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Langsuan Man

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Posts posted by Langsuan Man

  1. No more shameless than the mess that is Pataya Floating Market or to a lesser extent Mimosa. Both of which are at least on the South bound lane of Sukumvit. But this is Thailand where money is number one so there are no restrictions or accountability.

    Can you imagine the uproar in the West if Disney or Six Flags built an amusement park and the first adventure was dodging the traffic to get to the entrance

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
  2. I have been whining about this parking problem and how to get the customers across the street since they first started construction and experts here at TV said that the obvious parking lot across the street was going to be another "market"


    Just wait till the traffic gets backed up all the way to Ban Amphur with people trying to leave the park and obstructing the U turn before Noon Nooch and we all know how they love to double up the lanes at a U turn.  


    The Southbound traffic in that area  has been growing tremendously over the last couple of years without a visible attraction.  I shudder to think what it will be like now

    • Like 1
  3. You would be better off with an independent translator, since most of these "project managers" are in bed with the contractor / builder.  A translator has nothing to gain and can insure that your wishes are being followed and the terms of the contract you sign are being followed 


    Unfortunately  a project manager has to worry about his next job so he will do everything to keep the builder happy since you are just a transient in his business life


    As others have said you must be actively engaged in the build to insure you get what you want, otherwise you might just as well just purchase a finished house and live with the compromises 

    • Like 2
  4. It must be down to luck ,I have an O-A visa obtained in London this year. I sent over to Thailand 40 large boxes full of tools books and household effects, even a wood turning lathe broken down into components, all listed as household goods and tools Had to pay a 200 baht admin fee at the post office.

    Delivered door to door using a company call Seven Seas Shipping great service.Hope this is some help.

    That was my experience as well (including loads of tools), except I sent it over by air freight (Lynden) and used both an agent and a educated Thai relative. I kept my white face out of sight until it was time to collect the goods.

    By the way, my goods were NOT returning to Thailand, and I never claimed they were. They were household goods and tools I purchased over the years while living in the US. I was already married to a Thai woman, got an O-A visa from LA, and brought the goods in on the premise that I would now be living permanently in Thailand with my wife.

    It isn't a matter of luck. It is a matter of doing the hard work: Educating oneself and finding the right people to make it happen. You need to know somebody. If you don't know anybody, you need to find somebody. Langsuan man did not do it right and he paid the price. He did not mention using a shipping agent. He probably went in there and figured he could just do it all himself. Big mistake -- and expensive. Fresh meat.

    You just won't let this one die will you ?

    I used the shipping company and the clearance agent that is used by the US Embassy and believe me I did study the system carefully before I initiated the shipment. You started with a supposition that only those who have shipped HHG into Thailand should comment in a thread. I satisfied that requirement and now you want to say that I did not use a shipping agent and did it myself. Sorry wrong again

  5. Good luck in getting a landlord to "save" an apartment for you for a move into in January. That is in the middle of high season and the only times apartments are really in demand so your options / choices may be limited

    But your question was about paperwork and as others have stated, as long as you have the money for a deposit the landlord could care less about your visa status

  6. This is what is so disappointing about Thai Visa. You have people trying to help each other. Then some know-it-all (who really knows anything at all) has to weighs in saying what another member has said is a myth and a stupid pissing match ensues.

    Obviously Langsuan Man has never taken advantage of the duty free opportunity for used household goods and knows nothing about it. Bickering over a tortured reading of the translation of the laws (from Thai to English) does not change the reality that this opportunity exists for anyone who complies with the requirements.

    Thai Visa would be a so much better place if the folks that do not have personal knowledge of a matter would simply butt out and go to another forum to work their magic,

    I imported half a container of House Hold effects from Germany in 2008 and believe me if I had been able to import them without paying duty I would have

    I opted to pay $1,000 without a receipt vice $2,000 for a receipt, since I did not have to pay shipping costs

    Even though half of my shipment originated in Thailand before my re-assignment to Germany the customs officer assigned to my shipment could care less if I was bringing back items purchased here

    He decided what the duty was going to be and I sure was not about to pay daily storage fees while it was sorted out. My O-A long stay visa also did not mean a thing to him. All he cared about was that he saw the face page in my passport to insure the correct person was receiving the shipment

  7. Why does this myth that having a Non Immigrant visa entitles anyone to duty free import continue to be posted here at Thai Visa ?

    If you didn't get charged then you got lucky, simple, had nothing to do with what type of visa you had. If you imported via a shipping company and you were charged a much smaller amount than you estimated and you didn't receive a receipt then you paid "tea money"

    Only returning Thais who are overseas on an employment contract are entitled to duty free importation of their household goods and even that has restrictions

    I would not say that it is a myth. You mind find this useful: http://www.customs.go.th/wps/wcm/connect/custen/individuals/importing+used+or+secondhand+household+effects/importingusedsecondhandhouseholdeffects+

    How many expats retiring in Thailand are returning residents, read it carefully:


    Both Thai and non-Thai residents changing residence into Thailand are eligible to bring used/secondhand household effects into Thailand, in reasonable quantities, free of taxes and duties. It is also required that the imported used/ secondhand household effects have been owned, possessed, and used in the country where the importers resided before returning to Thailand to resume residence.

    In case where the household effects are electrical appliances e.g. radios, televisions, refrigerators, microwaves, ovens, air conditioners, etc., only ONE unit each of such items is eligible for tax and duty free allowance. However, if it is the family change of residence, TWO units each of the items will be allowed to bring in tax and duty free. Any excess unit shall be subject to regular taxes and duties, and Customs will place the items that have the lowest rate of duty under tax and duty exemption.

    It is important that the used/secondhand household effects must be imported not earlier than one month before or not later than six months after the arrival of the importers. Under exceptional circumstances, Customs may extend the time limits for the importers.


    • Nonresidents: Nonresidents may import the used/secondhand household effects acquired abroad tax and duty free if such household effects accompanied them in the change of residence and they are qualified under the criteria listed below:
    • Nonresidents resuming residents in Thailand must be granted a non-immigrant quota as shown in a passport or a Nonresident Identification Card; or
    • Nonresidents granted to work in Thailand are regarded as resuming residents in Thailand provided they have a one-year non-immigrant visa issued by the Immigration Department. In case where the non-immigrant visa has not yet been granted, either of the following documents may be accepted:
      • The letter from the Immigration Department certifying that the nonresidents shall be granted an annual temporary stay in Thailand; or
      • The work permit from the Department of Labor to work in Thailand for at least one year.
    • Nonresidents entering Thailand as an expert, specialist, or under a contract of government agencies are required to present the letter from relevant agencies certifying that such nonresidents are granted a non-immigrant visa issued by the Immigration Department and shall work in Thailand not less than one year.

    Accompanying spouses of the nonresidents in (2) and (3) are regarded as resuming residence in Thailand provided the spouses have non-immigrant visas issued by the Immigration Department to stay in Thailand for the first 90 days.

  8. You can purchase the transformers at Ace Hardware stores, I saw them at the location in Pattaya. Likely to be better quality than local brands.......

    There are no Ace Hardware stores in Thailand

    There are True Value stores in Thailand, for a list see their web site:


    BTW. The transformers at True Value are sourced locally, so why pay the premium, for what you can easily get at any Thai store

  9. Why does this myth that having a Non Immigrant visa entitles anyone to duty free import continue to be posted here at Thai Visa ?

    If you didn't get charged then you got lucky, simple, had nothing to do with what type of visa you had. If you imported via a shipping company and you were charged a much smaller amount than you estimated and you didn't receive a receipt then you paid "tea money"

    Only returning Thais who are overseas on an employment contract are entitled to duty free importation of their household goods and even that has restrictions

    • Like 2
  10. Rest and ice on the effected area

    You can make a simple ice pad by using a large zip lock type of plastic bag, with a solution of Isopropyl alcohol and water, which will not hard freeze but will be soft enough to cover the entire shoulder area. Ice it down three or four times a day and within a week you can start to slowly resume your work out regimen

    Here are some isometric exercises recommended by my physical therapist to strengthen the should muscles


  11. Yes I saw the news today...also saw the Ukraine government resigned..they are broke & in debt up to their ears & probably are having problems filling their tanks & trucks with diesel.

    The EU has supported the US coup in Ukraine with a fascist government. & now the Ukraine is a economic catastrophe.

    so any comment or position on their part re. Thailand's coup would just be foolish but the main point is the EU needs Thailand's trade..or their exports to Thailand..and all of the ASEAN countries.

    I am guessing...but appears to me Thailand is on board with the new BRICS financial system..along with all of the ASEAN countries except for many the Philippines.

    The BRICS core countries have about 25-30 % of the global GNP & along with many other countries such as Iran,Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Panama,Japan,Korea & many more...once they hit the 66% or mass exchange,

    it's the western countries in North America & Europe that will be left out.

    Meaning high inflation & useless currencies.

    If Germany goes ahead with sanctions against Russia..although the ones mentioned are very minor feather sanctions..

    & with the US pushing for war with Russia.which is because of the BRICS deal

    the EU...although only Germany matters have to make tough decisions & are at a critical economic crossroad.

    Sanctions won't work..they are economic war..that leads to real war.

    Come september when it starts getting cold...& they need Russia gas & oil & as the EU economies are digging their own downward spiral..

    Russia will be asking for roubles or maybe even gold for payment.

    However bad people might feel the Thai economy is..compared to the EU countries there is progress being made.

    Thailand is in a relatively good position..the EU needs Thailand..

    not as much as the EU needs Russia..but that bridge is being burnt by US lies & propaganda.

    How about addressing the subject of this thread which is about the EU Ministers supposed positive response to the Thai explanation for the coup and not an opportunity to go on another anti US rant about Russia, Crimea, and the Ukraine

  12. I'll have a federal pension when I reach age 50.

    Then you will have a Leave and Earnings statement and The Thai Consulate in New York will accept that as proof of sufficient income (65K THB per month)

    I can go to any sherrif's department to get this, but will they accept one from a sherrif's department in New Jersey ? or does it have to match the locality on my driver's license ?

    A local criminal records check is all that is needed. Your local police or Sheriffs department should be willing to give you a letter on their letterhead stating that you have no record in their files. The New York Consulate will accept this

    The DL question would have to do with the local police or Sheriffs Department policies. I doubt if they will give you a letter if you don't have some proof of residence in their jurisdiction and in the US a Drivers license is the usual method of proving your residence

  13. If you have your brother send is via regular post (EMS) so that you have a tracking number you may not have to pay customs duties or VAT. Unfortunately it is hit or miss on whether or not it will get through without your having to pay

    If he sends it via private carrier (DHL, UPS, FEDEX ) you can pretty much count on having to pay something

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