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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. Buying a condominium is like paying a "servi ce fee" to an African official. You put the envelope of money on the table. The official puts the signed and stamped contract with a no-cancellation clause in it on the table. Then each party pushes over their item.
  2. None of those things can match the happiness of helping someone who can never pay you back for your kindness.
  3. I look at the way the Australian is sitting and I think: "He's a disrespecful man and no wonder he finds himself in this situation."
  4. I rent out a condo. I have had tenants who don't pay rent on time. You have to get rid of them as soon as they miss one month. The deposit is there to pay for the damage not to cover missing rent payments. If you've been a good tenant for a long time, I'd be generous with you and wait 2 weeks, but it sounds like the failure to pay rent on time has been happening frequently.
  5. Nowadays you have to have eyes in the back of your head if you are carrying money. As for kateoys, if they approach you, and you have a gold necklace on, you have to assume they are about to try to steal it. If you are Indian and wearing a gold neckace in Pattaya you should carry a baseball bat with you. That should keep the kateoys away from you.
  6. I think that tourists in Pattaya should be encouraged to walk around with a baseball bat for self-protection.
  7. Move Forward may have got my wife's vote because they have a kind policy towards cats. No other party does. Our 20 cats gave a big "Meow" to the policy. .... OK, it was feeding time when I told them.
  8. The worst punishment for Em Cyanide is that her baby will be taken away from her. I'll bet that the baby will not be told who its real mother is.
  9. How does she think she'll get the money from the two? @ 10,000 Baht per month she'll get the money in 124 years.
  10. Maybe the hot weather is a reason too. Who wants to travel around in 40+ degrees Celcius?
  11. To be quite honest, I'd have asked the Homestay owner not to tell Immigration about your stay so as not to have to bother with the TM30 in Sukhothai and CM. In my province they only want to know if I leave the country and return. They don't care about going to another province.
  12. We don't mind the annual visit. They like cats (we have 19) and they're away within the hour.
  13. The Police in Bangkok, Pattaya, etc., will be crying now. How will they be able to extort money from sex trade workers, bars, and whoever else each month when the law has been passed?
  14. Thank you everyone for your replies. In spite of the Retirement Visa having fewer documents, we'll carry on with the Marriage Visa for Year 40. Leaving 800,000 Baht in an account earning so little interest is silly, in my opinion. The 400,000 Baht difference is better off being in gold thanks to the mess Joe Biden has created. Besides, the additional documentation isn't onerous, and we'd still have to travel the 130 kms. to Immigration there and back twice anyway. At the old office the return journey was 150 kms.
  15. For the Marriage Visa we've had to show 10 photos each year. The Immigration Police visit us each year, take about 8 photos, and ask the 80+ year old neighbour to vouch for us. It's just their procedure.
  16. I feel sorry for the man! I don't have that problem fortunately.
  17. I'm used to having to print out 10 photos each year for the Marriage Visa.
  18. Thank you! That's what I've been looking for in the replies.
  19. Thank you. Do you need to show 10 photos of your home as in the Marriage Visa?
  20. Thank you for your reply. I can't do it myself because I am married and my wife and I have done the annual renewal since 1984. We've never used an agent. I'm just asking if there is any difference in the documents apart from what I've mentioned.
  21. I've had a Marriage Visa for the last 39 years here. I've heard that a Retirement Visa requires fewer documents. When I renewed my Marriage Visa the IO said I still need to take 10 photos of our house and I still need to have a neighbour vouch for me living where I do. I'll also need to have 800,000 Baht in a bank account for 3 months before the application. It seems like there is no difference between the two visas except that I don't need to show a marriage certificate and have the ampheur guarantee the certificate's validity. Is this right?
  22. An Immigration official told me when I last renewed my annual visa that they don't care about the TM30 except when you re-enter Thailand.
  23. "I'm down to my last XX billions and I need the National Budget urgently to replenish my coffers! I promise not to get revenge on the Military or to push for an amnesty or to ask my Pheu Thai mignons to pass a law allowing me to be confined to my luxury home for a while. I've reformed myself. I'm a new Thaksin. I just want to help my beloved fellow Thais." ????
  24. Go to Immigration within 7 days of the expiry date of the 90 Days because you'll only end up paying a fine if you don't. Go today would be best.
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