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  1. I can't get a Driver for my old CANON PIXMA SCANNER/PRINTER which still operates perfectly If I move to Windows 11 !
  2. The MX5 is that the small sports version of Mazda? My 2013 Toyota Hilux 2.4 Litre runs on LPG perfectly but now its an Annual LPG safety check which is a pain though I can understand the necessity. The range is poor on a full LPG tank 300kms however.
  3. MarkBR Can you get me in touch with your friend who is professionally into Cyber Security. There is a breach.
  4. Nick Carter has it. Also, if you have an onward flight ticket the Shuttle Bus is free if I recall correctly. Another poster might tell you that you cannot use the Shuttle Bus without an onward air ticket.
  5. She has probably cashed in the ring already!
  6. How tragic RIP the sidecar lady. How on earth the motorcycle driver could get up and run to the aid of his passenger after such a bump beggars belief. Maybe delayed shock. The truck driver, well likely on his phone as has been suggested already.
  7. Shoot the blooming Muts. Ban the breed and other fighting breeds from being bred and sold in Thailand. Thailand needs to wake up to the dangerous dog problem and get to grips with the angry packs of dogs roaming the sois and attacking children playing, running around. Many cases don't even reach the news.
  8. I had it in England at my GP Surgery in 2023 for a visit to South America. £65 charge. Don't risk going without it you can be refused entry at certain borders, Brazil, Columbia for example.
  9. Definately the Honda. However, I found the Scoopy tinny and girlyish and certainly not as robust as the Honda Click which is a superior buy at 58,000 baht for the 125cc. Get the Honda Click. The 125cc is more than adequate but the 160 cc has ABS braking which is an advantage but more costly.
  10. Those dogs should be put down. Now they have a taste for blood they will likely kill again. Shoot the muts !!
  11. Oh dear has the Fish and Chip cabin gone.? The lady served fabulous fish. Oh yes I see one poster has mentioned it has gone. Very sad.
  12. In my experience and opinion the best Health Check up packages are available at the Phyathai Sri Racha Hospital to the rear of Robinson's Store Sri Racha Centre. They regularly publish special deals and programmes for "All you can possibly check in your body" Contact Gavin Waddell, International Marketing Director who regularly speaks at both the Pattaya City Expats Club and the Pattaya Expat Forum. Gavin is ably assisted by 2 English speaking assistants Trevor and Chang,. Telephone number for Gavin 0897500293. The Health Check Up Suite is modern and fabulous. There is no booking. Its a walk-in service. No food and drink after 10-00pm the night before except water for blood checks. Email.gavin(at)phyathai.com
  13. Are you in a condominium? If so you should check with the Juristic Person Office that you are allowed a gas cylinder on the premises.

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