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Everything posted by MRToMRT

  1. Whats the best temporary internet solution to someone who is just visiting for two months? I assume through a phone sim but I want to power a large TV as well for movies et al. Is phone sim the way to go? Any recommendations (Bangkok).
  2. Thaksin's new besty.
  3. Any of them, its the same Thai sweatshop that makes them all for the "tailor" fronts anyway. I have used many, all the same, delivered in bundles tied in plastic twine. I am not whinging about the quality, I think its good but the fronts themselves are just bull.
  4. you have already lost if you are rolling that one out.
  5. Thaksins here everyday now. Sign of the times to come.
  6. Only IF your national license is not in English, if its in English you don't need IDP (which is a translation document).
  7. True has been having minor outs of 10. minutes a time for last few days for me. Presume localized.
  8. In a high rise it usually gravity fed from the roof tank and then at each floor theres a PRV (pressure reduction valve) installed as there can be a very high delivery pressure due to head meters.
  9. I always thought you could drive in Thailand on a foreign license for up to 3 months without an IDP. I may be wrong but I have a strong memory of this (many of my memories are questionable due to my age though).
  10. The press have walked straight into this without thinking. Tory setup to promote them being a party thats tough on crime. I looked up Lee's comments and the key part of his comment was : "In some circumstances, not all, but in some circumstances, it's very difficult to argue against," "I always go back to the shocking case of Lee Rigby. Them people did it, we know that, they were seen, it was filmed. All sorts of horrible things went on and I challenge anybody to argue against that." This will appeal to a lot of UK voters (sadly IMHO).
  11. Not if you are a non-EU national wishing to stay more than 90 days (90/180) in one go in the EU, then Thai immigration bureaucracy is easy peasy by comparison. The EU countries in general want you to fill out many forms, have many attachments, sometimes wait months for approvals, attend interviews, and become tax resident with a a view to your world wide income and in many cases spend at least 6 months in the country. Much as I have moaned about Thai Imm over the years, when I relocated to Greece as my habitual residence I learnt how easy Thailand Imm had been by comparison.
  12. So you inferring that because ....... nah I give up, leave you to your world. Enjoy it.
  13. Bashing Thais OR bashing the Thai police? If its the second then I agree, they are going to get bashed in every thread about them. I would have thought anyone could see through this, its not a news item BUT it will be on of many to try and "restore confidence" without tackling the real issue of systemic corruption throughout the force with payments made up and down to circumvent the law.
  14. What a load of tosh.
  15. Common all over the world, especially when using Meta's social platforms which are full of scammers and con artists masquerading as everything under the sun.
  16. Why is it the Military and not the cops?
  17. She had insurance and it has paid out so far.
  18. Police propoganda machine is in full force I see.
  19. Ask for a HIP card, issued on the spot in the bank as it does not show your name so no need for it to be specially printed.
  20. Just as easy to get a standard SCB account as its issued with a debit card (mastercard) that only lets you draw if theres funds in the account. I have used mine all over the world to pay and get cash no problem. The app shows you all the details of your balance and usage. I presume all Thai banks has something similar.
  21. For a weekend? For a week, a month, 3 months? Forever?
  22. Hurray, we are all saved.
  23. Try Brave browser, works well and no ads shown.
  24. ThaiVisa (yes the same, before it did the forum) was a visa agency on Soi 23 in the late 90s.
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