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Everything posted by MRToMRT

  1. So much for Space Force, this was discovered by an amateur sky watcher!
  2. I think this is just about getting press coverage for Thaksin daily. Its that tactic of getting everyone used to the idea that he is/may/will come back so the populous gets used to it and then lo and behold suddenly its fact and he is back. This one will just appease some of the middle ground right wingers to be used to the idea of his return with strings.
  3. Well thats clears it up then, it must have been part of their job? Promoting Thailand's destination for the Chinese. The question that never gets asked in these weekly (it seems) investigations into many gov depts is "how far up the tree does the money go. Whats the percentage split with the upper echelons?
  4. Is it real or is it just media speil? Would you trust the media to tell you there was nothing bad today in the news or would you expect for them to glorify a side story into a national catastrophe? Views and clicks is dollars!
  5. My apologies, sometimes I am a little frail and jaded
  6. Because I don't live here (anymore) does not mean I don't own property here and spend part of my year (northern winter) here.
  7. That seems to be the crux, what did they accuse her of. much as I detest the boys in brown there seems to be something missing here.
  8. I am glad I don't live here anymore. I was here before he came into power and I don't wish to sit reading about this whole Thai politic charade anymore. If you thought it was a circus now, just wait.
  9. Looks quite nice.
  10. My thinking is the "culprit " may not be him but rather the "journalist" who was looking for a story and found one/made on up.
  11. Ahhhhhhhhh. Thanks, I misread the title. My bad.
  12. So the guys who lives a meagre life picking up garbage claims to have money in Belgium but family issues. Its all a bit too much of a story for me.
  13. No problem for the transfer, straight forward swift, I have never (ever) been asked here to qualify money origin.
  14. It would also put you in a group that has a higher incidence of aneurisms though.
  15. Its in the attached article of the OP, some very interesting stuff in there which should have been in the OP IMHO.
  16. They are as virtuous as the Mother Mary compared to this lot here.
  17. It has nothing to do with "passport" it has to do with socio-economic standards and statistical likelihood of breaking visa conditions. If the HiSo's here want to have their "passport" recognised on an equal basis then they should do more to liberate the poor, raise living conditions, improve the judiciary, raise wages and have democracy here.
  18. They were off duty ........ so could they be prosecuted for impersonating a police officer?
  19. No need to worry, they are all boarding the planes now. The saviours are returning. The outlook is bright and beautiful again.
  20. How do these Einsteins account for the whole of the further northern and southern hemispheres not dying out on en masse every winter?
  21. Amazon TV is dying anyway if the quality of programming is anything to go by, 2% decent 98% drivel. For the few things I would want to watch its not worth it.
  22. Nothing as the USA debt is payable in dollars. They simply up the ceiling and consider printing more. This is why its important to end the dollar being the world's "reserve" currency, as it gives them an unfair advantage.
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