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Posts posted by RedNIvar

  1. Korbsak is just another sore loser.

    If you mean he is actually calling the situation accurately as being a sore loser, then redefine your dictionary listing. He isn't whining, just doing a post mortem of the situation as he saw it.

    The result of his Post Mortem was that the Dems were doomed from the very beginning. Knowing this, there was absolutely nothing he could do as the Dems will not lie, cheat, deceive, or stoop to corruption. As such they lost. Such magnanimousness will be missed in the current Government.

    If anyone thinks that chivalry is lost in Thai politics, this man will prove you wrong.

  2. The majority voted for her

    That is incorrect. Less than 50% of the votes were for Pheu Thai.

    and therefore are obviously pro-Thaksin and would love it if he returned to Thailand.

    You are incorrectly assuming that every vote for Pheu Thai was a vote for Thaksin. I think many of the votes were for their attractive (but too-good-to-be-true) promises.

    I would think that in a political sense, majority would refer to the party that won by virtue of its larger representation and/or electoral strength. Which in both cases here would be PTP.

    Summary of the 3 July 2011 House of Representatives of Thailand Thai general election results


  3. Don't see the problem. In my opinion acceptance is the solution for both gays and the third sex. If all the religious schools open their mind into acceptance, they would solve the problem. If what science says about the existence of the gay gene is true, all we got to do is accept it. The gay gene is constantly being passed on due to both men and women living in fear of social rejection and remain in the closet.

    Everyone deserves to live their own life. If everyone who is gay come out at an early age and do not fool themselves and society by trying to live a hetrosexual life, they would not propagate their gay gene to the next generation. In a couple of generations we would be able to answer the tabula rasa, nature vs nurture question.

    IMHO, if there is a gay gene, social acceptance will in the end make a course correction. Unless man to man and woman to woman sex will start producing offspring.

  4. Any recent elections in any part of the democratic world where a party got a clear majority? I know that the Tories did not get a majority nor did Merkel's CDU (don't know about US politics, it's just a circus anyway).

    Yes, Singapore.

    Hahaha. Singapore, democratic? Yes, a one party democracy

    Unfortunately, it is officially classified as a democracy. So is whatever system they have here, it is also called democracy...... Go figure.

  5. Yes, I was hoping to find another local pharmacy not on Khao San. I just don't want to drive and go to every single pharmacy, hence this is why I am asking others where is the best price on it. I think I paid like 900 baht for 4 tablets on Khao San, or something ridiculous like that.

    Is this thread "closed"? As far as I know I don't think it is illegal as it seems you can go to any pharmacy and go buy it. If it's illegal, could someone cite some type of law showing it is illegal rather than just throwing out that it is illegal.

    Edit: I did a search on Thaivisa and found the following post


    do not think this post is on an illegal subject as it is legal to purchase through a licensed pharmacy, which is what I am asking about to begin with.

    So you think 900Bhat for 4 tablets is a ridiculous price, huh. The average selling price in the pharmacies here in Bangkok is between 350 to 400 Bhat per 100mg tablet from a legal licensed pharmacy. The 900Bhat that you paid could be for the 50mg dosage or fakes.

  6. Street battles between soldiers with rifles and mostly unarmed protesters during the April and May unrest claimed more than 90 lives and left nearly 1,900 people injured, mainly civilians.

    I think you would probably find that the street battles were between "soldiers with rifles and mostly armed protesters". The unarmed protesters kept away from the street battles.

    You should write to this guys sister to correct her perception on the events. You should also tell her that she is reading news and watching videos from all the wrong sources. Update her with all the links showing it was an all out combat zone with heavy weapons from both sides. That will keep her from mouthing off this injustice chant, once she has all the info from you that her brother was just a casualty in a fire fight between two heavily armed groups.

  7. Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

    Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

    I thought that was due to the regional economic climate, rather than the man. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei grew at almost the same rate as Thailand during the same period. IMHO.

    Faulty reasoning I think, a government is to blame or gets the credit. Like those booming years of 2001 - 2005 all due to PM Thaksin and his government efforts <_<

    Fair enough.

  8. Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

    Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

    I thought that was due to the regional economic climate, rather than the man. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei grew at almost the same rate as Thailand during the same period. IMHO.

  9. I think Abhisit and Suthep will be brought up on charges for the 91 deaths last year. Amnesty to clean the slate of all politicians will not happen until the Dem government and/or Military be brought up on charges. Easier sell that way, not to many objections. So I think the further Abhisit stays away from the helm of the Dem leadership the better. IMHO.

  10. Given that looking after 2 children (one in Kindy), doing the housework and cooking is something that most wives handle quite comfortably on their own, I don't understand why you would consider it an undue workload?

    Boy, I wish I was married to one of these "most wives" being referred to above. *sigh*. Well, back to work.

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