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  1. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 83 seconds  
  2. The whole idea of riding motorcycles in Thailand to travel is a very toxic topic. Personally, i have ridden a lot of miles here without a problem but i would probably be classed as an experienced rider, i got my first bike at age 7 and have ridden all my life in a few different countries. Back to topic, i personally have travelled from Sukhimvit Soi 42 to Lom's bar on the esplanade in Prachuap Khiri Khan in 2.5 hours, for the unfamiliar with the area, that is 100 kilometers past Hua Hin. That was on a motorcycle, and for those who call BS. there owner of the shop i was at in BKK will back me up as he has been trying to match that time for a while now......555. So, in a nutshell, Hua Hin Is not that far.
  3. Mr Inbetween, Aussie black comedy crime drama. good show
  4. Got a mate in Australia had his house burn down from a faulty electric scooter meltdown.
  5. As i work in Australia and i am on the Diabetic register, it is cheap as chips for me, Like 200 baht a month. I cannot give any idea as to cost in Thailand as i bring mine in From OZ. I was simply making a suggestion.
  6. Set up is Very straightforward, buy it, download the app, Stick the Monitor on your Upper arm, synch the monitor to your phone. Job done. The monitor continuously talks to your phone and plots in real time your sugar levels. I did not notice ant effect to my phone as far as battery life goes. You can export results to Excel so you can send to a doctor, Each monitor lasts about 3 weeks. it warns you before the battery runs out. They are disposable and one use only. I wear mine high up on upper arm so i can wear a t-shirt and it is not visible.
  7. There is a thing called a CGM. I use the Freestyle Libre 2 It is a small device that sticks to your upper arem and constantly monitors your blood sugar levels, they pair with an app on your phone. I have been using them in Australia for about a year and it allowed me to get a good understanding of what foods affect my sugar levels, also how certain foods give a rapid spike where others are more gradual. this has allowed me to set a diet for myself and as of my last blood tests the endocrinologist has taken me off all meds.
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 50/100 My Time 114 seconds  
  9. I have had Hearing aids for about 9 years, i have severe hearing loss from a previous employment. I find that they nearly completely kill the tinnitus. I certainly recommend trying them as any improvement is better than none.
  10. Why do African Americans only have Nightmares? Cause they shot the last one who had a dream.
  11. If people would bother to look at the original article on the news website, they would clearly see pictures of the bike involved and the area of the accident. The bike is a rental and the current tax sticker is clearly visible in the photograph. Look at the photos, the rider is wearing quality safety gear, the big has good quality gear fitted. it is currently registered. so the bike was fully legal and suitable for road use. as to weather the rider was speeding or the lady who was hit goes, we will never know unless more information is released.
  12. I will also give a plug for Roojai. Been using them for years and never a problem.
  13. if you are silly enough to wear pants like that you deserve to be unconscious by the side of the road.
  14. Harry Voca Property English/Thai Khun Nee [email protected]
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