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Posts posted by banglay

  1. Hi .

    I have been getting chest and throat infections recently and I believe to may be my A/C in the bedroom that is the culprit,I would be grateful if anyone could give me any advice on how to disinfect my A/C( it is a Samsumg wall mounted unit with the compressor out side ) I clean and Vac the filters in the bedroom unit regularly and spray wash the compressor fins outside every 3/4 months or so and I was wondering if there is anything else I could do to disinfect and kill any nasties moulds etc????

    Cheers .

  2. They came spraying at our village last Friday, unfortunately a bit too late for me and at least 5 others...anyways, they left a brochure, the number to call is: 0-3824-9820 ext 116

    Get them going now, Dengue is rampant at the moment, and I can tell you form own experience that it is no fun having it! Having said that, I consider myself lucky having had the fever part without the bleeding extras only...

    They sprayed around my village on Friday afternoon a nice lady on a motor bike came to every house and told everybody to go inside and close all windows and door whilst they sprayed .

    Which areas are we talking about where the out brakes are?

  3. My Opinion and it is only my opinion is that when we all first come to Pattaya we are younger, richer we have much more hair and less of a gut but as the years slip by we stop looking at Patts through rose tinted glasses and reality sets in, our waists line are expanding and the bank balance is shrinking and that gorgeous bar girl shouting “Hey sexy man” is now trying to entice a younger and dare a say it! a better looking version of ones self and what makes is worse is that he’s from Russia or India.

    The true fact is that with the passing of time we all become GRUMPY OLD MEN with too much time on our hands and its far easier to blame the Thais the Russian etc than accept ones own short comings .

    As a whole the Thais are a friendly and proud people and I am very honoured to call then my friends and neighbours.

    As I stated this is only “my opinion

  4. You mean as opposed to an American keyboard?

    Likely any that they have in TukCom will be US keyboards.

    You can reset the default keyboard to UK using the M$ OS but it mixes up other keys besides just swapping the £ for the $ sign.

    If you just want the English keyboard to be able to type the £ sign then you can do that by using ASCII code.

    If you mean English keyboard as opposed to Thai keyboard then both alphabets are usually on the keys, or you can buy stickers to put over them if having 2 sets of characters on 1 keyborad confuses you.

    It's more to discourage my GF from spending hour on MSN chatting the english keyboard slower her down thus detering her ...

  5. Pattaya is the armpit of the universe.

    I read a quote somewhere else on here that said Pattaya was where the worst of the east meet the worst of the west.

    Brilliant and true statement. :jap:

    Only if your observations are limited. I see a lot of good west giving generously to the east.

    Does Generosity come in a condom ????:D

  6. Ooops

    I have traveled extensively around the globe and the "Young angry male issue :angry:"! is not just a Thai problem. I am afraid it is a world wide cultural phenomenon .You only have to visit deprived areas in large cities of any country and you soon feel uneasy and threatened I am afraid this is now the world we all live in ..

  7. Try SAmitivit in Sri Racha, i had a bypass 23 years ago and occasionally get palpitations (usually when there is a girl on the escalator in front of me in a short skirt) :) it may be nothing but always worth checking ,do you drink a lot?

    I do not drink toooo much. Maybe a couple of Bacardi's in the evening. Although when my heart started going funny I have not drank in 3 days.... and still the same.

    P..S I am female. And short skirts do nothing for me really!!!

    Forgot to say Thank you for the informaiton.

    Buy yourself a good blood pressure monitor with a Arrhythmia function and home check your blood pressure at differant times of the day and make a note of the reading over a few weeks and take the results with you when you see the doctor it'll save you a lot of time and money .

  8. Hi All:jap: I've got a couple of GF free nights at the end of this month so I am heading to Pattaya (Whey Hey :D ) and I was wondering which agogo/bars will be worth a visit I don't want to waste my time hopping from one to another so would appreciate your in-put (maybe in-put was the wrong word lol :) )

    Cheers :D

  9. I am so sick and tired of reading comments like this!!! Who are you to tell people to stay or to go?

    This is a public forum for people to express their views and opinions.

    This topic appears at regular intervals. And he was only expressing his opinion that if one is not entirely happy with the situation in Thailand, then maybe one should consider moving somewhere else.

    Just because you see sun shining out of cows ass it does not mean that everyone feels same way and some people are stuck here for a variety of reasons.

    But just to shut all the lovers here are some facts

    -Thai government requires for anyone applying for retiring visa to have 800 000 baht for the year.

    -With current exchange rate this is AU$30769, US$25000,Euro 20500

    -This is same if not more then the average salary in mentioned country's before tax

    But you are not required to spend that amount in one year. It is IMO, a reasonable amount to expect somebody to have to pay living expenses and a reserve for emergencies.

    From personal expenses, without too much partying i am at 1000 000 baht per year.

    Unless you are a multi millioneer and in dollars not baht-this country is very very expensive, unless of course you do not mind living in a card box and eating pigs intestines for dinner.

    Yes Thailand is expensive and yes services are crap.

    Some who never had any better find it acceptable and love it and others who know better can make a comparison.

    Well, dropping a million each year is up there with Euro levels. But how much would you have to spend to live the same lifestyle in the West, with the same freedom?

    The majority of people I know get by very nicely on 30 to 50k Baht/month.

    I know that this discussion is not going to go anywhere, because I have seen it many times before. But whatever, most people are very happy living modest affordable lives in comfort, and other people seem to expect the high end of Western standards but at Thai prices. Living a high end Western lifestyle in Thailand is going to be expensive. It is also expensive in the West. Anybody earning an average salary in the West is going to be struggling to pay the bills, and can only dream about living the life one can live in Thailand on 1,000,000 Baht/year.

    Well said

  10. You may be correct. Thailand has been way over priced, for what you get. The infrastructure is a joke. How many times does my power go out? Almost every time there's a gust of wind. Cars are more way more expensive, the internet sucks, so does UBC! Plus all the ugly, cheaply built houses and "resorts." Bangkok, I try to avoid the place, especially now. Maybe I'm in a bad mood or I just am getting sick of the ineptness of the corporations, government and xenophobia... I think my rant is over now? Hum, not sure....

    Really, for what you pay I think that Thailand is one of the best deals around.


    1. The roads work

    2. The electricity works 99.99% of the time

    3. Agreed the water supply is in the dry season a bit feeble, but a storage tank fixes that

    4. You can eat any time of the day or night

    5. International standard hospitals

    6. Excellent and user friendly banking system

    7. International travel, easy flights to just about anywhere.

    8. Internal travel, good system of buses and a reasonable offering of flights.

    UBC sucks, can't argue with that. Absolute crap service and far too expensive, hasn't improved in a decade. It is one reason why I can't see the point in buying a decent LCD TV.

    Imported cars are more expensive, but pick-ups are not, small motorcycles are very cheap compared to even Malaysia, Kawasaki offer since 18 months a nice range of well priced models.

    The internet runs great around here. Change your provider if you have an issue. And if you live out in the boonies, then don't expect the same level of service

    Can't argue with the cheaply built houses but they are also sold cheap. The UK has a large stock of cheaply built houses and so does the US of A, and there you pay a fortune for squit all.

    Ineptness of the corporations, government

    Well, compared to the US, UK, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland etc., I think that the Thai government is doing a great job.

    And maybe you hadn't noticed, but the economy of Thailand is also doing well, so the companies must also be doing something right.

    Bangkok is a bit much, but everything is available and I never feel threatened walking around anywhere in Thailand, except maybe Patters, where the marauding bands of Euro-Trash-Pissheads make me feel uncomfortable.

    But, take another closer look at the grass on the other side of the fence. I have, and it's much greener this side.

    I totally agree with you ..if you don't like living in Thailand "LEAVE!!! GO BACK HOME" and see how far your £ $ € goes .....But most of all stop whinging about how badly done by you are .

  11. Hello :) Can anyone suggest were I might go to find a half decent 17 ft boat with trailer for personal use(fishing and going to the off shore Islands etc)


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