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Posts posted by banglay

  1. ok not in your area but same distances pattaya tai, going down the road get to soi 12 on right hand side on the corner best vet i have used, speaks perfect English and will put animals down if required. IMHO well worth the few more Kilometrers

    cheap and cheerful vets on soi at side of banglamung police station, does all my street dogs for innoculations and neutering, half the price of other vets. he did ten on table tops in one afternoon out in waste land.

    Thank you !..I'll bare i mind the one down Pattaya Tai . cheers

  2. Hello all

    I would appreciate any recommendations for a good veterinary practice in the Ban Amphur, Bang Saray and Sattahip area. I need to get my new puppy inoculated and later castrated.

    Cheers all.

  3. Why oh! Why do cat owner/lovers think it is Ok for there cat to enter someone Elsie’s garden/property with impunity, I for one are fed up of my neighbors cats crapping in my flower borders .running up the walls and leaving there dirty paw print all over there place and also sitting on the roof of my pick-up truck..

    Then when you talk nicely to the owner you get a stupid answer “what came I do I’ve put a bell on it’s collar"…(as if a chuffing bell would stop it crapping and leave it’s flithy paw prints everyway) and don’t get me onto the subject of tom cats straying its foul pee everywhere…….

    I am at the end of my tether too and I am now looking to buy a dog and I will be training it to dislike cats but I will put a bell on it collar after all “what else can I do”...At the end of the day the cat is a uninvited unwanted guest.

    I am with the irate neighbor on this one cats are a bloody nuisance.

  4. instead of a large breed how about a Jack Russel? They are fantastic dogs, highly intellgient.. full of muscle

    but not too aggressive



    Thank you for your suggestion but I am afraid I am not into small yappy ankle biters .....and they are far too self willed to train to a high standard of obedience.. damned good ratters and snake deterrents

  5. Hello all!

    After much thought I have decided get myself a puppy …. I am looking for a reputable breeder of large dogs; I am flexible on breed type.

    I do NOT want a rescue adult dog (sorry! but I do not want to inherit someone Elsie’s problems).

    So if any one knows of any reputable breeder within an hour or so drive from Pattaya where I can see the parent dogs that would be most helpful.

    I thank you in advance


  6. What's that old saying ......."You pays your money and you takes your chances" .and ..."love is in the eye of the beholder"

    There are lots of very good Thai girls out there ..both beautiful and Plain ...... good and bad... .but I must say it is in your own best interest be sober when making any long term commitments...... and I'd rather have a angry 48 kgs Thai beauty with a knife at my throat ..Than a angry soon to be Ex wife (60kgs+++) with a very expensive divorce lawyer trying to extract every last penny out of you and then using your balls as a paper weight ......

  7. Hello All.....I am offering my services as a crew member (free ) .....I have RYA cert etc, logged 20000nm + mainly yacht delivery work .....So if you are looking for a useful crew member please drop me message and we can have a chat.

    I prefer cruising to racing round cans ...but I just really want to get back on the water....


  8. Hello All .....I want to have the old wax on my pick up truck removed and them the colour cut/re-stored and a good quality wax re-applied .( not just a quick wash&wax).I would appreciate any recommendations to where to go.and the location and maybe a rough idea of the price .


  9. Hi All....... I've been quoted 28,500 baht for a Sports lid (remote electric ) for my Mitsubishi Triton at Boy&Air and sound (Pattaya) does anyone know where I might buy cheaper one ???? .I don't mind travelling a couple of hours if the price is right .


  10. Having lived in Pattaya and the surrounding area for nearly three year I have devised a survivor’s guide on how too attain hopefully a long a happy and relatively trouble free lifestyle ( maybe not for everyone but it worked for me)

    (1)..Leave central Pattaya and move to the suburbs or one of the nice nearby villages with a 30 minute drive.(far too many temptation on tap 24/7 and it can be a drain on you financially, physically and mentally).

    (2).. Find yourself a good Girlfriend who does not ask you for anything (they do exist and are not just a myth I found one) They keep you on a even keel and in the long term save you a lot of money.

    (3)..Having found that good girlfriend don’t crap in you own back yard.(Thai’s hate to loose face)

    (4)..If you arrive and have money in the bank and intend staying buy a house and make a home. I have seen that many arrive with a good bank balance and slowly but surly they fritter it away, and end up returning back to there home countries broke and disillusioned.

    (5).Embrace Thailand and ALL it has to offer (don’t just embrace the Bar girls)

    (6)..Don’t take advice from anyone sat on a bar stall.

    (7)..Don’t start up a business for your girlfriend when she tells you she has a great idea (especially just to keep her quiet) …..It’ll be a small shop, a laundry, a beauty salon or something equally mundane and guaranteed not to make money. While she is working 12hours a day for 300 baht who’s going to clean your house/car/swimming pool do all the laundry and more importantly get your beer.

    (7) The boys in Brown are not all fascist and farang haters (just smile and smile some more when dealing with them. (Not always easy but it works when accompanied with 200 baht).

    (8).Eat Thai food it’s cheap and tasty (try it).

    (9).Always wear a helmet when driving a motor bike better still don’t drive a motor bike (more people are killed in one day on Thai roads than are killed in a full year in the UK ).

    (10)..Keep away from those boring farts (expat) that continually slag all things Thai. (They are usually the one who are now living hand to mouth and didn’t follow rules (1, But they had a great 18 months though………. If you listen to there continual groaning, moaning and whining they WILL drag up down.

    All the above are my personal observations and meant to be a bit of fun with serious undertone. Please take it that way and do not be a rule number (10)

  11. I brought a WD 1000GB hard drive or a terrabyte even from Tuk Com for 3600 about 5 weeks ago, bang on!!


    Hi Jimmy can you tell me which shop outlet in Tukcom you bought the Hard drive from...???? it'll save me walking round aimlessly asking the same question


  12. Hello All.

    I need a external hard drive at least 1000+ GB for my laptop and was wondering were the best place to purchase one in Pattaya and the cost involved .I don't know whether to buy locally or off EBay (the best price will win)


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