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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. There is a UK government website to renew your passport online. VFS websites in Thailand only talk about renewing a UK passport in person with paper documents. Does anyone know if online renewal can be done in Thailand? If it can, are scanned paper photos allowed on the online website? I've heard talk about digital photos with a code number being required. I appreciate your help. My warmest regards, Peter
  2. If I did what these two did, I'd be in jail for years and years. They must have spent millions to buy their freedom.
  3. Money changes people. Whispering relations. Etc. I think that Andy will be sent back to the UK to work one day when the money starts to run out. The 9 million Baht won't last that long, especially since they didn't keep it a secret.
  4. If I were the finder of 500,000 Baht, and the owner wanted to give me a big reward, I would not take a reward simply for being honest. But if he insisted I would ask for food for our 24 rescued cats. A 20 kg sack of dry food is 1,350 Baht. That's enough. The cats will be delighted and their happiness will make my wife and I happier than a large financial reward.
  5. Indeed! They should move away from their home village and start afresh secretly.
  6. Andy and Araya will have to be strict about all the "Can you lend me some money, please?" requests; otherwise, the money will disappear quickly. The 6-bedroom house and a new one million Baht car and the tax man will eat up what the relations and neighbours leave them. Then they will be back to Square One with little money. I'm already feeling sorry for the couple.
  7. If you don't marry a bar girl and you live your life with love, compassion, kindness, and care, in that case, I don't think a foreigner needs to worry about not owning the house where he lives. ... Buying a condominium is a bad investment because you will have great difficulty selling it owing to the unending oversupply. Moreover, if the condominium is in Bangkok, good luck selling it now that everyone knows that Bangkok will flood more and more over the coming years and decades. That leaves leasing and renting. Renting is much better because you will be able to move elsewhere when you want to. A 30-year lease is just a scam. It's far too short a time.
  8. The Chinese man clearly doesn't understand what he did to himself from a spiritual aspect with his rudeness. All he had to do was to say, "I'm so sorry." to the woman, but perhaps his parents didn't teach him how to say sorry.
  9. The government will attach so many strings to the idea that it will be useless. For example, why should the value of the condominium matter? How many foreigners want to buy let alone lease a condominium worth 30+ million Baht? Very few, I expect. You are better off renting a condominium or house. The politicians are crazy as usual.
  10. The desire for revenge is common in this country. Soon Boy will probably return with a gun and shoot the couple dead. This story isn't over yet.
  11. She didn't know about this beforehand, but if you have a tear like that one, get it glued very, very carefully with a drop or two of glue and then ironed flat so it doesn't show.
  12. He's going to love living in a terribly overcrowded hot prison cell and eating boiled rice for the next few years.
  13. I've been here 40 years and I still have to renew my marriage visa annually. Maybe in 10 to 15 years they will change our visas and even allow us to contribute to Thai society in new ways, especially elderly foreigners. But dinosaurs are running the country.
  14. Course 101 for living in Thailand states on page 17: "Never tell anyone, not even friends and relations, if you earn or win a large sum of money. Also never announce your win or good fortune online. If you win a large lottery prize, keep your identity a secret and move soon afterwards to a place where nobody knows you. Not everyone has your well-being, safety, freedom, and best interests at heart." Wise advice for Thailand!
  15. That can is 129 Baht on Lazada (online).
  16. I think Immigration has software that identifies foreigners even when the whole face isn't visible. I hear that Thai prisons have around 180 people in a cell. They were made for 500 people. Immigration's IDC is also grossly crowded. The man will soon regret what he did.
  17. That was a VERY sensible thing to do. I would stay away from anyone who buys and takes drugs in Thailand.
  18. I hope that the teacher gets justice. He must have hit her really hard for her to fall over.
  19. He should have known that he can never travel by air again while in Thailand.
  20. They could easily programme a gate or two for resident foreigners. We're all in their database. Maybe they will think about doing this in 5-10 years.
  21. Also, don't wear a gold necklace. If 2 lady boys approach you and try to hug you, kick them away. Pushing might not be enough to get rid of them. They'll try to steal from you. But having said this, don't worry. Just don't take anything valuable outside with you, especially at night in bars. Bar girls might spike your drink and make you fall asleep.
  22. Stupid, brain-dead terrorists! They still haven't worked out after decades that blowing up people, buildings, roads, and vehicles hasn't helped their cause one little bit. They are such stupid people.
  23. Hairdressing is one of the jobs forbidden to do if you are a foreigner. If you are a resident here I don't think one needs to explain why.
  24. Fares must be fixed. You can't trust a taxi driver to give an honest price.
  25. I expect that everyone here will say that it's hopeless. But it's not. The Police will be able to trace the scammer on Facebook. Everyone there has a digital footprint. Also, it's not a Call Center scam, which would be harder. I encourage you to pursue the matter. Maybe the Police will need some tea money to encourage them to help you. I don't know. But don't give up! As for buying anything on Facebook, it's too risky and Facebook is dripping with scammers. I only use Lazada or a company's main website to buy something.
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