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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. Now I know your real identity. You are Karine Jean-Pierre. Or at least, you sound exactly like her. But that's all right.
  2. Even though his brain has turned to water Joe knew what he was saying, and I think he did it to get revenge on Schumer/Obama/Pelosi/Comrade Kamala for their coup.
  3. Mainstream news media (ABC/CNN/MSNBC/etc.) below to the past. People know that you can't get news from them, and only propaganda. They will fade away rapidly, I think, if Trump wins, because their nonsense will become even more extreme.
  4. Maybe this will be the new strategy if he wins. "Trump is Satan on Earth!" LOL!
  5. I think that the Dementia Joe / Comrade Kamala / Dem-Marxist Committee are hoping that if they keep saying he's Hitler, that he'll annul the Constitution, blah, blah, blah, someone will assassinate Trump between now and 5th November ... or by 20th January 2025 if he becomes President.
  6. Thai food won't make you fat (kanom excluded), but fast food and processed supermarket/711/etc. food and soft drinks will. People generally are not well-educated about nutrition.
  7. I think that many criminals get caught because they get greedy. If they had stopped when they had stolen, say 10 million Baht, they might not have got caught. If you steal 50 million Baht, you will inevitably create attention and get caught.
  8. If I had been the pilot, I'd have said something like this to the control tower. "We are going to crash as a result of no fuel left. I want to know each of your names for the plane's voice recorder. The investigation will find out anyway. Then you can all be jailed for life after the crash." I'd have added a few expletives as encouragement.
  9. Adams is being strategic. He knows that the Dem-Marxists want revenge on him and will jail him. In contrast, Trump may help him. He probably thinks that Trump will win next week.
  10. No. Real change will come when the Palestinians get so fed up with the death (of family members and friends), destruction, poverty, unhappiness, deprivation, starvation, etc., and demand that Hamas / Hezbollah / Iran get out of their lives. When will this happen? It seems to take decades in civil wars. In Angola, it took 30 years. Northern Ireland? A long time. Sudan? First Sudanese Civil War (1955–1972) Second Sudanese Civil War (1983–2005) Third Sudanese civil war (2023–present). Don't hold your breath in other words.
  11. I lived on Phuket from about 1988 to 1996. The island was such a wonderful place back then. The roads were so quiet. I drove around on a Honda 90. I've watched videos of the island now. It could be Spain now.
  12. In my opinion, people should keep a minimum of their money in cash. Bank interest is extremely low. Gold has increased by 29% this year alone. The price sometimes drops a bit when buyers sell to reap the profit, but a week later the price goes back up again to new levels. ... if you buy it, hide it very well in secret locations.
  13. Five star hotels always provide toothbrushes for free In the bathroom. How do I know? I worked in such hotels from 1988 until the China virus arrived.
  14. Comrade Kamala, Dementia Joe, and Hilary Clinton will be inviting you to their Christmas parties, I think.
  15. I don't pay any attention to Stevens because it is obvious that he is just speaking Democrat propaganda. I'm surprised that he didn't say that Trump is Hitler, which is what the Dems have called the Republican candidate at each election for 60 years.
  16. It doesn't affect me where I live. I'm just pointing out what Comrade Harris will bring about. My wife and 27 cats are self-sufficient in food (incl. fish) and water and have minimum exposure to cash. City expats will have a problem especially when WW3 causes a global economic collapse.
  17. Good old Marxist authoritarianism! Let's back the Supreme Court too! ... Oh, I forgot, Comrade Harris is going to do that too.
  18. If the Dem-Marxists win, it will show how bad their education system is because they can't think for themselves and allow the media to brainwash them. How can Americans vote for 4 more years of women & children trafficking for sex and enslavement; more fentanyl to kill 100,000+ per year; more crime and more Venezuelan gangs taking over cities; for Marxist price controls that will cause food shortages & inflation; etc.; and above all for an incompetent President who will bring about World War 3? Expat supporters, remember that WW3 will decimate your pension with Immigration and you may have to return home. Be careful what you wish for.
  19. The two foreigners are stupid for stealing so often. Inevitably they would get caught. Now, after jail, they'll be deported. And then what will they do? They've messed up their lives terribly.
  20. I see that there are still many expats here who will be screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......................! if Trump wins. "He's Hitler. He's mankind's worst-ever dictator! He'll destroy the world and then the universe! He's Satan! ..." Even CNN seems to be giving up on the basket-case Comrade Kamala after yesterday's town hall. But the Far Left expats here will adore her till the end."
  21. Walz and Comrade Kamala have nothing good to run on so they insult Trump, Vance, and Musk. They will look really stupid if Trump wins.
  22. The man seems to have taken to heart too much Monty Python's sketch about village idiots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjWYHeg8_5I
  23. As usual, there are a lot of anti-Trump comments from expats who are supporting the party that allows and encourages human trafficking (sex trafficking of women and children & the enslavement of women and children) and the flow of fentanyl into the country on a scale never seen before in the world, I expect.
  24. The Dem-Marxists are getting desperate. "Trump is Hitler, Stalin, Musolini, Darth Veder, the most evil person in the universe, Satan." ... blah, blah, blah.
  25. The Dem-Marxists are getting desperate. The fear-mongering clearly hasn't worked and Comrade Kamala has no successful record to campaign with. Trump is carrying out more events than Comrade Kamala, yet she says he is exhausted. The Dem-Marxist media is having a meltdown after Trump worked at Mcdonald's yesterday while there is no record of Comrade ever having worked there. To all the expats here who hate Trump and who believe like ABC/CNN/MSNBC/Etc. that Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and all of the other dictators in history, and a danger to US Democracy, mankind, the universe, the multiverse, and God, have you noticed that even Chuck Schumer sat next to him at the recent dinner? It's all nonsense.
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