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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. I hope you find the parrot. I would keep looking in the grounds of the resort and the neighbours. I might keep returning to this area.
  2. I don't think you realise how insensitive your comment is.
  3. Are you sure about this? Immigration in 2 provinces (I moved house) have told me that the letter has to be issued the same day as the extension.
  4. The new website is so easy to work with and takes hardly any time. Perhaps chai333 is using an old Immigration website for the 90 Days renewal. I even get a reply of acknowledgement within an hour or so, depending on the time of day, and the confirmation of renewal the next day at the latest. I wish the same could happen with the renewal of a Marriage Visa.
  5. Because of foreign criminals the visa document requirements have increased exponentially over the years. In 1984 the Marriage Visa process was so easy and fast. Now there are 2 piles of documents plus a home visit that includes an interview with a neighbour and even more documents.
  6. I understand what you're saying. The Immigration official spends 50-60 minutes each year working through the photocopies, stamping them, etc. That's the issue for me. There are much fewer copies in the case of a Retirement Visa, so the process will be faster.
  7. The question is very valid for foreigners who have a Retirement or Marriage visa. Immigration insists that we appear in person for a one-year-at-a-time visa renewal. I have to drive 140 kms. there and back four times, incl. to "fung pon". I'm 66 now and it's not a problem. But what about when I'm 74, 84, or 94? I'll probably still have to drive all that way to Immigration and back four times a year. I hope that Immigration discovers one day that we're in the 21st century.
  8. I've just applied for a renewal of my marriage visa. So many documents as you probably know. Officials have told me that the top-heavy process as I call it is because many foreigners are cheating the system and lying to Immigration. Honest people are effectively being inconvenienced because of the dishonest foreigners living in Thailand. Thankfully, there is now a very good online website for reporting every 90 days and the marriage visa renewal process has been streamlined a little bit.
  9. He'll get his karma one day. Perhaps he'll be the unconscious woman who is being prevented from getting to a hospital one day.
  10. What a wretched situation to be in, especially because he has a Thai wife. Having said that, I've lived here since 1984, but if I ever fail to show 400,000 Baht, even if I'm 95 years old, Immigration will kick me out of the country even if I have nowhere to go to. The system is black and white.
  11. I think that this is general perception of all western embassies. The staff are just cocktail party people.
  12. This is so true! There are so many obese people aged around 30 or younger just waiting for the usual (deadly) illnesses to start. I haven't flown for several years, but my biggest fear on a plane is being seated next to an obese passenger. You get squashed by them. If you're in a window seat, they pin you to the wall for the flight's duration.
  13. Isn't it just sheer laziness not to renew your visa?
  14. I assume that you've saved up enough money to try to treat the various illnesses (some potentially fatal) that the Group 1 carcinogen, alcohol, causes. Remember that you'll need 800,000 Baht left for your Retirement Visa.
  15. I was in hospital for an unrelated matter recently. In the same ward I saw several men waiting to die from smoking. It's an extremely unpleasant way to leave this world.
  16. I doubt if the "Thai people" care the slightest, but the Elites who own most of the land will be upset by the plan. Who in their right mind would invest 100 million Baht with the rest of those terms just to get a tiny piece of land, which could be taken away from you one day? Not even money launderers would be interested. These folks must think that foreigners have no choices or that foreigners are rich & stupid.
  17. Nowadays, you can't trust anyone regardless of their origin.
  18. The best thing for mankind is that Putin's is lying in a wooden box when he leaves Thailand. Then we won't have a nuclear war and a nuclear winter that kills us all off.
  19. Maybe I've been in Thailand too long, but I wouldn't rat on the woman to Immigration. I think that's a petty thing to do.
  20. I'll bet she's unhappy about going back to Russia as winter approaches and the economy is starting to be in a frightful mess.
  21. I assume that these foreigners were keen to spend a decade or more in a crowded Thai prison cell. How long did they think they could get away with it?
  22. Ladyboy street robberies are so common now in Pattaya that any ladyboys walking along the Beach Road and Walking Street can be assumed to be thieves. Announce that thieving ladyboys will be executed if caught. Illegal, but it might scare them away.
  23. I wouldn't buy a Chinese car because it will have a chip in it that sends information to the CCP about me.
  24. Of course, the man shouldn't have done it. But, lady, you were out walking on Thailand's seediest and most infamous street at 3 a.m..The street is known for prostitutes, thieves, con artists, drunks, people on drugs, and foreigners looking for sex. Of course, nothing could possibly go wrong.
  25. Yes, this is correct. I have just reported online a week earlier than I needed to and I lost a week so to speak. The new starting date was 18th August instead of 25th August.
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