.....

  2. Correct me if i am wrong, but previous reports mentioned 4 men and all being Middle Eastern. since when Serbian start to look Middle Eastern? or was it a different robbery?

    The duo were released from jail in March 2009 and deported.....

    They were released from who? Using their own money stolen from an ATM? <deleted> is wrong with the story, it can't be true.

  3. The Thai's prey on their own people. I know of several cases where a Thai has put up some 30-40k Baht for an overseas job...only to get scammed. They prey on the poor people in the village and their dream of a better life for their family. They should be caught and put in jail...if they had good police here, who weren't in bed with these guys...it might happen?

    Exactly. We often discuss here about Thais scamming westerners, but we (westerners) are small potatos. The real action is Thais cheating Thais. Sad really...

    We're all in for the money.................

  4. She was in transit to MY but got busted in BKK? Lucky girl seeing as they normally track the mule to destination and see who collects.

    I feel for her and wonder what conditions/circumstances pushed her to do such a thing. The string her high lemmings will love trying to post whilst wringing their hands but are fortunate enough never to think such a dangerous option is the better choice in life.


    They'll always find poor people doing that.....ALWAYS.

  5. agree with the above comment,

    also wonder what affect his will have on the human rights scoring the us is always touting , perhaps that will be forgotten about again , hmm

    I would say investigating, arresting and prosecuting would be a positive. You did notice that most of the persons running this scam are also Thai. (big shocker) As has been the case several other times in the past.

    Coming to America and acting Thai is not a good idea. You can't buy a court ruling there, worst of luck to them.

    Another good reason to look harder at citizenship, residence and work permits in the US the way they do here in Thailand and other countries to prevent this sort of thing.

    How do you know it's a scam???

  6. Forced labor of 400 Thais on US farms? I believe the 400 went there at their own free wills.

    The Thais, upon arrival in the United States, had their passports taken away and forced to pay thousands of dollars in recruitment fees, which were "financed by debts secured with the workers' family property and homes."

    Guess they were looking for work......

  7. To Asiawathcher: What world do you live in? The Thai economy "appears" strong due to the over inflated and protected Baht - the effect of which in the medium turn will be a signficant loss in exports and tourism. Those who will suffer will, again, be the low income earners. The elite and rich who live in Bangkok and Khorat will again be the major beneficiaries.

    That's not really true.

  8. OIT. Only here in Thailand can a fugitive from justice sue for justice.

    With my apologies, may I take the liberty to try and rephrase your statement?

    "Only here in Thailand can a convicted criminal, on the run from a justice system he claims does not work and is unjust, sue a man for justice"

    Only here in Thailand is Somtahm Lao cheaper than in European countries. Can't you smell that smell? The smell is around you.....

  9. There must be something wrong with me!

    I do not feel sorry for this guy at all, nothing to do with the fact that he is a German, but to do with the fact that he should never have left Germany without proper insurance and a back up plan or two.

    I left home when I was 19 and have not gone back except for the odd short holiday in 16 years. I have lived in 5 countries and worked hard to support myself and now even harder to support my wife and little boy.

    I have only been to the Embassy twice since leaving the UK, once to register our marraige and once to re-new my passport. I've never expected the Embassy or anyone on that matter to do anything for me for free or without something in return.

    If the shit hits the fan for me, I will deal with it like I always have done.

    so why is everyone feeling sorry for this guy? he left home, got in the shit, couldnt handle it and now other people are expected to bail him out! I do not get it!

    You do not feel sorry for him because he is German, right?

    Also many people from the UK are traveling without any insurance and lots come in serious trouble. It doesn't really matter where you have lived before and what you;re doing right now.

    How could you deal for yourself being in a koma? To be perfectly honest, i don't believe your story that you never needed help from others. You know why I'm feeling sorry for this guy?

    Because I'm human.

    You don't need to get it. You've already got enough racism.

  10. I quite don't understand the embassy at all. I was under the impression that an embassy must provide financially to countrymen who are in trouble aborad. I'm pretty sure an englishman (friend of a friend) got his ticket paid from the embassy to go back to england. I was under the impression that they Must help you out and then you have to give the money back once resettled. Am I wrong then?

    You got that wrong. The main idea behind an embassy is to have a established diplomatic connection between the two involved states and not to be an emergency service for fellow countrymen in distress.

    You are correct on your idea on an embassy but unfortunately most people thank that their embassy is a free meal ticket.

    Many years ago, embassies were almost that. Any traveller could go to his embassy and receive emergency assistance, including tickets home. A written undertaking was solicited at the time, and the emabssy recovered later.

    Like so many things, and with travel being so common now, a few abused the honour system that operated well and emabssies withdrew the service.

    What the fkuc are u talking about? It doesn't matter if people abused the honour..(which one) Translations for example a marriage was also a free service provided by them, and now they'll give you a card from any translation service. One page about 1,500 baht and if you're not lucky enough they still want to see the "legalized "documents to "legalize" again.

    This guy's obviously very sick and needs help. So there's no way for them to say they've got nothing to do with it. Wake up fools working for the German embassy. What they're doing right now is also called abandoned aid assistance. Shame on the Chancellor and all the Mickey Mouse characters in Thailand working for them.

  11. Truly a sad story. I can understand why some countries decide not to help people as this is sometime abused, but in this case it's not a question of abuse, the man is breathing via a hole in his throat!?

    To me this is crystal clear; Germany should pay for the transport as soon as possible and possibly reimburse the Thai hospital for caring for the man for so long.

    I feel like giving the hospital a donation. Really.

    I'm in Germany right now and made a phone call regarding the guy's accident. yesterday. Yes, Germany should pay for his transport back and they must pay- at least - most of the bill.

    Some newspapers are on the story and I guess it's just a matter of time that they'll bring him to a German hospital.

    I can't believe that it already happened last October and nobody tried to solve this problem from the beginning. What's an embassy for, if they don't help?

    Does anybody have the phone number of that particular hospital? I'd like to talk to them to have all details to help this poor guy.

    Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers.

  12. My very deepest sympathies to the family, friends and classmates of the victim.

    This happened in the neighborhood where I live and work and is quite upsetting. A few months back, two colleagues were on a bus on that route (maybe the same number--I don't recall) and were held on the floor at gun point along with other passengers. The young men who had them get on the floor, did so for their own protection. It seems they had fled a fight with another school (or gang) and some of the students from the other school were approaching with guns out, so they told everyone to get down on the floor. When the bus stopped, the students fled. No shots fired on the bus or at the bus, but still a little too close to home.

    Scott is a hero. :D


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