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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. Now his problems really start. He'll be stuck in a local prison for goodness knows how long and then he'll be transferred to the Hell Hole of the Immigration Detention Centre. He'll stay there in awful conditions until someone sends him the airfare to leave Thailand. Until then he'll be stuck there for the rest of his life if he can't come up with the money.
  2. I see that compassion and empathy are challenging for you.
  3. Let me guess ... you have a True Vision TV package with CNN, MSNBC, and ABC or CBS with a New York Times Channel as well.
  4. But if Comrade Kamala wins, WW3 is a certainty by 2027 as Xi has promised.
  5. The supporters of the Democrat-Marxists have been brainwashed by the media to think that there was no fraud. But evidence has come out over the years. But if Trump loses, the D-Ms and the Department of Injustice will throw him in jail for the rest of his life to get rid of him.
  6. Well done, sir! I support the idea. People who smoke in public are a danger to the public.
  7. If you watch the news often gold shop thieves are either caught the same day, next day, or the day after at the latest.
  8. He's just a normal human being like you and I. He has no special powers to see or predict the future. But ... if he is right I will laugh at Americans for years and years for being the stupidest population in the world, and I will wish them good luck with their new Communist government. Happy poverty and crime days, Americans! LOL! (The world will be stuck with World War 3 afterwards, unfortunately.)
  9. I have 22 years to go until I'm 90 and I wonder if Immigration will discover before then that the renewal process could be done online. If I live to 95 or 100 will the process be even longer than about 90 minutes + their lunchtime break each time + the two-hour return drive to Immigration + the journey to "fung pon" a month later?
  10. Please improve the Marriage Visa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been doing the one year extensions with all the forms, photos, and piles of documents for nearly 40 years now.
  11. It's up to Americans. If they want higher taxes, more crime, more crooked judges, more authoritarianism, Socialism-Communism, poverty, another puppet leader, and World War 3, vote for the Democrat-Marxists.
  12. Thai nationality isn't for everyone. I've lived in Thailand for 40 years now by renewing my annual Marriage Visa each year. I'm 68 now. I can't see a single practical benefit of being Thai ... except that when I'm 90, 95, or 100+ years old going to Immigration might be troublesome, but by then I think that Marriage Visa renewals will be done online. Even Immigration will discover the benefits of online renewals eventually. If my wife dies before me I'll change my Marriage Visa to a Retirement Visa. Our 25 rescued cats couldn't care less if I'm Thai or British. Nor do my wife, my neighbours, the local shopkeepers, etc.
  13. If The Democrat-Marxists win in November, and I think it could happen, Americans will become the laughingstock of the world because the majority unknowingly will have been tricked into voting for the USA to become a Socialist-Communist country. They won't be able to change their decision in future elections because Comrade Kamala will let in many tens of millions of migrants to become voters for the Dem-Marxists. Of course, the migrants will vote for Comrade Kamala. So, Americans, enjoy the food lines, the crime, the unjust justice system, the poverty, and so on. You will have got this because you are stupid. You should have asked the UK government to let the British monarchy rule the USA. Even Harry and Megan could do a better job! LOL! ... (Sorry if I have offended the CNN, MSNBC, ABC, TV package customers here.)
  14. 1. The video doesn't prove that he kicked her deliberately. A court could not convict him on the basis of the doctor's accusation. 2. The man was horrendously rude. I was shocked. But ignorant behaviour is not a crime. 3. The doctor and her friend were wrong to go and sit at the top of the steps on what was clearly on the house owner's land. They could have sat on the wooden platform below. Then this incident would not have happened.
  15. Before breaking the law deliberately expats & foreigners should watch videos and/or read books about Thai jails. Then they will obey the Law.
  16. People should never go out in Pattaya after dark. Take a whistle with you while walking in the city so that when approached by a pair of transgenders, you can scare them off before they rob you.
  17. Ben, you have wasted your life. If you can, while in prison somewhere, get a tattoo that says: "I'm stupid!"
  18. They'll all be released "for lack of evidence" in exchange for a delivery by a pastry box lorry.
  19. If he's guilty, before carrying out the murder he should have thought: "I'm going to have to spend 20 x 365 days (7,300 days) in a hellish Thai prison. Can I manage that?" One day is bad enough.
  21. Before committing a crime foreigners should watch videos on YouTube about life in a Thai prison and at the Immigration Detention Centre all of which are earthly branches of Hell.
  22. That will be flooded easily because it is on low floodable land. Thaksin knew this back then.
  23. 6 years ago I used to live in Tung Kru, Samuth Prakarn. The housing estate is connected to the sea by canals. The estate got flooded every year because of the water in the canal next door. By the grace of God, we managed to sell our house. My wife and I built a house a long way away from the coast. We're all right until 2050. But what we didn't consider was when all the land shown in the map below floods, where will the flood water that comes from the North go to? We might move to Kanchanaburi eventually. If you're interested, this map might be of interest: https://coastal.climatecentral.org/map/9/99.6716/14.7053/?theme=sea_level_rise&map_type=coastal_dem_comparison&basemap=roadmap&contiguous=true&elevation_model=best_available&forecast_year=2050&pathway=rcp45&percentile=p50&refresh=true&return_level=return_level_1&rl_model=coast_rp&slr_model=kopp_2014
  24. The house and land have to be in your wife's name. If she kicks you out, you have no recourse. If you are concerned about the above, consider asking a lawyer what kind of document can be drawn up so that if the relationship goes belly up, the property will be sold and you get 50%. Something like that. Do I have that kind of document? No. With my first Thai wife (married for 15 years), the houses were sold to give the money to our children. With my second wife, divorce isn't an issue even after 17 years. We're in the marriage until we die. Also, we have 25 cats to look after together. In short, before buying house ask yourself: "How stable is our relationship?" You can buy a condo, but you might hate the confined space after a short while. The cost of a spacious condo might be 10-20 million Baht. For that you can build yourself a mansion in a rural setting.
  25. Chinese construction projects have a bad reputation. They are called "Tofu Construction". If Chinese specifications are being used, good luck to anyone using the train system.
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