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Posts posted by banglay

  1. houses and condo's are over priced by as much as 100%

    The problem is that falangs come here they do some house hunting around pattaya mostly with realestate companies get a rough Idea

    of the going rate but don't realise that all the properties they look at are highly over inflated, this is actually a scam driven by falangs mostly

    advise - look at a property and knock 50% off immediately then you might be at the correct market value, been saying this for years here

    problem discussing this subject here is that half the replies will be from people who own and paid way too much and some will

    have realestate interests = ripping people off

    May I suggest you drive 15 + km out of Pattaya and you'll notice housing development springing up everywhere aimed not at Farang but Khun Thai..these properties are selling quickly and price under 2 mil baht .they are usually on a postage sized plot 2 BR 1 Bthroom and Thai style kitchen.....I for one would rather pay the extra and have a large plot and european style/standards.....so what you are saying that all properties are 50% overpriced and it is the Farang that is the cause is totally wrong......Anyone who knows the Thai's knows that they will not pay over the odds for anything or can really afford to do so... Why are most westerners under the assumption that everything revolves round them ...Afterall this IS Thailand.

  2. It’s not rocket science to work out that the Thai housemarket is not over priced

    Average UK houseprice


    House type

    Average price









    Average UK salary 30.270

    So divide average house price 232628 by average salary of 30270 and you get a ratio of 7.68.

    So then times the average Thai wage of 288000 baht with the ratio of 7.68 which give you 2211804 baht ….This is a average comparison price for the 2 markets

    2.211.804 baht will buy a nice home in Thai …and before anyone says the Thai average is to high.. it’s a average ..and you only have to look at the busy road to see they are nose to tail with new cars and 10’s thousands of motor bikes …they have to earn the money to buy them .Not all Thai’s are poor rice farmers from Issan who earn 300 baht a day and have to send there daughters to Pattaya …

  3. >>Are Houses Overpriced In Pattaya?<<


    I am neither buying nor selling (in fact, I would never buy into this market). I am simply trying to make sense out of what appears to be a very odd market. But now it makes sense to me. The angry and combative posts from people who want the market to go up have been instructive. What is clear to me is that the market is overextended and grossly overpriced. Prices are not plummeting because sellers (investors who have purchased large blocks) have no short-term financial need to sell or rent at a reasonable price (at least that is what they are telling themselves). They think they can wait it out. They think that Ocean 1 will eventually rise up from the ashes. They think that rich Russians will invade the place and purchase everything at grossly inflated prices. They think a casino will save them. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your view, they are dreaming.

    Do you consider places like Spanish Condo grossly overpriced too? Good grief, they are priced the same as a cheap Honda! Maybe you should reconsider your buying options rather than seeing your buying power continue to diminish with inflation and continued unfavorable fx exchanges.

    Really , as far as I am concerned, I am not interested in buying or selling. I am only interested in why the real estate market seems to be behaving in an odd manner given the obvious supply-demand problem. Spanish Condo is not something I would consider at all. It is too far away from the beach and not a good place to live, IMHO. I doubt people buy blocks there for the purpose of resale for profit. I am interested in why investors are buying and sitting on large blocks of property on or near the beach; more upscale than Spanish Condo. Now I understand why they are doing it. It just seems to be a very odd real estate strategy if you are interested in making money. There are other places that are far better places to make money in real estate. And, no, I am not going to tell you or anybody else where those places are :)

    Not everybody needs or wants to make money from real estate investments ....People buy here more as a life style choice....I assume rightly or wrongly that you are here on a fact finding mission to gather facts and information to write a Thesis on" how too be boring and repedative on a subject you seem to have little knowledge of" ...one thinks you will pass with honours :whistling: .....

  4. Are you sure? Just because they can't sell doesn't necessarily indicate that they are overpriced, just that the market is dead.

    Two years from now: "Just because they can't sell doesn't necessarily indicate that they are overpriced, just that the market is dead."

    Five years from now: "Just because they can't sell doesn't necessarily indicate that they are overpriced, just that the market is dead."

    Ten years from now: "Just because they can't sell doesn't necessarily indicate that they are overpriced, just that the market is dead."


    You sarcasm is misplaced. Just because Europeans have basically left the market place doesn't mean others won't jump in to take their place. I've actually met Russians employed as real estate agents here in Pattaya. What do you think they are doing? I would say they are waiting for negative losers ready to fire sale their properties and thereby generate a new property boom.

    I understand what you are saying as was just making a joke. Many people are waiting for a realistic adjustment in both house and condo prices before purchasing anything, and that makes sense give that prices (sell/rent) do not reflect reality, only a real estate fantasy reality that is treading water. Russians will buy if prices drop substantially. The problem is that people are refusing to accept reality and drop prices and apparently have no financial incentive to drop prices so they wait ten years, fifteen years, twenty years for a miracle to happen. "Negative losers" is another phrase for "suckers" who bought into a dream. Prices for houses and especially condos are way too high, period. I can think of many other places to invest in real estate, places that are truly "hot" markets. Pattaya and Jomtien are no longer hot markets; they are markets ready for a big fall, IMHO.

    Just out of curiosity Awohalitsiktoli....so we can get a better picture of where you are coming from ....where doing you live in the Pattaya area ? are you a house or a condo owner ? do you rent ....do own a car and/or a motorbike ...I ask these question because all your posting re property seem to be very negative and anti all thing real estate....and I have notice most people on TV who are negative are not in a possession too actually buy into real estate what ever the state of the property market

  5. also, if he put 200k into philip morris and kraft he would get a dividend of roughly 3k U.S. per month

    only in wet dreams! :whistling:

    dividend yield Philip Morris = 8.51%, Kraft 3.69% (2011 estimates) = ~$ 1,000 / month less taxes.

    I've had other folks tell me that my dividend calculations areoff. Can you pm me or post the formula for 1/4ly dividend payouts.

    I must be getting close because I had 12K U.S. per 1/4 ( 3k per month)

    you have 3k per 1/4

    i didn't use any formula but just looked up the yield of each share, assumed a 50:50 PM/Kraft spread of the 200k you mentioned and arrived at slightly more than 12k per annum.

    addendum: i used the high dividend CZK currency for Philip Morris. using USD then dividend yield is a meager 3.90%

    With hind sight we'd all be rich

  6. :jap:

    Read my posts on this thread. I didn't advise he retire early at all. I just added some comments about some issues to think about IF he does so.

    WOW!!!!! 24.024 in approx 5 1/2 years that's around 12 postings per day ......how do you find the time to be a food critic and a international financial adviser...and a old sage all rolled into one ? :jap:

    (Posted tongue in check not ment to offend );)

  7. I just do not understand the mentality of someone who wants to jump on the scrap heap at 40.

    My suggestion to the OP is if he really really does not want to work anymore, is to live the high life now because the boredom will kill him.

    If the OP really wants to do something then think of investing in a business, if he is really dead set on Pattaya though I would suggest looking further afield why not look at being a franchisee of a proven business model.

    As a franchisee managing his business, the business should pay him a wage and be an investment at the same time judging by the amount he has to invest he should not have a problem with a work visa either.

    The early you can retire the better !!!! "scrap heap at 40" is better than being old and knackered at retirement age and not being able to enjoy life there after ..."you are a long time dead"

    "Boredom will kill" " I am bored" is a statement you generally hear from kids ....and not from a fulfilled adult .


  8. Snakes were here first. They mean no harm to anyone and are great at getting rid of pests like mice and rats. Your puppy's natural instincts will keep him away from snakes;

    There's little point in debating this with you or coma, but this really is absolute rubbish. Most dogs will have a go at snakes and a puppy's "natural instincts" are to investigate and play with anything new; I have quite a few dogs of varying sizes and ages, from Basset Hounds to Shih-Tzus, Ban Kaew to terriers, and all will have a go at snakes, including cobras and vipers (with varying degrees of success).

    "Snakes were here first"? I believe that fish came first; if you want to return your land to nature and follow your logic, then shouldn't you flood it? And what harm are mice and rats doing to you that makes them "pests" but not snakes?

    Don't like nature at your doorstep? Pave it over like most Thais .....

    I presume you only know "Thais" in the city, which is where most people who have little experience of "nature" and who think snakes "do no harm to anyone" spend their time. I don't kill anything anymore, even rats, except snakes (and scorpions, millipedes, etc) - I don't care if they are venomous or not, and I don't feel like asking a snake to wait while I go and have a look in my Snakes of Thailand; my health and that of my family, friends and dogs come first. No exceptions.

    I really like your logic :D ....well said! ..here! here!...my sentiments exactly .:jap:

  9. Although we live in Bangkok, we created a large garden. Naturally, all creatures flock here including snakes. Although we have seen a few cobras, our most common are Malaysian pit vipers, bright green with red at tip of tail.

    At our place, all snakes prove to be transients. They're not setting up house and will move on. However, we have had half a dozen sneak into the house over the years and have gotten pretty good at catching them and releasing them outdoors.

    Snakes were here first. They mean no harm to anyone and are great at getting rid of pests like mice and rats. Your puppy's natural instincts will keep him away from snakes; cats, on the other hand, are very adept at fighting with them without getting bitten.

    Don't like nature at your doorstep? Pave it over like most Thais and you won't see another snake. Or live in a condo (although my friend had a snake in her bedroom on the fourth floor at Lang Suan).

    And yes, I was actually bitten by a Malaysian pit viper on Silom Road! Bit on the big toe, went to the Red Cross snake farm hospital to get BP checked every day for three days. Antivenin is far more dangerous than snakebite. I had not heard vipers called 'finger rotters' but there's a lot of swelling (my leg was double size for two-three weeks); combined with blood pressure problems, suppose it could do that. I also am fabulously allergic to wasp- and beesting.

    Go gently on this good earth, man.

    the snake you have discribed is not the Malayian pit viper but sound more like the Green pit viper or the white lipped green pit viper (google them)....either way pretty damned dangerous and better avoided at all costs,

  10. Contact the local Thai wildlife authority and they will come and move them for you. I don't see any reason to kill them like you killed the mother.

    Come on Coma !! the Thai don't even look after there dogs & Cat..... so a snake has no chance ...and every one of my Thai neighbours kill EVERY snake on sight poisonous or not .. but if you can supply me with the address or phone number of the Thai wild life authority at will come and remove them I will be most grateful ...cheers

    What forced you to kill it ? Do you have a valid reason? You can let your own fingers do the walking for the phone number. Most Thai neighbours will know somebody that is capable of moving them along if you cannot contact the correct authorities.Snake are actually our friends. Just like spiders. They eat all that we don't actually want bothering us such as rats and insects . My message I guess is to get educated about snakes. We live with them more than you may think. And they do not attack us at ALL. Humans attack them on the contrary. Please move them along if you must. And please don't kill them. :jap:.


    Coma >>>>here's just a few reasons I dispatched the said snake.

    (1) ...I got stung by a wasp a few years back and spent 3 days in hospital I am hyper reactive against all venom.

    (2)....I have a very inquisitive puppy and can not risk it being bitten,

    (3) ...young children often visit us so there's a risk.

    (4) The Malayan Pit Viper is a VERY aggressive type and it is a free and very quick striker and unpredictable.

    (5) there is over 3000 viper invenomation in Thailand last year so they do attack some human if only to protect themselves.

    (6) ..the fact is you are recommended to get to a hospital within 30 minutes if you want to save finger etc and your life ( the closes hospital that has anti venom is 40 mins away)

    and for you information the non venomous snakes are welcome in my garden I do not kill them ..

  11. Contact the local Thai wildlife authority and they will come and move them for you. I don't see any reason to kill them like you killed the mother.

    Come on Coma !! the Thai don't even look after there dogs & Cat..... so a snake has no chance ...and every one of my Thai neighbours kill EVERY snake on sight poisonous or not .. but if you can supply me with the address or phone number of the Thai wild life authority at will come and remove them I will be most grateful ...cheers

  12. Someone somewhere suggested checking out dealers in Si Racha. It's only half an hour up Sukhumvit road and supposedly have more competition = better prices.

    I have a 3-4 year old Honda Airblade with low milage. Seeing how expensive they are new now I might actually be tempted to sell it and get a new Hiyate instead. How much do you reckon it'd be worth? Obviously been used but looks good and in good nick, service book and all. Dual-brake/alloy wheel model.

    Maybe if I was a glodal moderator.....I might suggest that you should use the classified ads to sell you old motorcycle LOL :whistling: "How much do you reckon it'd be worth" could be misconstrude as trying to sell lol

  13. Hello All!!

    I am looking to buy a "New" Honda Air blade....and I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any special offer around at the moment so I can get the best deal???

    Thanks in anticipation.

  14. Hello All!

    Does always one know where I can get a strong heavy leather dog collar made In or around the Pattaya area?. None of the pet shops seem to stock what I am looking for …..And before I get any sarcastic comment it is for a dog of the canine variety

    Thanks in advance

  15. I use that practice also ..I have found them to be very professional on all levels....If you are worried about excessive medication I suggest that you google what ever the vets say is wrong with your pet and see what the common consensus is on treatment for that diagnosis...you'll probably find they are spot on with there treatment plan..

  16. i use the Mabrachan area, but maybe to far from Jontiem, i never had thisproblem but i would have thought a stick waved at them or a gesture to pick up a stone as they all know what that means would put them off. some very disturbed people out there building recipies to try and blind dogs. many of the so called street dogs do have owners, not responsible, but belong to somebody, be prepared if you blast these recipies into their dogs eyes you may well be on the end of some rough justice, and yes i have known it happen. how would you people feel if somebody did that to your dog

    jebhead if you are a dog lover god help dogs. what they need is a neutering programme, Buddist religion does not permit the killing as you suggest.

    Nalak ...I was in no way saying or condoning the blinding of dogs....Pepper sprays are internationally accepted by law enforcement agencies around the world it helps to control violence and aggression..it does not blind it only incapacitate for a short while ....it's alot better than waving a stick or actually beating a dog that gets to close to you ...the dog just associates people with aggression.... Pepper water in the face from 10 to 15 metres away ...the dog is FAR less likely to associate people with aggression..it just thinks what the hell has just happened to me and blames the environment not the person ....Dogs that associate people with agression are far more likely to attack a person when there territory and space comes under threat.. .....Dogs live in the moment not the passed or the future that is the realm of the human being.

    Dogs just need to the trained by competent owner and not let to run in packs......Dogs are not to blame people and circumstances are .

  17. Yes I have to admit ...dog walking can be problematic no matter where you go ......I ended up buying a pump action water gun ( Songkrang is just round the corner so there's plenty around ) I then boiled lots of chopped chili peppers and dried chili powder and simmered it for about one hour ...then let it cool and filter through some kitchen roll too remove any debris ....and then put it into the water pistol and aim for the dogs eyes and nose and watch them run ...a good water pistol has a range of about 10 to 15 metres so you can get/hit then before they even get near to you or your dog ....do this every day on your chosen dog walk route ...and after 2 to 3 days the local dogs soon get to know what's going to happen and leave you alone. .......

    good idea. did this actually work for you? was your aim good enough to hit them before they got to your dogs?

    Yes it works, but you have to persist and use the same walk daily so all the local dogs get to know the taste/ sting of the chili ..dogs are not stupid and learn quickly ...I suggest you have some target practice (with tap water) and let your dog see you using it so he/she is OK with it before you hit the means streets of Jomtiem.

  18. Yes I have to admit ...dog walking can be problematic no matter where you go ......I ended up buying a pump action water gun ( Songkrang is just round the corner so there's plenty around ) I then boiled lots of chopped chili peppers and dried chili powder and simmered it for about one hour ...then let it cool and filter through some kitchen roll too remove any debris ....and then put it into the water pistol and aim for the dogs eyes and nose and watch them run ...a good water pistol has a range of about 10 to 15 metres so you can get/hit then before they even get near to you or your dog ....do this every day on your chosen dog walk route ...and after 2 to 3 days the local dogs soon get to know what's going to happen and leave you alone. .......

  19. I have not been in Pattaya for about 10 days. My observation is just the opposite of yours. Getting a sawng taeo was nearly impossible in going to and from JomTien. At 2nd road and Soth Pattaya the ques were long and often a shortly of baht buses because of all the tourists (mostly Russian). The malls were packed as were the beaches at JomTien. I would not judge the economy based on bar customers. Remember Pattaya is trying to tranform itself and maybe it is starting to work.

    It seems as though big business is attempting to turn Pattaya in to a two week package holiday destination.

    In other words, the money is being sucked out of Pattaya. Granted, there will be more hotel positions available,

    but the bars and the girls are starting to feel the effects. This translates in to less money going to the poor

    Issaan families.

    Things, situations and definitely people change. If changes never happened the dinosaur would still be roaming the earth…Whoops I forget there is one type of dinosaur left and it can still be found in small pockets around Pattaya (mainly anglo style bars and agogo) but I am afraid that it is becoming a endangered species, as it’s habitats are rapidly altering and its foods sources are dwindling and becoming far to cosmopolitan and unpalatably for it’s weak digestive system.

    The Dinosaur in question is the “Whingosaur” it’s main trait as the name implies is to whinge and whine about all things new, especially the influx of a new more dominate two legged mammal known as the “Notenglishenoughapod”.

    I am afraid if the “Whingosaur “does not accept change and adapt to its new environment it is doomed to extinction.

  20. I am in the Ban Amphur area but have found it convenient to use Najomtien Animal Hospital the guys in there are all graduates and pretty well clued up on all aspects of animal care. They are on the North Bound carriageway after Soi Wat Boon and before Lotus. Opposite a Large radio mast on the other carriageway

    Thanks ! I'll check it out next time I go to Makro's .Cheers

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