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Everything posted by MRToMRT

  1. ehhhh? Is that all they can think about?
  2. I hardly think anything the Government did resulted in this forecast. Its just the ending (we hope) of covid.
  3. Whats the point? I don't get it. Especially as it morphed from its tradition.
  4. I have amazon, banking etc etc in the States and theres no need for me to use a VPN to access and use them. Only sites I have issues with are the streaming TV sites in general. Amazon, HBO and nearly everything from the UK. Amazon gives you an alternative (as in the individual package "Amazon Prime TV subscription"). Its the way of the world.
  5. I was showing someone this the other week (from the NI website) and their quote was about 800 a year.
  6. I read something interesting this morning (Guardian) in that even 6 years on, UK and Spain/EU have still not resolved the agreement for a post EU Gibraltar and the deadline is looming or its a hard brexit for Gibraltar. Did the UK vote for this ............. quote below from Gib authorities........ “This will be a different world where our interactions with Spain and with the EU will be more cumbersome, bureaucratic and time-consuming than anything we have known before.”
  7. I am not disagreeing but Thailand makes it possible for foreigners to stay without insurance. Thailand should sort this out by making its visa system work equitably re insurance and stopping IO corrupt interaction with corrupt agents.
  8. Gets my vote as well. Location on Suk Soi 33 is also very easy for me.
  9. We got a name though, its on the police board Mr. Zhao.
  10. Temps -5 ... be real, how many days a year is this? 10,000 baht electricity bill ..... my last one (nov) was 131 pounds, in June my bill was 34 pounds beer 200 baht a pint,.... its just over 3 pounds in County Durham. .... At the supermarket you can get 10 big cans of spectled hen for 73 p a can. rents ..... cant comment but defintely higher in UK no women under 60 .... at my age it does not matter. Never say Never
  11. I thought this was my home, lived here eons, my kids grew up here, I split from my wife here, my home here, my possessions here, everything. Then in 2020 I had a long stay in the UK for unplanned reasons and realised I actually liked it, I liked having english as the first language, I liked the ease of life, and the weather was not nearly has bad as I though it was in my youth (this may be true!). I had the advantage of owning a home there so settled down again. I now do about 5 months in the UK, 4 months in Greece (family) and the rest here at this time of year. My favourite of them all, the UK over Greece and here 3rd!! Never say never (I did and now eat my words)
  12. Its because they saw an absolutely beautiful Thailand 20, 30 and 40 years ago. Now they just stare, despondent, at never ending concrete and macdonalds.
  13. My breakfast just flew over the table as I guffawed.
  14. Everybody is different, I would choose Phuket every time over Patts. But thats me.
  15. How must you feel if you are a Ukrainian in a bomb shelter overnight with no electricity and wondering how your relatives and loved ones are and then you see this CELEBRATION of russians arriving in Thailand by the airport/provincial management? I bet the Putin propoganda machine is showing this "support" for russia on state TV.
  16. The SRT is a bit more complicated than that :+) Its wording and explanatory notes have tied me up in knots for years. I found it even more complicated as a retiree trying to figure out how many days I could get. I am still not sure :+)
  17. Its a confusing question, are the HSBC questioning your tax status or questioning your residence status in the UK, as non-residents are not necessarily allowed to open/have a UK bank account. Seems strange they are questioning you based on HRMC, when its all part of the regulatory requirement of KYC (know your customer) which is the banks responsibility. HSBC are particularly strong on KYC as they have been fined billions for issues associated with "dodgy dealings with dodgy customers", thats why I left them ... the KYC process was exhaustive and intrusive I found. I found that UK internet based banks have very simple KYC (as in nearly none) compared to HSBC (which was about 8 pages long and required a telephone interview and many back and forths for me).
  18. I am not so shocked by the incident (its a perverse incident, I get that) happening, whether one likes Patts or not, one cannot argue that its reputation and seedier side have to be an attraction for degenerates of many ilks and persuasions. There are pervs everywhere of course, but one would guess there has to be a higher percentage of pervs per capita in Patts than many other places. Same for crims, fraudsters et al. You can avoid it but you cannot get away from it as its part of the town's DNA.
  19. Don't look at me, I partly fund my travel from savings using TESCO club points.
  20. Holy cow, thats horrific, she did not stand a chance.
  21. You've never been t Yorkshire?
  22. Is he from the Yorkshire beer family?
  23. Same thing occurred to me immediately, internationals have already reduced their fares for 2023 travel vis a vis 2022. My return ticket to europe's return leg was significantly cheaper than my inbound leg (to Thailand) a few months ago.
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