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Posts posted by banglay

  1. Where possible buy a house that is already in a company name ............

    And what about if the government starts to crack down on these kind of Company's ? (Company's that only exist to buy a House)

    You maybe forced to sell at a loss or worse .....

    Are you talking by experience???? ...where do you get your information from? and or do you happen to be one of the renting brigade I mentioned ????? do you actually live in Thailand ? or are you just one of the many doom and gloom brigade who frequent TV ?

  2. Where possible buy a house that is already in a company name and resist all pressures that might come from Khun Thai Wife/girlfriend/boyfriend to put it in there names under the pre text it is easier...(yes easier for them) .....that way if the sh*t hits the fan you are still in the driving seat nothing worst than been kicked out of a house that you have paid for simply because you are a Farang and you have come to the end of YOUR usefulness.

    Oh and stake out the house at different time of the day/night over a month or even longer so you can get a better idea of all the comings and going noise levels ect in the area.

    Buying is the way to go if you are here long term.....Enjoy your new home.

    Please explain what happens after a farang buys a Thai company so he can own a house; ie: taxes and any other expenses post-purchase. Also, what do you see as the potential risk in doing this? Thanks a lot.


    It cost me around ฿16.000 per year to get my taxes and books done by a reputable Thai accounting firm (nothing else to pay after that ) .Do all the paper work properly and it is potentially risk free...there are literally 1000's faranges who own there homes this way .. ..they ALL can't be wrong ..but you'll always get the renting Brigade saying the opposite .

    At the end of the day there's nothing in this world that is without risk ....

    I am here long term so buying was the logical choice for me...not for every one but for me .

  3. Where possible buy a house that is already in a company name and resist all pressures that might come from Khun Thai Wife/girlfriend/boyfriend to put it in there names under the pre text it is easier...(yes easier for them) .....that way if the sh*t hits the fan you are still in the driving seat nothing worst than been kicked out of a house that you have paid for simply because you are a Farang and you have come to the end of YOUR usefulness.

    Oh and stake out the house at different time of the day/night over a month or even longer so you can get a better idea of all the comings and going noise levels ect in the area.

    Buying is the way to go if you are here long term.....Enjoy your new home.

  4. Hello All......I am looking for a Sail maker who can make me a custom sun parasol sail type canopy to shade next to my swimming pool Can anyone point me in the right direction please .


  5. Not Another downer on ALL things NOT Anglo Saxon ......I for one have seen umpteen cases of Western tourist and Expat acting disgracefully and inconsiderately in there drunken stupor not only on baht buses but in every possible location in and around Pattaya..This is not a just a Russian thing.....but then again I do not feel threatened by all thing NOT Anglo Saxon.

  6. [


    Some people just dont know how easy it is to buy a house though, just because they have not taken the time to research it, but rather listen to bar speak or faceless keyboard junkies!!! Search the forums, it's been done to death!!

    If anybody did research the property market here in Pattaya they would not touch it with a bargepole. Why is it so easy to buy into Pattaya property? because it is impossble to get out of it,1000s ,no tens of thousand for sale or abandoned.

    Good luck to you selling,but the thought of selling must be inspiring, but the thought of actually selling must be put firmly out of your imagination,because there is not a hope in hell.

    Once bought here in Pattaya you are trapped for life,no way out. Enjoy it (if you can) only abandoning it is your only escape route

    I think this poster must live in a Condo ...........properties in the suburbs....not Pattaya are selling location location location ..3 properties very close to me have sold very quickly ..(not Condos nice houses with pools) people who can afford to buy will buy, the demographic of this area are changing .

  7. Dont forget the Russian market .They are buying mostly Condos i think though ?

    Only the less well off Russians are buying Condos just like the less well less off westerners who can only afford to buy condos.....the more affluent Russians are buying houses in the suburbs just like the more intelligent westerner ....

  8. Hello All!

    I have a Truevision Satellite system filled and it's really not worth the money any more for what I want....Can anyone offer me any advice for an alternative supplier/package etc.? (Western programmes preferred)

    I know it's asking a lot on TV but only sensible advice please!! I am fed up of reading bitter and twisted comments for bitter and twisted ill informed posters .


  9. Go to second floor of Royal Garden, on 2nd road side. Take the escalator and turn left,... the sign says "watch repair".

    The old man has incredible skills and most of original parts on hand, as numerous tools for testing and calibrating the watches.

    Paid 800 bahts (with new battery) last week for fixing my Ms Rodania watch - she forgot to take it off before diving in the pool.

    Guess who paid the repair?

    Yes I too use this guy .....I had my Tag watch serviced in the UK before moving out here cost £130...two month later the minute hand fell off.....took it to him (on someone's recommendation) and he re- cleaned and serviced an repaired it all within one hour......A job well done .....Cost peanuts

  10. sorry to ruin everyones replies.

    Happiness can be found here even with a bar girl.

    We all picture a hard core lady that has come to what ever city to milk the poor farang.

    If you were to sit in a village bored to death you might also look elsewhere.

    These girls are not all well trained boomsing specialists.

    You might find a girl that truly wants to find a person who cares for them.

    Or you might find a lady boy. Look carefully.

    Give up hope if you will but don't draft your experiences on to all.

    You probably were a looser when you arrived..

    Yes we all have been burned at home and here.

    But you may also end up with a beautiful lady who will love you and be 20 years younger than you

    It can happen.

    A cosmotology school for her in not out of the question. Goood luck

    I agree whole heartedly with this post....there are a whole bunch of saintly people on here all with double standards and you are also spot on about most of them are probably looser's .

  11. There's a bunch called Thai-German Trailer Group on Sukhumvit, down Jomtien way near Ambassador City.

    Their website is www.thaitrailer.com

    Phone number 081-941-2710.

    Good luck

    PS Can you recommend the Triton?

    Thanks for the info..

    PS Can you recommend the Triton? = Triton is a pick-up truck by Mitsubishi

  12. I think there may be some misunderstandings somewhere. I was at Pattaya Immigration doing my 90 days reporting yesterday and they asked

    - 90 days report form (TM47 - you should fill out the top part yourself, leave the bottom part for the official, as explained on the form)

    - copy of passport - photo page, visa and arrival card

    - some proof of address - house papers, contract or utility bill

    They used to do this some time ago but dropped it again. Now obviously it's again become a requirement. I didn't bring any proof of address but they just told me to remember it next time.


    Sorry about the poor picture quality, the camera in my phone is crap.

    They must really like you, they made me nip next door and photo copy the missing items ...still it only took me 6 minute from walking in to walking out.

  13. Go to Na Jomtien Animal hospital, they have a skin specialist in there on certain days, if you go along they will give you more info.

    It is on Suk Rd, if you come up Theppasit turn right where it meets Suk rd, go along there about 1km then do a U turn and it's right there on your left.


    I used Jomtiem Animal hospital for my dogs skin complaint and I was not impressed one iota ... they prescribed antibiotic which are resistant to drugs for several years ...so a total waste of time and money...I ended up doing a lot of research on the internet and self prescribed medication which I bought from my local pharmacy at a fraction of the cost ( and it worked )....

    Message me with your dogs symptoms and if it is Pyoderma or a bacterial infection I can recommend some effective antibiotic and other complimentary medication.

  14. Hello Everyone.

    I am looking to buy Window tint film for my house.....it needs to be at least 1.5 metres wide.......does anyone of you kind people know where I might purchase this stuff from or order it ????....I am going to do a large'ish 3 bedroom home so I'll be needing quite a few rolls.

    Thank you in anticipation


  15. My advice to you is to use your AC as little as possible and let your body get acclimatised to the conditions of living in Thailand .... I now only use my AC for about an hour when I go to bed and use a fan the rest of the time ...(mind you it took me nearly a year to wean myself off the AC)......I run a 3 bedroom house with a swimming pool and lots of other electrical appliances and my bills average out to around 2300 baht per month which is about half what I used pay when using my AC all day

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