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Everything posted by oldestswinger

  1. The same happened to me in a Bangkok Tax Office,
  2. I think the lawyer may be jumping the gun as he does not seem to have considered the fact that the machine was faulty and did not lock the money in. It then becomes an argument between the bank and the ATM manufacturer/owner.
  3. Or even banning buildings more than 1 floor high.
  4. Whereas there are approximately 220,000 of them.
  5. Thailand does pretty well at 108.
  6. My Thai friend has been moaning about UOB's useless app. She intends to give up her old Citi credit card and get one from another bank.
  7. I agree. We are not guests here. We've paid to get here and we pay to stay here. Guests are people who stay with you for free or who you treat to a meal, a party, etc. The hotel industry and others appropriated the term "guest" as a euphemism for a paying customer, presumably because they thought it sounded less mercenary.
  8. That's OK. We can make lots of fun of the Thai language.
  9. This is correct. You do not need to travel to each country but you must make sure that the making of each will follows the requirements of the country concerned.
  10. The elephant pants were probably supplied by the temple because the guy turned up in shorts.
  11. It's yet another example of the abysmally inept design of government websites. Whatever the reason for rejection of a 90-day report, Immigration should have been given several boxes for the most usual reasons for rejection so that they can tick one.
  12. So its 10-yearly service is due!
  13. It's an AI generated publication and so completely useless.
  14. This whole issue of TM30 needs the relevant government department to lay down the law to every immigration Department office.
  15. No wonder you have over 4,000 posts!
  16. I had a similar problem. It was eventually traced to a break in a pipe where it came through a wall of the house.
  17. It's TIT. the slowest speeds are always for Thai sites, i.e. ASEAN and a certain English language Thai newspaper.
  18. Thailand has an equal opportunities society.
  19. A lot of this model have been sold cheaply recently, but it could be because of Omron's warning: https://www-omronhealthcare--ap-com.translate.goog/th/events/detail/55?_x_tr_sl=th&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
  20. Which, of course, is the parent company of Agoda.
  21. But.......the prime minister insisted that he had ordered the queues to disappear. Maybe that was just on the days that he was travelling.
  22. Thailand's banking system is still stuck in the middle of the 20th century.
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