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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. Prawit will be jealous!
  2. I think that this is extremely unlikely. Insurance companies always look for a way to avoid payng up.
  3. I am married in Thailand. We have our own home in a rural area. My wife and I are our "retirement home carers". I can't imagine paying a place 70,000+ Baht per month to look after us in this country. When one of us dies eventually, the surviving person will still be able to look after him-/herself. We're not worried about this, but rather that we need to outlive the 19 cats we look after because no neighbours would look after them.
  4. In view of the way Chinese men often behave, you may well be right. Morality isn't taught in schools in China anymore.
  5. A lot of analysis is going on here. Why not say a prayer for Robert's soul instead? “O my God! O Thou forgiver of sins, bestower of gifts, dispeller of afflictions! Verily, I beseech thee to forgive the sins of such as have abandoned the physical garment and have ascended to the spiritual world. O my Lord! Purify them from trespasses, dispel their sorrows, and change their darkness into light. Cause them to enter the garden of happiness, cleanse them with the most pure water, and grant them to behold Thy splendors on the loftiest mount.” Abdu’l-Baha “O Lord, glorify his station, shelter him under the pavilion of Thy supreme mercy, cause him to enter Thy glorious paradise, and perpetuate his existence in Thine exalted rose garden, that he may plunge into the sea of light in the world of mysteries. Verily, Thou art the Generous, the Powerful, the Forgiver and the Bestower.” Abdu’l-Bahá
  6. Not necessarily. I don't drive a car faster than 80 kph even on an empty road, but my wife says the same kind of thing regularly. It's a sign of care and concern.
  7. Not necessarily. I don't drive a car faster than 80 kph even on an empty road, but my wife says the same kind of thing regularly. It's a sign of care and concern.
  8. Some posters seem to think that Immigration will want you to prove that you have not criminal record in your own country. They won't require that because many foreigners here have lived here for many years. I've not lived in the UK since 1984, for example.
  9. I think that every Senator and every PM candidate will have skeletons in their closet. If every candidate's past is examined, the 10 months will be up by the time they find a suitable candidate, if they ever do.
  10. I think that this may be the best advice here. It's not worth the expense and time to sue you over a small amount.
  11. This announcement of "My Return!" is No. 20, I think. I wonder when Thaksin will make his 21st announcement of "I'm returning on (date). For sure this time. Really, really!"
  12. Let's cancel elections every 4 years and just leave the Military and the Elites to control the country. Elections are pointless.
  13. Mayb this will help: https://chiangmaivisashop.com/thai-child-visa/
  14. We buy fish for our 20 cats from a couple. We lent them 10,000 Baht with the fish as the "guarantor". They could not pay back the loan so they are giving us 500 Baht of fish each week for free until the debt has been paid. 5,000 Baht is left.
  15. I'd like to see MVP insisting on staying in the government. This will make the corrupt Senate reject every proposed Prime Minister candidate. The country will then be at a stalemate with the whole country angry at the Senators who will then have to give way and allow MVP to be the governing party.
  16. I like this idea. I hope that it happens. When their wives have no money for shopping in Paris, Dubai, and London, the Senators will be told to vote for the will of the Thai population.
  17. He'll end up being in jail for life (20 years). He'll certainly look slimmer when he gets out. He won't find any room on the floor for sleeping as he's so fat. I expect he'll be told to stand up at night.
  18. The murderers clearly don't watch Thai TV News programmes because if they did, they would know that there are CCTV cameras all over the place. They make it easy for the Police to find criminals. ... Just to think that they did this for money, which doesn't make you happy. Now they will spend 20 years in a Hell-hole Thai jail. When they are released they will be broke and unemployed, and maybe homeless and friendless too. With honesty they might have been able to earn the money they got within a few months or a year anyway.
  19. You're probably right about the perception of foreigners in Pattaya, but not elsewhere in Thailand.
  20. It won't be long before they catch the murderers. The rest of their lives is going to be quite miserable.
  21. Thai Police can be real scum at times. There's no need to treat a prisoner like that. How different they behave when the media is filming them.
  22. If she sues the AOT we'll start to see the AOT deny responsibility and the insurance company looking for ways to weasel out of having to pay anything. The court case will be dragged out for years until the woman runs out of money and gives up.
  23. I never look at the emojis. Perhaps you might like to do the same.
  24. You might like to get a cat. Nothing can live around you when there's a cat.
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