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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. As soon as I hear a filipina voice, I know she's calling from a Call Centre and that it's a scam. I immediately wish her well and say goodbye.
  2. If I've done nothing wrong I'd tell the policemen who are trying to shake me down that I will see them on "Hong Grasae" at 12:35 p.m. on Channel 3 the next day. "By the way, please tell me your name(s) and badge number(s). That should make them let me go.
  3. Regarding "...insist that you can call for a consular or embassy representative of your country.", I don't think that embassy staff are here for their citizens, but rather for the cocktail parties. I can't imagine someone from the British Embassy going out to help a British citizen for anything.
  4. To attract staff the 6-day week has to come to an end. People don't want to work 6 days a week.
  5. Obviously, Peter made a big mistake. He knows that now. Perhaps posters can show some and feel empathy for him instead of saying how foolish he is. He is probably feeling awful every hour or every day. We all make foolish mistakes.
  6. Pheu Thai won't do this, but it should dump Thaksin. If it forms a coalition and passes an Amnesty Bill, we'll be back to 2013-14. Then for sure, Pheu Thai will be finished as a party.
  7. Immigration will give you the date when you have to return to "fung pon" and get your annual visa stamp. The date is usually 30 days from when you apply. For me the "fung pon" date is the same every year. I doubt if you can tell them when you want the date to be. But there's no harm in asking.
  8. I'd treat white bread like any Thai Kanom. Eat it occasionally and not every day.
  9. I see from the TV news that the Thonglor police are fighting back with a denial. Unfortunately for them, when you have a reputation for behavioral "naughtiness", you lose your credibility and people don't trust or belive you anymore.
  10. If you go to a specialist, you'll be on expensive pills and whatnot for the rest of your life. You can treat yourself naturally with diet and foods, if you prefer. This has been demonstrated. Maybe start off with Dr. McGregor at NutritionFacts.org, if treating yourself appeals to you.
  11. I remember many years ago when I lived near Bangkok and went into Fortune Mall sometimes. A shop told me that the Police told them a couple of days in advance that there would be a raid on the software traders. Surely, the Police didn't tell all the bars in advance of their upcoming visit? ????
  12. Q: When will the next coup take place? A: When Pheu Thai as leader of the next coalition passes an Amnesty Bill for Thaksin and Yingluck.
  13. I like this idea because there will be more vote-buying and more money to feed our 19 cats. The cats party at election time.
  14. I doubt if the Chinese will experience much crime. Possibly 50% of them have got the virus, so criminals will avoid them.
  15. I hope that the machine was given a final warning.
  16. I have 4 comments to make: 1. Spend money on healthy foods and stop eating the bad stuff, if you do. 2. You may have a lot of money (and income) now, but the unexpected will happen, so I would suggest that you are careful with your money. 3. You will get so much joy from helping animal rescue centres (cats and/or dogs). You might like to consider that. They always need donations. 4. Try to enjoy every day you are still alive. Show as much loving-kindness, compassion, and heartwarming care as you can each day, and you'll never be bored.
  17. I'm sorry that I can't help to answer your question as I live in another province. I've been renewing my Marriage Visa since 1984 and for many years I've had to wait a month for the renewal after the documents have been approved. I intend to change to a Retirement Visa next year because the process is so much simpler, fewer documents, and going by what you've written, quicker too.
  18. 1. If you didn't register the marriage anywhere else other than Thailand, there's no need to get an embassy involved. 2. Hopefully, you have 800,000 Baht because you can then change your visa to a Retirement Visa straightaway. 3. As the lawyer said you can stay in Thailand until your visa expires. If you choose to do that, there's no need to tell Immigration about the divorce as you'll be leaving the country.
  19. Monday will be OK. You can be several days late in fact. Next time do it online at https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/login. There's no need for an agent. You'll get confirmation the next day. I always do.
  20. Nobody truly wins a war anymore. Putin will be got rid of sometime next year as the war drags, more and more Russians die, and Russia's economy decays more and more. War has become pointless. When Tyrant Xi invades Taiwan, China's economy will be decimated in the long-term regardless of what happens in the war. He won't even get the microchips he wants. The world just has to wait until the 20th century tyrants such as Putin and Xi die off before peace is possible.
  21. I don't know about transgenders being prostitutes. I thought that their goal was purely to steal gold chains and wallets.
  22. Oh dear! This won't reduce traffic at all. I don't think I need to explain why not. This must be about commission and a new Mercedes Benz.
  23. Money laundering would explain why he paid so much for a number plate when the world will be in a recession in 2023 for goodness knows how long. When China invades Taiwan the recession will be mightily long, so his investment will be wasted.
  24. I would do what the Immigration official says. Just start the visa change process well before you finish your contract. I understand what the lawyers are saying, but they don't know everything. If you are polite and soft-spoken to Immigration officials, they'll help you.
  25. A lot of sound advice has been offered, I see. Your only choice now is to leave the country from an airport in Bangkok.
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