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Everything posted by MRToMRT

  1. I would have thought for 80% of EU tourists it would be a) weather b) cost c) media/adverts (selling the image of the deserted beach or the elephant ride in the mountains with weirdly dressed locals rather than the reality) c) food d) not the med. Holiday costs in the med are being quite high due to accommodation costs, Thailand's hotels are a much cheaper and an excellent standard comparatively.
  2. He had no choice, TESLA's big investors were on his case. He is just trying to package it as something (the "vote") it is not. I used to like him but since this twitter thing he has shown himself to be a little too Trumpy for me.
  3. You need a "certificate of residency". Its quite easy get it from your embassy or from immigration.
  4. BUT BUT BUT .... we did get a blue colour passport, we did get control of our own borders (ooops but we are not capable of that), we did get rid of the EU laws (errr but reinstated most of them as our laws), we did get an extra 350 million pounds a week to pay for the NHS (so why is it still struggling?), we did make the UK stronger (ooops Scotland wants out and the Northern Irish are in turmoil), we did get our trade deal with the USA (ooops not yet), we did get to cut out all the EU beurocracy and paper work (tell that to the importers and exporters who have gone out of business), we did get rid of an unelected pseudo government (but replaced it with a bunch of rabble in power and opposition that are both efffing useless). What did we get? It continues to confuse me.
  5. Yes thats how ACRO works, the statement (certificate) they give you is that their search yielded no results ("no trace") at the time.
  6. I am not disagreeing at all. But as corruption is endemic in Thailand it all becomes irrelevant as its just another person you pay rather than the "service" discontinues.
  7. Much as it will personally goad me, they are coming back home sooner rather than later. Deals are being done, I am sure.
  8. Sadly I am putting you back on the block list, is it drink or drugs?
  9. ACRO has two delivery options, the longest is 2 weeks and the second, for a fee they do it in a few days as well. Always been on time for me.
  10. There seems to be something missing from this story, this is the wierd bit: "He called the hotel who told him to go back to the gas station."
  11. I think all that wrestling messed with your faculties.
  12. "White" is not a racist term, neither is "black" for that matter. If I say "white and rich" or "black and poor" its a demographic, not racist.
  13. I agree, very good and price competitive compared to most other places.
  14. Methinks the real game they are playing is a lot more sophisticated than this article would have us believe.
  15. He's arrogant, a bully, talks over people, has no consideration for other's point of view, he is self righteous, self opinionated, crass, foul mouthed, and I could go on. He was also a phone hacker and the Levinson inquiry fingered him but he still denies it because he's a born liar and a narcissist. I hate him because he is white and rich and went to a very posh school in the UK. I hate all those sorts. But most of all I hate him for this .......... "In 2012, following the revelation of Jimmy Savile's sexual abuse against children, Morgan said he had "never met" Savile in his lifetime, contradicting a 2009 piece he wrote in The Mail on Sunday's Night & Day magazine saying that "As I left, Jimmy Savile came up to me. 'Your TV shows are BRILLIANT!, he exclaimed. ... I've always loved Jimmy Savile." I suppose you could say he is not on my Christmas card list :+)
  16. I really don't like Harry and Meghan's antics but I don't like Piers Morgan even more.
  17. Smoke and mirrors, its just for the media. Some Somchai at the lowest level will be forced to fall on his sword or we will never hear anything about it again.
  18. Like all Thailand cities and towns, its just gotten uglier and uglier through uncontrolled "development"
  19. It continues to surprise me, the mask wearing in the street by 95% of Bangkok pop from what I can see, that is. Is it realistic or is it mind washing?
  20. Chula has courses for it. My son did the course.
  21. Too true He actaully mentioned in the speech dropping certain laws (incl EU adopted laws) to get it done
  22. I watched the whole speech, I thought his proposals were very good and sensible. Albanians will be <deleted>.
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